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About dizzidevil

  • Birthday 10/25/1978

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    Kitchener, Ontario

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  1. Ah good old cribbage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 15 2 15 4 15 6 and a pair is 8! Nice stuff.
  2. Ah yes the first muskie! Congrats on the SKI! I caught my frist one this year and been hooked since! Keep it up they just keep getting bigger I here!
  3. Even at the mouth? What about Goderich?
  4. Hey guys just wondering if anyone has been to Port Albert resintly for some Steelies? Are they in there yet? Doing my hunting course this weekend but would love to get out soon.
  5. when you say quick trip, is that too Scugog? Very nice ski's!
  6. Well I'm only going to be using a crossbow so deer and turkey! I'm a whimp when it becomes cold so i'm looking for heavy coat and bib. Also I'm just learning how to hunt course is on 24 of this month and hopefully will have bow by the end of the month. So help would be most apperciated, or even better someone will take me under there wing! LOL
  7. Hey guys I could use some help. I need to buy some a hunting suit and meaning coat and pants and just wondering should I go realtree, mossy oak? Also what brand is good?
  8. Well head out to Scugog today with the wife. NO KIDS! Fishing was slow and the wife started the day off with a nice bucket mouth that shook lose boat side. Rain was not bad and a little chilly, but I toughed it out and I'm glad I did, got my PB 44.5". When I frist felt the hit I tried to set the hook, but it spit it out. I knew it was a muskie but did not know how big since I could not see it. Second cast out, reeling very slow and BANG tried to set the hook but again it would not bite down hard. Now i'm shaking and think it's gone, third cast BANG! I set the hook this time for I almost went backwards into the water. The fight was on and I knew this was BIG, I was shaking and the wife was shaking and see for yourself! Oh by the was like too thank Joonmoon for the muskie tips.
  9. I was thinking about going to Picton bay. My question is, good for jigging? I here that they are deep and I love to jig but how do I get down 40ft with a jig? Never fished the lake before and went and bought a map so after my weekend camping with the little guy, I want to start going after some big eyes. Help would be most apprciated!
  10. That was caught on Sunday the 13th. It was on Scugog and caught it around wasburn island. The lenght is 38 incher. Next is Nosbonsing in two weeks!
  11. Well headed to my favorite lake and of course targeted muskie. Well landed this one around 9:30 in the morning, I've put countless hours on this and I'm so proud. Now my wife wants me to stay home since I finally got what I was searching for all year. But I want more!
  12. I have caught a couple of walleye's on spinners and jigging with gulp leeches and minnows.
  13. Well here are the pic's that i got of my first muskie boated!
  14. Well today I finally caught my first muskie and brought it on board. Yes at Scugog. it is now 11:33pm and very tired, and will upload my first 38 incher. Thought I almost lost it when I tripped on the middle bench on my boat.
  15. Hey just wanted to know when fishing for wallies, should I use a floro leader? I have 20 lb braid on and wondering when jigging for them should i use a leader?
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