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Posts posted by Paully

  1. Got my biggest laker using a a 3-way swivel, 2 ounces of lead, and the biggest 5 of Diamonds spoon you can get. It was a soft bottomed lake and just dragged it along at a slow speed, in the deepest water on the lake. We picked up quite a few fish that trip using this technique. Sometimes old school isn't so bad.;)


    How much line do you have between the 3way swivel and lure? is it generally the same distance to the weight?

  2. Go to the pharmacy, get a pair of blue latex gloves so you don't get your pinkies dirty, next, get the appropriate length and diameter cord. Get out the tools and get busy doing a mans job, tinker with the recoil and probably save $100.


    Come over and I'll give you 30 bucks .. I didn't ask how to fix it i asked where I can fix it. But thank for the input... ;)

  3. A buddy and I plan on checking out a few locks in the Kawarthas to test our luck with night fishing.

    We want to try minnows but should we bottom bounce or use a float. The water isn't that fast where we plan on trying.

    I will have a boat but night time is gonna be shore fishin..(Im sure i'll have a few beers)


    Whats everyones go to lure for night time walleye?

  4. Yeah, I guess you guys are right. City bears are a different breed than town bears. More aggressive and news worthy. I guess the guy with the atv should have waited to find out if it was a town bear or a city bear and then we could have decided if it was an actual attack or not.


    I posted this because I was trying to inform people who live or are traveling to the area to be aware. A bear near the Midland hospital parking lot isn't that important, after all, the emergency entrance is just a hop, skip, and a jump away.


    What a waste of time.




    i didn't mean you specifically. I'm talkin about the news and general media.

    They make it seem like such a huge deal when in true fact the facts they give you usually mislead and stray from the truth... If a bear is spotted near a town i guess that town has the right to know about it from the local news but otherwise its not a worthy story for mass media, more like a scare tactic.

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