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Everything posted by soggey

  1. I always liked this one from the movie A River Runs Through it; “Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by waters.” ― Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It
  2. If you are in the Hanover area give us a call we can help you out. We have a variety of sizes of Rainbows. We package in large poly bags with O2 or can deliver larger orders. The fish in bags method can travel up to 2hrs away but have seen them last even longer than that. Or if Allan Park is closer for you, try giving Jim Taylor at Cedar Crest Trout Farm a call- 519-364-7803 he would be glad to help you out. Hope this helps, Shawn Blue Spring Trout Farms, ltd Hanover Ontario 519-364-5592 Fyi: Hatten fish farm is no longer in business.
  3. Nice musky, always exciting to get into one of these monsters.
  4. Always nice to flip a creek for a day
  5. Def beats working, nice catch
  6. wow what a tank, nice fish
  7. Beauty walleye, nice chunky fish.
  8. Yep trout opener the 23rd of April. Always was the last saturday in April but they changed the wording of the regs last year. It will only make a difference for this year and next when there is actually 5 saturdays in April.
  9. Bare jacket for me. Love the oversized hood on those cold november days on the Saugeen.
  10. I guess, but there are other rivers fishing way better than the Bighead right now.
  11. I was there Sat for opener. Water is extremely low and clear. Very little fishable water. The level dropped 2 inches on sat so I cant imagine what it looks like now. Didnt see any fish caught, lots of parr around and chub but thats it. Fished the upper river too with the same result. I think the fish did there thing and got the heck out fast. IMO save the gas not worth the trip.
  12. There are about 6-7 cage sites on Manitoulin. They range in size from 8-12 cages per site. The cages are exactly that, big floating pens 50' X 50' X 50'. Any of the sites we deal with put 40 000 Rainbow finderlings (35 - 60 grams) in each pen in the spring, actually in about a week when the ferry starts running. Our orders total 400 000 fish for the spring and then another 400 000 in late August early Sept. The sites buy them at this size and raise them to 2lbs by fall. Fish in cages dont over winter well so they like to have them out before freeze up and pull the cages out of the water for the winter. They do leave some in with smaller fish for the winter so they have fish to sell in the spring. There is also a large cage farm not on Manitoulin its on Perry Island by Perry Sound its called Aqua Cage. Very large site, and they have multiple sites. FYI 90% of the cage farms on Manitoulin are native owned and operated.
  13. For starters I work on a fish farm in Ontario. It is a land based operation raising Rainbow Trout fingerlings for the cage farms on Manitoulin Island. They grow them to market size, process them in London at Cole Munro fisheries and then are distributed through out Canada and the USA. They are fed a Natural pigment called astazaxthin (sp) wich is a naturally occuring pigment in all shellfish. Are fish are pigmented so they will sell in the grocery stores. If we didn't pigment the meat they dont look as apatizing as the nice orange flesh of wild caught salmon/trout. A main ingredient of fish food is fish meal which commonly comes from species like smelt or makerel. The increased levels of mercury found in the fish tested where found to be from the fish meal they were fed. A closer eye is now kept on exactly where ingredients for fish food comes from and they are beginning to use ingredients like corn meal to avoid this situation in the future. I also know that for sure none of the farms in Ontario both cages on Manitoulin and land based operations are owned by anyone other than Canadians. thanks shawn
  14. Grand Lake is a big lake even for a boat when the wind picks up. I really haven't had much luck in Grand either, there is Lake trout in it but not huge numbers. Have caught a few over the years. Also some whitefish. There is huge perch though, we go out to the big weed beds and catch 14+" perch consistently.
  15. My folks have a cottage on Grand Lake, made the walk into Wenda a few times. Def. a tough portage, but worth the trip. Also fished Rowan a couple of times never had much luck but that was mid summer. Where Caracajou Lake dumps into Grand there is a set of water falls there, definately a worth a couple of casts there!! The entrance to this side of the park is the Sand Lake gate house.
  16. I also use limewire, great program. Like everyone else said watch the bitrate, there is some junk on there. Another one is Bearshare, but I am not even sure if it is still around.
  17. Fish Farmer. Raise rainbow trout for supermarkets and for supplying the big cage farms on Manitoulin Island. Raise about a million and a half fish a year.
  18. My mistake they are now going to update it daily starting tomorrow. It is a great site if looking for work in the Environmental field.
  19. FYI, The government site updates every friday. So you dont have to check it all the time.
  20. Graduated in 2000 from Fleming as an Aquaculture Tech. A program they dont offer anymore. Great school, learned alot.
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