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Everything posted by cowanjo

  1. I agree Musky is no go zone, however if you fish for them and one is hooked in gills etc and you cannot revive not sure what you would do. We caught one a few weeks ago - it didnt survive - swam away we found next day. i have since got a new net (rubber) and a cradle (Rubber) plus wire cutters. It really got to me - I enjoy catching them. this year has been awesome for Muskie. I would go further - we should be catch and release - no excuse - but also maybe pick some lakes and stock them - Kawartha area ? make it world class and bring in the USD . I would be first to put cash up - why does this not happen in Ontario?
  2. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get boat navigation maps for Pigeon lake, Little bald lake and Big bald lake. Should I just go electronic? thankyou John
  3. I fish Big bald lake (very similar)and had same issue - answer was slow down - summer is always awesome - Weedlines with drop off - also look for crikets and frogs - will tell you what they are feeding on - I texas rig a brushhog - if i find crikets fish dark colours good luck
  4. I never thought about Randys comments - I will stay away from the gills especially when holding them up after getting out trebles and get them back in quickly. So far I have never had mortality (They have all swum away with a good kick) - just wondering after reading the best way. Does anyone replace the trebles with singles or maybe use wire cutters and not have to pull them out of the fish. I spent last night filing down barbs!
  5. Good Evening all please see attached on photobucket - I can assure you my week off was even better but what can I say - the old canon camera in the boat needs to be replaced and my neighbour Sean has a lot to answer for from Saturday night and his camera phone! (His loss - biggest fish of the week photo is somewhere in the muck of the lake) Hope everyone enjoys - This was on a great little lake in Ontario and even better to share with friends none of the people in these photos had ever caught muskie before!. Over the week we boated 20 plus muskie - no records no trophys but big solid chunky fish regularly. All released - (although given water temp 78 plus worried about mortality - any suggestion would be awesome) All were in 18 to 26 feet - casting double cowgirls black and trolling believers - I want to thank everyone for helping out an australian coming to canada in the last couple of years, I added a walleye photo from June and of course my son with his icefishing rod bass. Never fished more than 2 hours just before and after dusk http://s103.photobucket.com/albums/m134/co...mview=slideshow
  6. I was given an old box from my dad - has a abu 7000c red - no handle or anything everything else looks good. any idea who is good at fixing these in mississauga area - want to give back to OFC. I have been in canada 3 years (Aussie so fishing is very different) and love this site - want to contribute and am trying to get something worthy of posting (Fish wise) thank john C
  7. HI Thought this may help with the depth - great thread - I fish same area using same technique - i have trouble downloading image under 250K any help would be great All I can say is double cowgirl gold with silver blades is unbeatable at present time. Good luck all
  8. I think there is logic in every answer, it depends on species - being new to canada this site helped me and everyone was awesome, people said just fish - like field of dreams build it they will come! Good luck - I think weather conditions are more important blue sky and no ripple change techniques.
  9. Hey Josh - I fish pigeon, little bald and Big bald lake,. i have a 7'2 XH (more like 7'6). i have it with an ABU garcia 7000c (Couldnt give up my old reel! great with big fish). This one is good for the money - there are some excellent deals around now The Pete Mania Series are unvbelievable value and awesome good luck
  10. HI i am new to Canada (australian) - love fishing in Pigeon and Big Bald, caught lots of Bass - now I am focusing on Musky for Zero. Any Ideas - what lure and how to troll, cast for these from all you would be awesome, beers on my deck for the best tip when I catch One!. Help needed thankyou
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