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About floatman_mike

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. what an awesome couple of days that was!!!!!
  2. watch the center pin maintenance videos on youtube, i used brake cleaner on my bearing and wow what a differance!!!
  3. i really wish we had better leader so that picture list could of been bigger. heres my contribution for the days.
  4. i have used raven, seguar, and drennan. Raven and seguar and my top 2 absolutely bulletproof for me. Now lets talk about the exact same lb rated drennan, ABSOLUTE CRAP. Someone just posted that Berkley vanish is bad, for years i have used vanish with my MOST Success. Drennen is absolutely garbage I have never landed a fish with it and will never buy it again or recommend it. Done deal.
  5. what was great was the worms. Silvio with his snakes and i with the trout worm, first cast fish on lol. We landed a good number but we lost literally twice as many to the tree.
  6. So who else won a free cruise to the bahamas from the sportmans show? Anyone taking the offer?
  7. Par youve never seen this dont lie. lol
  8. check floatfishing.net for this I made a post when i changed the ones on my stanton. I used a 9mm or 10mm socket and a vise to take them out. Then hammer and dowel to put the new ones in.
  9. thats a nursery creek cant fish it.
  10. i do mine by taking a square of balsa and drilling a pilot hole with a drill press then i force the whole skewer. I then place the skewer into the drill and place the other end into a hole so that its secure, then begin to use sand paper to form the float into the shape i want. What i have heard is that when u want to paint them... apply 1 or 2 coats of varnish then white and then the colour. The reason is so that the white paint or colour you choose does not soak into the wood therefor you do less coats. I havent tried this method yet but i will soon. Anyways heres pics of the floats i made.
  11. its mine .. its a rod about yay long {-----------------------------------------------------------) and the reel spins in one direction and its the colour i choose when i bought it
  12. what do you guys think of the spahr 1212?
  13. http://showdownfishfinder.com/ anyone using this? What do you guys think. Im looking to get into icefishing and electronics is probably the first thing to get. For this year ill probably just go through Ice hut rentals on either scugog or simcoe.
  14. islander in gold is sexy. love the reel. so smooth especially when a fresh chrome makes a run. defiantly give the reel 2 thumbs up
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