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Everything posted by mpagnan

  1. Great tips and thanks once again. Now I have two outfits available. A 6' 6" med. spinning rod with 4lb and a 10' 6" with 10lb main and 4lb leader. The water is a creek with mostly shallow runs of 2 1/2 - 3 feet and some 'C' pools of 4 feet. I can obviously take both what if I had to choose one...which is best and what type of set-up?
  2. I agree. Live worms are next on the menu. But in regards to the sneaking up part...they're not always in the same run or pool which forces me to get closer to make out their shape. Knowing these locations I try to approach from downstream.
  3. I hear ya. I know they're definately feeding because of their position but on what...I can't figure out. Mine I would assume are resident because I'm quite a ways away from Lake Ontario.
  4. Drop Back????
  5. For the past week I've been spending all my evenings in the creek work on my water reading and fishing skills. It wasn't until the other night that I found the rainbows. They all seem to be where fast current meets slow...just waiting to dart out and grab a bite. So, since that night I've landed 9 small Bows roughly the size of my hand. BUT, mixed in with these little guys are some nice sized ones. Easily fingertip to elbow length. Now for my question. What does it mean when they are not taking my stone nymphs, pinkies or spinners but yet stay there in clear view of me? I mean tonight there were 2 of them literally three feet away just calmly hanging out. If they were spooked wouldn't they bolt out of there? What would you recommend I do to in the future to tease their appetite? Thanks again, MJP
  6. Where is the GB trib?
  7. Nice catch, I was wondering how you rigges your pinkie, what size it was and how it was fished? Thanks, MJP
  8. When is the Steelhead spring run usually over?
  9. Good stormy afternoon all, I haven't quite made the transition to fly fishing but I do have a casting bubble and flys (wet, dry, nymphs, buggers and streamers). I was just wondering if there are any casting anglers out there who've used these and had some success? If so I'd love to hear what's the proper techniques for using them. Ciao, MJP
  10. Here is a link to popular float setups. Float Rig http://www.fishonlineca.com/index.php?opti...9&Itemid=54 Which one or two should I use most often?
  11. I'm looking for some advice on how to improve my float fishing rig. From what I've read and heard from many of you in the past few months (thanks a bunch) is pretty much this. Have approximately 2 ft of leader and add spaced out split shots so that the bobber floats totally vertical and travels at the speed of the current. Of course I've heard of many other varients but for the most part these are the basics. Now for the scenerio. Lets's say the rig is working fine for the pools but I notice a large eddy created by a hard rock. Unfortunately, this eddy is in a run or riffle and the depth is no more than let's say 2 1/2 feet. What must I do to the rig to float it by the eddy and still keep a realistic presentation of the bait? Finally, one last question. If you can't achieve a perfectly vertical bobber is it better to have the tip of the bobber pointing upstream (leader not having enough weight) or the tip pointing downstream (leader having too much weight)? Thanks again.
  12. What's a good jig head weight to use?
  13. What's the actually length of the worms? Also, what's the best rig for them?
  14. Thanks for the tips everyone, I have done the majority of items mentioned besides asking straight up for help. It's the water that's feaking me out...knowing where and when. I usually stick around 16 mile creek by Milton because it's nice and close and it allows me to go out quite frequently and fish/observe. But maybe that's my issue...there's no fish there. Is it pretty much a given for a pool to hold fish? Besides shinners and chubs...I catch them far too much.
  15. Hi, Oh, I've done much research here on this forum as well as other locations. I have a spinning outfit and a float/drift outfit. I think my problem lies in proper location and water reading. I just need to watch and learn from seasoned veterans.
  16. Hello everyone, This is my first year tackling the whole trout/steehead/salmon style of fishing. I was wondering what's the best way to learn from the more experienced anglers of this sort? Is there anyone out there willing to help me out in terms of hands-on experience? I might add that I'm not new to fishing and I have done my research in regards to gear and techniques but I'm just having a hard time putting it all together. Thanks again, MJP
  17. Great point! Actually, there was a guy out there with his son fishing. I gave them a hard stare but that was all. I didn't have the courage to say anyhting since they both seemed pretty rough around the edges and were carrying more beer than gear. But to beat the rush, I can already feel an illness setting in for next Monday. How about bait for these two bandits? They were hanging out in about 2 feet of medium to fast riffles at high noon.
  18. So that means there here to spawn and bolt. Or will they be sticking around until next weekend?
  19. I initially thought that as well but from the surface they looked more like the Chinook. They had a dark backing with dark spots and a red/amber band running horizontally. They were not "Silver".
  20. I was going for a walk today along one of my favourite creeks and I saw two Chinook just hanging around a few eddies. I have seen the Chinook make their fall run from Lake Ontario but why would they be here now and how long would they be staying?
  21. Hi there, I had a similar accident today as well. Last week I bought a $50 Red Wolf 10' 6" rod from Le Baron. I'm brand new to trout/steelhead/salmon fishing and I didn't want to drop some heavy bucks just in case I didn't like the style of fishing. So today I'm on the Credit and I attempted a distance cast into a pool and ... snap! The upper portion of the rod snapped off and ended my day. What are the chances of me getting my money back? Ciao, MJP
  22. Guys, Relax. I was in Erindale park by the large walkover bridge. If you head a little North there is a slight bend to the right. That was the best way I could describe it. There were at least 20 guys North of me.
  23. Phil65, Thanks for the encouragement but I've never really had success with my fishing and I love the sport. It's just very disheartening when you appear to be doing everything right time and time again but no success.
  24. Good afternoon all, Today I tried 2 new things, fishing for Steelhead on the Credit at Erindale. I was out there for 4 -5 hours and had not one bite. I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to point out anything I need to improve on? My set-up 10' 6" pole with 10 lb mono - 8 lb leader Float with 4 evenly spaced split shots under 3" pinkie on a #6 hook Where From the damn heading North to the big bend to the right Observations On the majority of my casts the bobber remained upright during its run suggesting that the weight was correct and the worm was off the bottom. I found that it moved naturally with the current. Thanks for your suggestions, Mr. Depressed
  25. Good evening all, Just wondering how you would rate the spot mentioned above? Worth spending some time or no? Thanks again, MJP
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