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Posts posted by Dutch

  1. I had a 2WD Colorado Crew_cab (same as Canyon, except for styling). The back-seat was surprising large and comfortable.


    Pulled OK, but had some trouble at ramps with a steep incline. Also had trouble with sand - see previous poster's pics.


    I now have a full size Sierra and couldn't be happier.


    I've never driven a Dodge, so can't give you any insight there.


    All I can say is that IF you go with the Canyon - make sure it is 4WD and put some "good" after market tires on it.

  2. Just went through the buying process myself....


    Do you need a 2 stage? If you have a large driveway (6-8 cars plus in any configuaration), you may need a 2 stage. You also need a 2 stage if you have a gravel driveway or a driveway with a big slope, or get a lot of very heavy, deep snowfalls.


    Otherwise ALWAYS buy a single stage. They clean down to the pavement, are much easier to move around, no fooling with gears and they are much, much faster than a 2 stage.


    I was cleaning up after the recent storms and I had my driveway done whereas my neighbour had 3 strips of his done in the same time using a 10HP "lug."


    Granted, single stage aren't as wide (mine is 21"), or as high, but they are quicker. Also mine has no problems with the thick stuff at the end of the driveway.


    When I was researching, the names I heard continually were - Ariens, Honda, Toro and Lawnboy (owned by Toro). I don't think you can go wrong with any of those. I ended up with a Lawnboy single stage and I love it so far. You get what you pay for.....


    As you can see, most people will reccomend what they own, especially if they've not had any problems or issues with them.


    Do your own research and see what names come up continually, then make a decision based on that.


    P.S. - when doing my reasearch, I read that HP doesn't mean a whole lot with respect to snow blowers, many of the larger manufacturers are now omiting that information in exchange for ft/lbs. of torque, which apparently is a more telling stat. I think it is becuase a 10HP engine on a 300 pound blower is a lot different than a 10 H.P. engine on a machine that weighs 100 pounds.

  3. To say something like that about one of Canada's rising starlets is just unfathomable. He is just lucky she really isn't Jack Bauer's daugther is all I can say....



    Now that is funny....what Avery said is not.


    It is disrespectful and shows a tendancy to mental abuse towards women - maybe why they aren't together anymore. Good luck finding a new partner that isn't an escort or hooker Avery. Douchbag!


    As far as a previous comment about getting into your opponents head by saying that....if that was by design, Avery sure has issues. I don't think he knows the difference between what is acceptable and what is not. If that comment by Avery was pre-meditated, which it seems the previous commenter meant by making the asserttion that the comment was made to get into Phaneuf's head, Avery proves he is a total low-life that doen't deserve to make millions or be in the NHL.

  4. OTA signals are 1080P right now and I think that most everyone will have a Blue-Ray player within 5 years....it will take off like DVD now that the format war is over.


    I still have a CRT so I can't say how much nicer 1080P looks over 720P. Someone here said to check out avsforums and another forum, that was good advice.




    Sorry to disagree - but there are no terrestrial 1080P signals anywhere, not even OTA, Blu-Ray is the only place to get them currently. An OTA signal can be "upconverted" to 1080P using the TV's built-in scaler, but there probably won't be any appreciable increase in picture quality. All upconverting does is guess at the pixels that aren't there and displays a pixel it thinks should go in that spot.


    Kind of like an upconverting DVD player that displays 480P DVD's as either 720P, 1080i or 1080P - still no where near the quality of a "real" Blu-Ray in 720P, 1080i or 1080P.


    Also - take Consumer Reports reccomendations with a grain of salt - too many useless (for most buyers) variables included, like price, remote control ease of use, on-screen display/memu ease of use etc. The only reason that Vizio was anywhere near the top is that it is cheap! The only rating that should have anything to do with buying a TV is picture Quality. Like I said earlier - do the reasearch and you will find the right TV for you.

  5. Reader beware!


    There is a tonne of mis-information in this thread.


    All I can says is do your own research at the following web-sites:





    Here's a place to research deals, just go to the electronics in hot-deals forum (I have rarely seen a "hot deal" from Sears posted):




    It is really only worth it to buy an HDTV if you are going to be watching HD broadcasts. Big screen TV's highlight the inheretly inferior signal from standard definition channels.


    1080P is ONLY worth it if you have 1080P source material and are watching a 50" plus picture from less than 8 feet. The only way you can get 1080P source material is with a Blu-ray player.


