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Everything posted by Jonny

  1. We had heavy thunderstorms roll through the watershed last night. That may help the run-off a little, as the ground is still frozen.
  2. They said last year too that the lake level was normal at this time of year. The run-off is much slower this year and hard to judge, but my neighbours and I who live on the lake agree that the lake level is probably going to be a problem again this year. It depends what they do with the dam. There doesn't appear to be much run-off left in the works. Official ice-off was April 8th last year. This year we're still looking at a solid sheet of thick ice as of today. It doesn't look like there's much snow left in the bush though.
  3. "Sportspal" canoes? I think they're still being made. I see them at Ramako's in Sudbury.
  4. Thanks, Raf and Harrison. I hope I've got one that will still give me a few years of use. Maybe because they're worth fixing? But thanks, Lovetofish. Good to know too.
  5. Thanks again, Slowpoke.
  6. Meanwhile, the dumbest award goes to...
  7. Thanks for the responses, gentlemen. I took the Jeep in to a certified shop to have a safety check estimate made on it. It needed only some brake line and gas line work to pass. About $200 of work. The mechanic said it was in excellent shape for a '91. Long and short... I bought it. It came out at just a little more than you suggested, Slowpoke, but I couldn't pass it up. I have a feeling that one like this won't come along every day.
  8. So, bottom line, could this vehicle still be a good buy for some bush running (nothing too strenuous, but potholes and washboard) and a bit of hauling here and there? Or is it likely to be a waste of time and money? I think about my uncle. He once had an old tractor for sale (cheap) and a guy came to have a look at it. The guy gave him a litany of what he thought was wrong with it and finally my uncle told him, "You know what you want, buddy? You want a new tractor." And walked away from him.
  9. Thanks, Ketch. I had a friend mention that the engine may be a European design? Anyway, good comments on the motor. This Laredo has 193 K on the clock. Damn good to know, Slowpoke. Sounds like you know your stuff re: these vehicles! I'm not rough on a vehicle, 4 x 4 or not, so I might be OK. All grist for the mill though. Seller told me the rockers were re-done. I banged on them and they seemed solid, though the paint job leaves something to be desired. I won't yank on those fender flares! Sounds like if I buy it I may be the last owner.
  10. AHHH... that's kind of like some of the stuff I've been reading but having a hard time believing. I've always thought that Chrysler products were unredeemable. Seems people who have owned certain ones think different! It's an education!
  11. I've got a bike. It doesn't do jack for hauling my boat.
  12. OK, Bernie. I've decided I'm going to take it in to a mechanic to check over. Best I can do. I'm just looking for some ideas of what people know about the model. If it can hold up for 4 -5 yrs of occasional use, I'll figure it was a good deal. I've tried it on gravel and on the highway. It runs straight, true and smooth, without any "clunks" or wobble. You can let the steering wheel go at 110 and it runs straight. The steering feels pretty tight. But I'll ask the mechanic specifically to check those things over, thanks. Yep, Randy, this could be the one, but it doesn't have tinted windows. (??) All the windows are clear glass. It might have looked dirty from road spray (I guess you know what our road is like in the spring if you're going to the community centre regularly!) but it's actually in pretty good shape. Pic attached... winter tires mounted... it has a set of summer radials mounted on the original Jeep spoked rims...
  13. OK, Bernie. I've decided I'm going to take it in to a mechanic to check over. Best I can do. I'm just looking for some ideas of what people know about the model. If it can hold up for 4 -5 yrs of occasional use, I'll figure it was a good deal. I've tried it on gravel and on the highway. It runs straight, true and smooth, without any "clunks" or wobble. You can let the steering wheel go at 110 and it runs straight. The steering feels pretty tight. But I'll ask the mechanic specifically to check those things over, thanks. Yep, Randy, this could be the one, but it doesn't have tinted windows. (??) All the windows are clear glass. It might have looked dirty from road spray (I guess you know what our road is like in the spring if you're going to the community centre regularly!) but it's actually in pretty good shape. Pic attached... winter tires mounted... it has a set of summer radials mounted on the original Jeep spoked rims...
  14. Thanks, Fisherman. So there's another reason for living this far north. Sometimes in winter it's hard to remember the reasons, especially when paying heating bills.
  15. Thanks for the reply, SP. I know the gas mileage isn't great. If long drives were in the cards, that would be a major concern but the vehicle would probably seldom go more than 20-30 km from home, and it won't be used as a commuter. I checked the windshield seal as part of the first look-over and it looks tight. I don't see rust and I asked the owner specifically about leaks. He says there are none, but I'll look closer. I'll check on the manifold to try to find out if it's been replaced. Brake and fuel lines - also a good tip, thanks. I'll see what problems develop there. To my eye, the floor looks passable, but again thanks for the heads-up. I haven't bought a used vehicle for a long time. I wonder if used vehicles have to pass an emissions test for a safety?
  16. Ain't that the way of it, Blair! If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. The motor is the 4.0 L high output 6. The vehicle seems pretty solid. It was rustproofed, so that may have helped.
  17. I've got my eye on a 1991 Jeep Cherokee Laredo straight six . Looks like I can make a deal for it. Great shape for a '91, runs well, and I want it for a "beater" to do some gravel roads, boat launching, light hauling, nothing too far from home. Anybody got any helpful comments?
  18. There may still be a few feet of ice out there, but that big moon rising seems to be responsible for a whole lot of rumbling going on tonight. There's been a crack or rumble at least every second for a couple of hours now.
  19. American beer could be 2% and it would still be cheaper than ours for getting a buzz on.
  20. Good point. The article may have its own bias, but it does seem to expose some major flaws in the "anti-farming" drive. As always, environmentalists are not above fudging the facts any more than anyone else. Look at the whole anthropogenic global warming debate! If we assume that environmentalists are telling the unvarnished truth because of their "altruistic" motives, we can easily be led down the garden path. Suzuki makes a lot of money preaching the things he does. That makes him a vested interest too.
  21. Man, to think I fell for this too... http://www.financialpost.com/news/features/Suzuki+fish+story/4439810/story.html Looks like the wild salmon industry and Suzuki have been running a pretty big scam.
  22. I get the sarcasm, but the boats are never inspected. I've bought and sold quite a number of registered boats and nobody has ever inspected one. They just want the money.
  23. We always knew it... we just couldn't prove it. http://www.nationalpost.com/life/health/Sorry+teetotalers+little+drinking+good+your+heart/4346517/story.html So Alberta's got it right, where a senior can get a free 26'er of liquor every month under their health plan. Do they still do that?
  24. It may be something that's been around for a bit, but it looks like most people don't know about it. It's just the idea of it being done at all --- the thin edge of the wedge. Have you ever heard of a regulation being scrapped? Leading one to ask... WHY? Legitimate businesses can be tracked by business registration and income tax. This would be a much better country if we had a law that says... for every new regulation that's made, two others have to be taken off the books.
  25. Judging by ever-expanding bureaucracy and taxation (fees), you'll have to register an air mattress that you float around on. (And they'll be able to fine you if you're found floating around without carrying an instant patch kit.)
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