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Everything posted by Angler16

  1. Try it out maybe it will work! Never know
  2. you wont regret watching it!
  3. thanks a lot!
  4. No he lives in Oshawa and i live in brampton have not hung out just talk over msn and stuff but he wasnt on at the time so yeahh
  5. Hey all i was watching a video on youtube where a guy was using a top water replica snake? Do you think BPS would carry one of these or if you have one from somewhere else where can i get one? Thanks L.A
  6. Just wondering how does everyone use their top waters? Do you reel in slow? Do you make twitches then pauses then reel? Im curious to know i might actually have the patience for it this year, but then again i always say that and they never caught me jack i usually get tired of em 3rd cast lol! la
  7. Hey all just wondering Put brand new stren 30 pound braided on the reels last summer should i re do all the rods?Or should i be ok?
  8. LOL
  9. i need something between 9-12 inches but thanks!
  10. Got two im only 14 so i dont have too many yet but a lot to come im sure First one was, my dad and i were fishing on nipissing and decided to go out into the open and fish for some walleye. So we geared up with a pink jig head and a worm,dropped down about 24 ft to the bottom till our lined stopped so we knew we were fishing the complete bottom. Thats when i felt a huge tug on the end of my line, i said holy crap out of excitement and started reeling like mad!. Ill never forget my dad coaching me,"alright bud let some line out let it run, let it run bud, relax,relax. Ok good now reel a bit, good good, loosen your drag bud, let it run. REEEL. REEEL. (REPEATED STEPS for the whole time) Finally got a glimpse of the fish looked like a over grown godzilla bass. I said that cant be right! we are fishing in deep water not too many bass out here!I reeled some more,pulled up a 10 lbs 28 inch sheepshead. And with dads accurate net work netted er and got a pic and back in she went! The second memory was in the same trip! Sitting there with dad fishing a nice pocket with vegetation, using a pink jig head and a worm dropping down once again even in the weeds, and even casting here and there. I remember dropping my line. Then feeling a tap tap,tap tap tap tap, TAP. I said GOT ONE! dad rushed over with net in hand.The thing jumped and fliped then jumpe almost a half a foot to a foot into the air. Got it to the surface it was the PB bass i was hoping for. Netted it, turned out to be about 3.5 lbs and about 16-18 inches! Great times! One of the best trips ever. Great stories everyone you gave me about 20 minutes of silent reading! Little Angler
  11. Hey all, alright so im going to be getting a dog this summer for sure debated on getting a Norwich terrier,long coated Chihuahua or something else thats small and has almost no shedding. The thing i need now is to learn how to train the dog young so its not pissing on my floor or ripping up stuff. So i was wondering i have watched a few videos on youtube and such learning how to train it are there are tips anyone has for me when it comes to crate training my dog and training it not to pee? Any help would be appriciated Thanks L-A
  12. srry i shudda mentioned it has to be tiny like to bigger than 12 inches
  13. i heard a lot of dirt gets stored behind the back of their legs are they easy to housebreak?
  14. Thinking of getting one of these dogs, if you have one please tell me how they are on shedding behavior yappyness! Its still under discussion with the rents! But im thinking ahead and picking a breed now ive got a name picked out, little feller is going to be named Scheann after my favorite luke scheann and it jsut happens to sound like the french word for dog! anyways helps appriciated!
  15. Habs suck wont win a cup for a while, leafs beat them with a bunch of marlies!What a sad display, gotta love my leafs though they stuck it to the habs good. BLEED BLUE N WHITE 4EVER -Little Angler
  16. for fish where you can get your hand in the mouth stick ur hand in and break the neck snap it back,if its still wigglin id go with the clump with the paddle or w.e -Little Angler
  17. No i meant im not an old fart im only 14 wasn't calling anyone old! lol
  18. old farts hahah im 14
  20. Santa aint no fool! lol
  21. Hey all, My dad,mom sister and i want to get another dog, our last one passed away about 2 years ago, we need a small small dog no bigger than 13 inches tall (to shoulders) and we do not want a lot of shedding any help appreciated! Thanks. L.A
  22. Hey everyone not sure if youll remember me i was on a lot in the summer and usual am,i dont know why i always drift away from the forum in the winter, probably because i dont fish and am caught up in lifes obsticals anyways its nice to be back!
  23. Unfortunately been pretty busy with abck to school stuff and hockey but i promised i would not move on without a detailed report! First couple days in i reeled in this nice sized perch http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq233/K...dland200825.jpg Alright so the trip was great i only caught 1 bass a nice smallie. Bass fishing was very slow . So here she is weighed in at 3.5 lbs 19 inch http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq233/K...dland200876.jpg The biggest fish of the whole trip was an 8 pound sheephead 22 inches took be about 10 minutes to reel er in http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq233/K...dland200831.jpg My family andi reeled in some nice walleye every couple of nights and had nice meals heres one of mine http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq233/K...land2008107.jpg Heres dad with one http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq233/K...land2008105.jpg Here is mom with one http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq233/K...dland200846.jpg Just a quick peek and the young blood(ME) doing fillets http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq233/K...dland200848.jpg http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq233/K...dland200849.jpg hers dad with a huge sheephead 7 pounds 18 inches http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq233/K...dland200850.jpg IT was a nice afternoon of fishing when my dad had a huge pull on his line he used technique to bag this one its beaut http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq233/K...dland200853.jpg we were like what the hell?! it was a good fight though LOL" In this next pic we have my catfish i caught nice 4 pounder about 14 inches i would say http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq233/K...dland200871.jpg MY lil sis caught some perch on her barby rob but didnt get a pic but heres one jsut showing how much fun our trip was http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq233/K...dland200856.jpg a great trip overall not the most fish but time with family will always beat anything !!!! on the way hoem we stopped at a close friedns house they happen to be tight with wendle clark and fletcher of the toronto maple leafs (WHO WILL DO AWSOEM THIS YEAR) Anyways there it is laydees and gents SChools startin up so i wont be on often but ill still come on from timeto time -LittleAngler
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