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Everything posted by ctranter

  1. The people that post elitist, condescending replies to questions like this are probably the same people are give me strange looks when I say good morning on the river banks. Very Canadian of you
  2. wow, great pics. That is truly a fresh water monster
  3. I was at this same Dam yesterday morning, although nobody was fishing illegally. I got into a conversation with an older gentlemen about how the Humber has changed. I told him about how my dad used the fish the same waters 50 years ago as a kid, but now its polluted and such. Further downstream from the dam I saw a guy fishing legit with proper gear and legit method (i.e. not snagging). But I could tell illegal fishing was common there as several signs have been posted urging witnesses to report to MNR ect... Anyway I decided to look into the regs for Humber and check out where is acceptable (how far down/upsteam from dams ect.) but I couldn't find specific details. Maybe Im just missing the proper box or failing miserably at reading but I the whole system confused me. So I bring my question here, as a long time reader but newbie poster, can anyone tell me the exact rules on fishing in this area? I grew up in the community of Weston and only got into salmon/trout fishing recently so having an opportunity to set a few hooks close to home would be awesome, but I certainly don't want to break rules or anything. Any help or direction to where I can find easier to understand regs would be awsome.
  4. OK! I ate it... and y'know what? It wasn't half bad! After I cleaned it, my mom prepared it so nicely that it would be impossible to taste bad. As for the meat quality here was my impression: - Meat was tougher, almost (and despite the cliche pun) tasted like chicken - I was expecting an insane amount of bones, but surprisingly, there were very few - It has a somewhat bland natural taste, like most other white meat fish, but it was actually really nice with some spices, lemon and parcely. Given the chance I assure you I would have eaten a walleye =P But even though this was all our day produced, it wasn't half bad... At least now I can say I did it. This was my first time trolling with runner boards so that was pretty cool as well. Can't wait to get back out there and find some eyes though!
  5. Hey guys, Im a long time reader of these boards but first time poster =) We decided to head out to bay of quinte to try for some walleye and enjoy the beautiful weather. We got out there early and started trolling pretty early but unfortunately didn't get any love from the walleye all day. I caught my first sheepshead, which was cool for me since I've previously fished Parry Sound smallies almost exclusively. So even though we didnt manage to pull out any nice eyes, I had a great time wishin Bay of Quinte for the first time and snagged what Im told is a pretty nice sized sheepshead. My question to you guys: Are sheephead good to eat? I am somewhat concerned about eating it since it was caught in lake ontario waters, but I figured quinte is far enough from the large industries that the water is cleaner.
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