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J Wilson

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Everything posted by J Wilson

  1. This time of the year crappies will usually bite at everything over there heads, whatever the weather .
  2. Glad you had a positive experience with CTC. I went there for an emergency tire plug and week later noticed my Helly Hansen coat was missing from my trunk
  3. If you don't mind me asking, what's in the blue barrel?. Nice cats too btw
  4. FYI Credit flow is prime now
  5. That's a beaut little jon boat. Good name brand too
  6. The roe felt really mushy, not firm like river run salmonids. Maybe the fish was in the process of re-absorbing the eggs into it's body as the fish wasn't exactly fat full of roe. I'm sure it's common, I caught 2 that day that were shooting eggs as soon as they came from the hole. I also saw some eggs around another previously cut hole.
  7. Very interesting. I guess this is common for this time of year?.
  8. I fished for some fin clipped speckies last week in a remote lake and noticed that most of the females I caught were spitting eggs. I thought specks spawned in the late fall?. Are these sterile fish trying to waste out the eggs?.
  9. That was awesome!
  10. Ya gotta love Huron tribs, the scenery is superb!. Nice fish boys. Cheers
  11. And that particular beast is still out roaming in your neck of the woods... Hint,Hint
  12. The Cred fished fairly well after that mini snow thaw we had a couple weeks ago. Haven't been out there since then.
  13. Thanks for all the comments everybody. I'm sure to have alot more to contribute around here in the future (Hardwater season is the best!).
  14. There is no question how Avery approached the media with those comments was a complete act of immaturity. I don't think the league should be suspending him though?. A fine perhaps. Like I was told as a child, sticks and stones break bones but names will never hurt you. I'm sure they are over it now?. Better yet, they should have let Aves dress and get agrro'd agains the Flames.
  15. Thanks, Currently i'm living in Mississauga.
  16. Hey all, New to the site and just wanted to welcome myself by saying hello. I've included a pic (hope it works) of a nice bow caught last week to keep things fish related Cheers.
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