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Posts posted by outllaw

  1. running a charterboat pfd,s are below. on tourism tour boats there below decks. there not required to be worn as for acessable that's a court issue. I have seen fines for a frayed rope, life jackets everything under the sun.

    the absoulute best was 2 female opp operating the 24ft limestone. they hit the gas dock so hard they cracked/crushed the gunnel.. . . its always entertaining watching the opp on the water. recent years my buddys have been stopped 3 times in the same day.. sure glad they moved on out of this region.

  2. lew. the opp used there gestapo procedures here in l.s.clair. they made the news weekly. even the Windsor star ran an article. as cops say ..same m.o. .

    down here we swear they take folks to anal school train them that way. sorry if this offends folks but I have seen lots on the water,some of it pretty sketchy. those tourist have been slammed. . if the moderaters delete this I understand,but from the perspective you get more flies with honey not vinegar.

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