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Everything posted by Rippinlips
I just now finished reading this from beginning to end and my head is aching and my eyes are watering. Good read none the less.I hope my grammar is perfect and I ran upstairs and turned off a couple lights as well....you get the point. I can remember when we didnt know or really care that smoking was bad,George Burns was 100 what? when he died smoking big fatties and sipping burbon was it all his life?? a 22 year old athlete,never smoked or drank has his heart explode while out for a morning jog...makes ya wonder. Or drinking milk was good ,no bad,no good. eggs are full of protein and good for you,dont eat them your colestoral will sky rocket..now again eggs are great, or not ahhhhhhhhhhh. Personally, I eat eggs,drink a bit of milk and absolutely will not give up my Captain Black Sweet cigars while out fishing. all personal choices,probably not the best ones but mine none the less. Who are we really trusting to guide us in so many of our day to day activities??It can get damn confusing. Simple point from all of this for me is the need to make educated decisions in every day life(and im guilty of not always doing that as we all are). I can see valid points from both sides. No I dont want to give up driving my small block 350(however gas prices might kill me first lol) yet I recycle religiously and compost as well. Where do I fit in? Am I evil because I drive a big truck to pull my boat that I worked my butt off to enjoy??. It seems we have so many people leaning hard to one side or the other of the argument...middle ground maybe?? or is there one? so many questions and very few proven solutions, hence the headache I guess in the end,if this planet decides tommorow to self destuct there isnt a whole lot this cat can do about it. In the meantime, if shutting off a light or putting a plastic bottle in a recycle bin somehow delays the worlds end than hey who am I to argue. Its not going to hurt me one bit to live a little smarter or anyone else for that matter. Touchy subject for sure.
Very nice work guys, Im just getting the rod out and spooled up myself. Havent had time yet to go but going to make a point of doing that early next week. Good Job!!!
Exact same thing happened to my Yamaha(175) last summer, key switch went. Started out as a couple second delay then finally just quit. I bypassed the switch with a push button style to a hot wire and boom fired right up. Yamaha wanted 165 bucks for the wire harness as they do not sell just the key switch seperate. Even just to test,this will work to determine if the switch is bad. good Luck.
Quick,yet sad update. Unfornately the Hawk did not make it. I spoke to a representative this morning, appreciate the call back and she said the bird was so weak it would have needed a blood transfusion but could not be done due to its condition so they had to just keep it as comfortable as possible and eventually put it down. They are going to attempt to see what exactly it had if anything. Sad day...feel somewhat releived I guess that it just wasnt left in the cold to die. Not much of a consolation but something at least.
Good night to stay in and race some Nascar 2003 online with the boyz. I think tonight were are at Daytona. LOL, hope its sunny in the online world.
LOL, couldnt have said it better myself
Whitby/Durham calling for 10-15 cm this aft into the evening changing to freezing rain 15-20mm into the morning than eventually to just rain by afternoon. May not be dead on but thats gonna make for one nasty morning tomm.
no problem fishergirl, i have a BASS club meeting tonight but im stayin in and stayin warm , still snowing and the wind is now picking up.
Whitby just started getting hammered this minute, cant see across the street.
Thats an awesome pic Dan, mine were bad because I was in a rush and grabbed my ancient Sony camera that takes floppy's lol. Werent those like 1500 bucks when they first came out? Couldnt find my microscopic 50 million megapixel one. That bird definately looks in better shape than the fella I found. Wonder if its just old age. Hard to say, but he/she sure looked roughed up. Been buggin me if its going to make it or not.
LOL, thanks Clampet. I near spit coffee all over my monitor. LOL good one tho.
Quick update: Animal services in Whitby here said that 2 volunteers from Toronto Wildlife arrived to pick up the animal. He also stated that this is the best possible place for the bird. It was still alive although he said a little weak. They will call them in a few days to give a full report. He also said that the bird,if it recovers fully will have to be released within a kilometer of where it was found due to ministry guidelines. Will post more as I find out. PS nautifish: I asked the guy for a guess on the birds age, he said they figure it was a little older bird than 2-4 years. The picture did not do it justice as it was quite tall standing up. I should get a full detailed report on age ect within a couple days.
I will definately stay on top of it. The guy called a local vet in whitby here but he was away on holidays. he contacted the Bowmanville zoo as they have vets on hand to deal with birds and such. he said the animal will be taken to a location where it will receive the attention it needs. I hope that is the case. anyway, I will post whatever I find out in the next few days.Amazing how a creature like that can just make your day.
I am in downtown whitby and I was out shoveling the drive and saw something move and looked up to see this beautiful animal. I did not approach him but he tried to get up on the fence on front yard and fell over. I called animal services and they arrived,noosed him without any trouble and he/she is on their way to get help. The guy informed me they will call me to let me know how it is doing. Just a beautiful creature and happy someone will be able to do something if possible. Thanks for listening. http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u79/ArC...16/MVC-012S.jpg http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u79/ArC...16/MVC-011S.jpg
Look very close at the head,especially the gill plate, the markings are almost identical. I noticed where the black fades into the lighter colour and the lines are exactly the same IMO. Very nice both fish or the same onr lol. Excellent
Heya folks, just droppin a line to say I love the new site and hope to have many great discussions on the new board. Howdy to all and good fishin.