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About gotguns

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  1. I have several of the spinnerbaits. They work well, blades spin nice and easy. I've had better luck with the terminator T-1 spinnerbaits though. Skirts last longer, seem to run true no matter how many fish hit it.
  2. I live 5 minutes away and would be curious too. Id like to plan somehting out, so let us all know if ou do go with them.
  3. I picked up a citica this year, left hand retrieve. I have it on a 7'0" MH st. croix and LOVE IT. I'm kickig myself for fighting with <100$ reels, since I started using the citica I cannot go back. I fish for mostly pike and walleye. Rain, sun, wind whatever. This thing is a dream and I plan on picking another one up next year.
  4. I like the competitive spirit. One word of warning though, as nice as all the guys are you will get humbled if you go in there guns ablazing. There are some very good, well accomplished anglers in these tourneys. Best thing to do is take a shot at it for fun, thats what I did last year. Don't take it too seriously, just the experience is worth it. If you've never blasted off against 90 other boats 10 at a time, and then cast until your arms are going to fall off, hoping you catch the winners, that alone is worth it. My first tourney I got skunked. The big goose egg. Probably fished the same lake 20 times leading up to the tourney, catching 5 or 6 pike an hour sometimes, and could not catch one that day. That was very, very humbling.
  5. Oh ya, if anyone lives around Sudbury and wants to fish the topfifty and needs a partner send me a PM. haha
  6. Well, I live just outside of Sudbury in Chelmsford. I fished two tournaments last year and I am hooked. I'm currently looking for a partner for this year so I can fish the series. They have a website, it's www.topfifty.ca I can tell you first hand I've met a few of the guys that run the series and they're all about making the series better and putting on a good tournament. They put alot of work into putting on some good tournaments. I fished Vermillion last year and there were 100 boats. Different tournaments have different sized fields, but overall lots of good competition. The two I fished were alot of fun and organized well. The cash and prizes are good motivation to do well, and I honeslty believe everyone has a chance. Can't wait to get back out on the water.
  7. If you like pike fishing, you should look into the Topfifty series. Check out www.topfifty.ca Tournaments around Sudbury, North Bay, Nepewassi, Elk Lake . Check it out you would probably like it. Good sized fields and cash payouts.
  8. I'm form Sudbury also so I get the go-getter term. I wouldn;t waste too much time at Ramakko's since they don't really have much of a selection. luremaking.com is pretty much your best bet so you can get anything you want. I don't know where you do most of your fishing though, but I've had all kinds of luck with those earie dearies. Thing is I buy the plain ones when u can and paint them up myself. Pink and white. Your buddies will laugh until they notice your catching more fish.
  9. I live up in Sudbury, trust me I would kill for that. We're burried deep and it is way too cold for the start of March.
  10. Man, I'm heading to the boat show next week and wan't to buy some of those there or at basspro. Around here pink and white are deadly for walleye. 8-15 ft of water along the weeds and in the pockets. Gotta get me some.
  11. Appreciate the input just curious what you mean by "Beware the up-graders"?
  12. I'm in the market for a trolling motor for my 16' aluminum console boat. I have found 2 used ones, 1 is a motorguide 55lb wireless other one is a Minnkota 55lb Powerdrive. I was hoping someone had experience with both or at least one and could give me their opinion. I can get the powerdrive for less money but it is 2 years old, motorguide is 2008.
  13. Thanks for the replies. Since about 80% of the use will be trolling, dragging for walleye on the smaller lakes here around sudbury, I'm going to try and find a motorguide 55lb or powerdrive from MK.
  14. Dave Mercer and Babe Winkelman 30, 000 gal Hard to find the tank
  15. I tried doing a search and didn't come up with anything. I have a 16' legend, full console, aluminum boat with a 40hp 2-stroke merc on the back. I tried a transom mount trolling motor and ended up selling it because I didn't like the results. I am in the market for a bow mount trolling motor now and can;t seem to decide which one I want. One of my big deciding factors is how efficient would a 55lb thrust trolling motor be for trolling walleye on smaller lakes around here. I do alot of trolling in the summer and use my main motor for 5-8 hours at a time. If I could use the trolling motor it would save me alot of gas, noise and pollution. Now the other thing is I'm torn on what I want, cable steer like the Minnkota Maxxum, or the motorguide wireless. The cable steer has less moving parts and is pretty respected but I'd be trolling from the front deck which is kind of awkward. Or I could go with the wireless and troll from my seat and just control the motor with the remote or pedal. I will also be using this for fishing pike tournaments in the summer, so reliability is an issue. I'm hoping someone else has dealt with this problem and I'm kind of wondering which direction they went?
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