    Plasma has better picture quality than LCD, although LCD is usually better in bright rooms, not picture quality wise, but because of the glare. In a lighting controlled room, plasma is the way to go.


    DON'T BUY EXPENSIVE CABLES!!!!! Go to this website and buy from them, there is no risk, they ship quickly and for reasonable prices. One wire cannot carry a signal any better than another, no matter what Mon$ter cable says.




    If you do your research, you will find that many, many, many, many people buy and reccommend Monoprice.


    Don't rush into it just to have a TV now! Reasearch is your friend, spend the time and make the right purchase, you will have the TV a long time (hopefully). That brings me to my next point - rarely, if ever, consider an Extended warranty. They simply cost too much, sure you may hear 1 story of a person taking advantage of one and it was the best purchase they ever made, but for that one story, there's 80-100 that bought it and never used it.


    If you need a TV now, go get a CRT at Walmart and return it when you buy your HDTV.

  6. You can have as much insulation/thinsulate around your foot as you want, but if the soles of the boots you are wearing aren't thick and don't provide insulation from the cold ground, your feet are going to be cold no matter what.


    You need a good quality boot with as thick a sole as possible.


    I remember awhile back looking at Kamic or Sorel boots. The only real appreciable diffence between the -25 and -75 degree rated boots was the thickness of the sole of the boot.

  7. There should be a screw at the top of the unit to take out as well. It allows the oil to go out faster.


    It is leaking out slowly because there is a vaccuum present.


    When filling the unit back up with oil, fill it from the bottom to push all air out the top hole. If there's air left in there, it can cause condensation to build up and parts "could" rust.

  8. just bought the 32 panasonic viera lcd for the wife's lounge! umm the guy told me that the top 2 are sharp and panasonic he said almost all other brands are made by them anyway something to the like of panasonic bought sony out awile back and now sony is panasonics lower end line made at another factory in some other country other than japan the sharp and panasonic are to only 2 true quality builders that still buils in japan apparently?



    Simply not true - Sony is still going strong.


    Panasonic makes many of the Plasma screens out there today.


    The absolute best TV in the market right now is the Pioneer "kuro" plasma, 100% amazing TV. Panasonic Plasma's are a close second.

  9. Plasma is just plain better for picture quality, colour accuracy and black levels.


    But - if you are in a somewhat bright room with no lighting control - go with LCD as there is less glare.


    Don't move too quickly, make sure you reseach first. Go to the avsforums.


    It isn't as simple anymore to say "go with Sony, or Panasonic" there are too many models and variable to consider.


    120 Hz and 1080P are buzz words, that make people spend more money than they need to. If they will replace your set with a set with both, go for it, but I woulod be hesitant to fork out extra for it for a number of reasons.


    Do your reseach at avs!

  10. Hey Lew.


    Whatever you do, don't buy Magellan......


    If you are looking for a GPS, you may want to consider text-to-speech, I hear many people can't live without it.


    For an idea about the best deals out there go to redflagdeals.com in the electronics "hot deals" area. There's usually a weekly deal on a GPS somewhere.

  11. The market is very volitile right now, big swings up and down.


    There seems to be a cap that the TSX won't go below 9000, I think many people have picked that point as the lowest it will go and start to buy at that point.


    There are bargains out there, but where is the bottom? Dividend paying stocks are great right now with some yielding over 6%, the average seems to be in the 3.5-4.5 range. Dividends are taxed preferably to interest, so a dividend paying stock is actually a better investment right now than GIC's or cash. Caveat though - as long as you buy and HOLD!


    I think bottom is somehwere around 7500.....



    Holdfast - I didn't read the rest of your post, only this line, but for once (well, maybe there were a few other times) I agree with you 100%.


    There are very few reasons not to vote, it is the only way of letting your voice be heard with respect to government goings on. Unfortuantely, far too many are feel their vote won't make a difference. At least in Ontario (probably based on the time difference, as that's what I've heard most about), we have decided we want a majority - Conservatives are up in seats. They lost it in Quebec, probbably related to sovreinty (sp?) issues not many of us understand.


    A collosal waste of time - $300 million spent on what?


    The only thing is, none of the other parties are in a position to overtake to conservatives any time soon. We will be back to the polls in less than 2 years, after the Liberals do away with Dion (an embarasment). Bob rae or Ignatief (Justin Trudeau's time is coming in about 6-10 years) will lead the Liberals to power after this minority.

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