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Chuck Best

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Posts posted by Chuck Best

  1. Well, our little fishin' club,was in full form this weekend at our Shelter Valley meeting spot....the fish were there,not in great numbers as previous years,but the water was as low as I have seen it in 14 years....All members were in great form Friday night for kick-off,but some paid the price Saturday morning...lol....I caught 2 keepers right off,then action slowed for a while.By keepers,I mean 3lbers or less....before retiring for breaky Saturday I landed 6 more fish,all about 6-7 lbs.In the afternoon,I probably caught 5 more fish ,all returned....Again Saturday night ,all members were in great form,and again Sunday,some paid the price....lol....Fishin' on Sundays is always slower,but I still managed 6 fish ,all returned.Camp rules for Sunday clean-up is we cook all the left over food and eat and sling bull till clean-up is done,then all members go their seperate ways,but mine plan was to get home,go to my turkey spot and find my Tommy....Well I didn't make it home till late ,so I went out this morning,just hoping.....I get 1/2 way to my blind and I see a bird on the tree line,right beside my blind,Oh yeah,I was 1/2 hr. late as well....DANG....oh, well,I jockey around and get to my blind ,but he was gone....3 hrs later and I still don't see him....OH well,1 day off of the 5 week season isn't much,but there's always tomorrow....and I won't be late....lol....TC all and straight shots...Chuck....

  2. We're going to pattern today...I'm trying Remi's Copper plated buffered mags in 2 3/4.....Guy gave me a box when I bought the gun.Other than them,I got some Whinni's Universal#6,I'm going to try......Staight shots.....Chuck....

  3. Well folks,IBP has a nice size hole in front of the ramp,about 2 ft. deep then the ice,but you can still drive 4-wheelers on beside the town dock near the front gate of the park.I haven't gone to the nineth as I heard Jerry had it roped off and towtrucks wait there daily......the end of the 7th looked solid and I might go that route today.There's still 14-16" of ice and it was getting soft on top yesterday....we'll have to see how much rain we really get ,but looks like I'm back to walking to end this year....TC and tight lines....Chuck.....P.S. Sledders would be better with scrapers as there is no snow leftt on the lake.....only the major drifts from hut locations are left...

  4. A freind of mines' wife watched in horror as 4 yotes played tug o war with the family cat,right on the front porch of their house in Queensvile last summer,you would think there would be enough natural forage around,but no, the #'s are growing and at a quick rate....personally I think there should be a bounty put back on them and maybe that would help keep the #'s in check,anyhow the make nice hats.......TC and tight lines....Chuck....

  5. Hey Vinnimom,Don't think you'll be coming to IBP(Innisfil Beach Park) and walking to 100 fow,you won't find it down here....Only @BBP does the lake get that deep,you can find 90 fow but that's a hike....2/3-3/4 mile anyways....but you don't need that deep.yesterday was the first day of no limit for me,but I got 1 whitie,and everyone I talked to ,said it was slow yesterday....just watch the crowds.....TC and tight lines.....Chuck....P.S. My lure of choice is the Williams with the Meegs (Bad Boys)running a close second.....HTH...And Watch what Worm dunker says....

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