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Posts posted by outllaw

  1. for years I was the chrylser Canada tireman. we did the tractor trailer tires and cars. thru out the years auto companies went to alloys,cuts weight on vehicles down. corrosions and metal reactions. sure glad lew brought this to attention.. off topic a little them alloy rims definatly have a way of losing air in cold weather also.

  2. I have seen many times. a variety store run from an immigrated family. the parents work endless hours. then the children are in university becoming excellent proffesionals. I know the jokes of the gas/bar 9-11,s people laff. but truly look at these hard workers. they got it.... I am happy to see these folks. its the people that milk run the welfare. lew..I know a few here also.. yep tax dollars mis-spent. I do believe for that group..drug testing,and county labour before they get a cheque

  3. exactly. I worked since 16 never outa work. have done some incredibly hard work. unloaded boxcars for 1.25 per hour. and once again paid my way. wheres my pension fund sent too. maybe the policticians that reap kazillions should look at 2 terms and a free pension... maybe the lampreys in Ottawa can re-jig ,who gets what. afterall canadiens have less children. I grew up in the era of 5-10kids in a home. the goverments slapped us outa that. now we need more immigration.funny how Canada is losing its CANADIEN heritage.

  4. agreed big cliff. immigration years back meant...looking for a new homeland and opportunity. that meant finding work. the immigration social programs are a gravytrain in todays world.. sadly our own voted polisticians have put canadiens in the place we are now... many immigrants have learned how to milk the system. I am not against immigration at all.BUT what about established canadien families. don't we come first.,before filling the gaps with,slackers

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