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Posts posted by carll2

  1. That looks very badohmy.gif

    For 2 days,we have been smelling smoke here in Montreal. Wonder if its from these fires?


    may be from the northern quebec fires, if you look on the sopfeu website theres 4-5 out of control fires near gouin reservoir and abitibi...hopefully i can get back into work :dunno:

  2. when it comes to tillers im a yamaha guy!!!! i use these tillers day in and day out at work and freaking love the smoothness and reliability, i use the 60hp,and 70 hp models and they work like a charm and sip fuel :thumbsup_anim: oh and the rpm adjustment is pretty cool!!!!!! im not a merc fan, seen too many of them blow up at work.

  3. i use my shimano 6ft compre jigging rod for the little troling i do, this beeing said i troll maybe 10% out of my 120 day guiding season,the other 90% is jigging with my 5"4 gloomis...but my compre does the job for trolling thin fins,husky jerks,deep tails dancers etc



    thanks for the tip mike il have to try out my musky rods for walleyes when i get the bigger lures out in august

  4. I've been fishing specks in stock lakes over here for a while now and I can tell you from first hand experience that it's a hit & miss when it comes to catching them :o


    Hardwater or softwater doesn't matter, it's a cycle... there either on or off... it basically comes down to being there at the right time... weather, moon phase plays a factor in their feeding behavior.


    I find by switching presentations when their finicky will somehow trigger them in committing... if that doesn't work... time to move on :)



    et voila you hit it right on the head, i fished the same lake as we fished on friday 5 days before you got there and picked up 1 trout and the day before that 8 trout...some days its hot and some days its not :thumbsup_anim:

  5. Where is your zipper leaking?


    I'm a sit down troller and haven't had this problem with my cabelas guidewear I bought last year...



    its not my suit but a buddie that has his that i guide with, hes not sure where its leaking from but he would finish his rainy fishing days with his crotch all wet..

  6. i like anything made from goretex and prefer cabelas price over the ridiculous money charged by companies like simms... i mean, who needs a 600 dollar rain coat?



    me :thumbsup_anim: when you can pick up bibs/jacket for half price its well worth it.. this year i am trying cabelas as my back up suit, cant wait to see if this sitting zipper leaking issue has been solved?? i spend 70% of my day sitting trolling on ol bear!

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