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Chuck Best

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Posts posted by Chuck Best

  1. Nobody is fishing off Innisfil Beach,I go to the park every morning now and nobody has been out here yet.....I'll take my gear with me on Friday to see if anyone else will lead the way,cause I'm second in line to go first ,but first in line to go second....lol...but it SHOULD be good to go on Saturday if the temps hold....TC and tight lines all....Chuck...

  2. Sorry for the late return buddy,I don't get back here near as much as I should.....Here's hoping your neck probs are over,and that's from the local 'NECK' guy....lol....Wish I would have known you were into that surgery,maybe asked for my guy,as you know he did an A1 job on me,even admitted to me that he amazed himself....lol....So here's to hoping you get 100% cured with no pain,and remember,do what they tell you at the physio,and then do it again.....TC....Chuck...

  3. Buck up the insurance and burn the truck......use the insurance cheque to buy a chevy....lol....Sorry buddy,if you can see the cable under the disc that holds the rim tight,cut the cable with a grinder and disc and keep the spare in the box from now on.....Oh,and be ready for the spare to fall on you when you cut the cable.....lol.....HTH....TC and tight lines......Chuck....P.S....Any word on whats happening from your buddy blacklist???

  4. That is the worst news Buddy.....I was planning to come see you soon as I will be in the market for a new Cross-bow and a shot-gun.September is too early for me,but please let me know if you have any remaining stock after Oct. 1st....Again Sam,very sorry to hear of the closure,but you're no quitter and new avenues can always lead to new adventures....TC buddy and tight lines....Chuck...

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