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Everything posted by mpagnan

  1. All I can add to this is the sadness seeing all these rivers ankle deep most of the fishing season.
  2. Thanks ccmt, Are we talking specifically for smallmouth, largemouth or both?
  3. Evening all, Heading out to a lake in the Bancroft region in a week. The lake is active with smalls, large and Lakers. I have a nice pontoon boat and I'm looking for advice as to how to set up my rig for each of these species. Things like baits and depths would help a great deal. Thanks in advance, MJP
  4. I've found two methods that work well. First, a little vasoline on the upper eyes and then patience. Every three to four casts I de-ice with a cotton rag I have attached to my vest. Just make sure you remove the ice in an upward motion. My buddy snapped his tip the other day by sliding his rag downward.
  5. That's the thing. I get them covered with a perscription so I need to pick the right colour of lense. I read grey for all around but amber for low light/mornings. I currently have a pair of polarized Ray Ban Aviators but I don't have another pair to match them against. Maybe I could use those for the day fishing and get the amber lense for the mornings?? Too much thinking!
  6. Do you have the model number and lense colour?
  7. What lense colour do you suggest?
  8. Good evening everyone, I was wondering what suggestions you may have in regards to a good set of polarized glasses (excluding Oakley)? This would include the make and lense colour. Thanks, MJP
  9. Is the yarm simply an attractor with the bait or can I fish it alone?
  10. Thanks for the advice guys, I've found some leftover yarn in yellow, orange, red, and purple and I've been making yarn flys. How should I attach them to the hook (I've tied the yarn seperately with a single clinch knot)?
  11. What exactly is happening down there?
  12. WHat size Bill...3"
  13. Good afternoon all, This is what I love about being at home, sick...I get to ask questions all day and learn a ton. I need to do some shopping and I was wondering if you all can pass some suggestions my way as to what worms I should purchase for the fall season? I usually do my shopping at Canadian Tire but I don't mind going the distance if it's worth it. Thanks again and happy hunting, MJP
  14. Wading question. If I enter Whiteman's Creek from the Pottruff bridge can I make my way downstream to the Grand if I stay in the water and not have to worry about trespassing?
  15. Wading question. If I enter Whiteman's Creek from the Pottruff bridge can I make my way downstream to the Grand if I stay in the water?
  16. Sounds good. How about Whiteman's Creek for some Steelies or Browns?
  17. Change in plans. I've invited two buddies from out of town to come along but I really don't know where to take them! I'm feeling the pressure now....is there any spots you guys would suggest? Of course I'm not looking for the "spot" but just certain stretches of the river to hit up or avoid. Thanks again,
  18. Hello all, Heading back to Brantford this weekend to catch up with the folks. Just wondering if anyone is heading out over the weekend? I've never fished this section of the Grand and would enjoy learning from some area veterns. Just PM me if you're interested.
  19. I think part of the problem this that I don't fish waters that are consistently 4' and deeper.
  20. Now I know there's many shotting patterns out there what what are the rules for basic set-ups? For instance: More weight under the float creates = _____________ More weight on the leader creates = ______________
  21. Caught him on a 6' 6" medium action. No obstruction he just went straight down and held tight. I honestly thought it was a carp because I couldn't see him and I knew there were carp in the area.
  22. Ok,so the float starts upstream and it is to pass you downstream. Now, should I close the bail as soon as the float hits the water up stream? And secondly, where should the strike zone be in position to where I'm standing?
  23. Muddler, Thanks for the info. I picked up on one thing that you wrote that has been causing my the greatest headache. You wrote 'check' the float. How can you do that when you've already cast it upstream and all your line is out. Doesn't the float need to be past you in order to 'check' it?
  24. All this summer I've been trying to get the hang of properly setting up a float rod. Unfortunately I just don't think I can get it right and it's driving me up the wall. Now I've down a lot of research with this forum and others on the internet but I still can't seem to nail it down. Here are the biggest issues I'm having: 1. The cast - at what angle should I be casting and should it be upstream? 2. The weight - should the float be cocked vertical or lie horizontal with the water? 3. The bait - I always find the bait drags behind the float, is the leader too long or what? Any help on these questions would be great! thanks
  25. I released this chap so he's still there for the taking.
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