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Everything posted by codfather

  1. way to go Brendan To his Dad That boy is hook now
  2. If your fishin from shore try to find an area with lights. Crappies will move in to these areas because the bait fish are attracted to the light
  3. I agree with Terry.You havent fished if you havent used Thorn Bros ice rod . They are Grrreat Greg
  4. I've heard about using perch eye's many times and know guy's that swear by them.I've also trid to use them myself.My question is how do you remove the eye from the fish.I've only tried by using a hook to poke it out,but to no avail. Do you guy's use a knife to remove the eye or wait until it's frozen. Greg
  5. Thanks Woodsman,I never knew that they carried outboard parts.There's a NAPA right by my workplace.I'll check into it and also let you know how I make out. Thanks again Woodsman Greg
  6. I'm hoping someone maybe able to steer me in the right direction. The drive shaft on my 25hp merc broke on the long weekend.Luckily I have a spare motor for parts and was able to rebuild it. As the rebuild went pretty good, this has me interested on rebuilding the old motor.However finding parts has not been easy.Does anybody know where one can find parts other than a marina.They are so expensive.The one up north wanted 850.00 to repair.It only took me about 2 hours. Thanks in advance Greg
  7. wtb very rare to see a brown let go with the eggs still in her codfather
  8. always been one
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