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About Jaymerica

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  1. What about transporting live fish to a derby weigh in? The Grand River Bass derby requires you to transport your catch live from as far away as Paris to the derby headquarters in Kitchener. Is this legal?
  2. The GRCA own a large portion of land on the South West end of the lake. There is a over grown road but it is gated off with no trespassing signs or no parking, I can't remember which. I am sure the only reason the GRCA haven't opened it to the public is because of $ and demand. I don't believe it would be ideal beach/swimming location. I am more then willing to raise money if they would consider opening this to the public. I am a concert promoter and would be willing to organize a series of local concerts (NOT LIKE LAKE ALIVE) to raise funds to have this location opened to the public. Facebook Page Dedicated to Puslinch Lake public Access - http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=lf#!/group.php?gid=107233949325170&ref=turd
  3. Please click on the link below and join my group to and support our cause to try and get the GRCA to open up the land they own on Puslinch Lake to the public. http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=107233949325170&ref=turd
  4. Below is a facebook group I started to try and get the Grand River Conservation Authority to consider opening the lake access they own to the public. Why do we keep getting asked for donations to a lake that we aren't welcome on? This is why I stopped fishing the lake. If the GRCA would consider a public access I would consider donating money. In fact I would even organize a fund-raiser myself. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=107233949325170#!/group.php?gid=107233949325170&v=wall
  5. I am going to Thunder Bay for 2 weeks (Lots of fishing) lol but when I return I am going to try some live bait in some of these deep holes in the grand. I have always just floated by giving a few casts with a tube. I bet if I were to spend some fishing the holes I would be surprised on what I might catch! The Grand River is only 5 min. from home so I really should spend more time on it.
  6. I was out on the Grand River last week fishing Bass when I hooked into a small Walleye in a deep pool below some rapids! Is this normal for this stretch of river? I was fishing the Glen Morris - Paris Stretch. I also had what I figured was a pike break me off. Lots of small Bass a couple hit the 17" mark but nothing over.
  7. Lots of fish left in the speed, you just need to find the holes. If you have a canoe you can try between Guelph and Cambridge there is lots of deep holes that hold large pike and bass. I have caught 4lbs Bass and 7-8lbs pike. Its not my favorite river to fish but for being so close to home you can't go wrong.
  8. Does anyone know any info on the prizes for this derby? I just called Valens and the lady didn't seem to know much she had to look up every question I had. The advertisement I saw said 6:00am - 1:00pm she said its 5:00am - 2:00pm, The cost I read said $5.00 adult $3.50 kids she said its $4.00 for everyone? I forgot to ask about prizes.
  9. Went kayaking yesterday in the speed. Figured I would try for Bass and Pike so I Put in at black bridge in Cambridge fished upstream toward Guelph ended up with a 32" Pike 15" Smallmouth and a 23" Pike. Lots of little bass as well I missed a monster Bass under an under cut bank it must have been 20"! What a great day only about 5 min. from home. Going to try Valens on Saturday and the Grand from Glenn Morris - Paris Monday. Any tips for Pike in Valens would be appreciated. Thanks.
  10. I was in the Grand River Bass derby this past weekend and observed about a dozen canoe's flip in the rapids most of them were rentals from the local outfitter. people reported loosing cell phones camera's cooler bags among other things. I decided to keep my eyes open when wading for any items that may have been lost by the end of the day we had found hundreds of golf balls a digital camera, fishing lures, a radio, flashlight and tons of beer bottles and cans. I used to dive for lures at the mouth of a local river, I could fill a tackle box on a good day. Does anyone snorkel these local rivers? If so what are some of the things found?
  11. Hey guy's I was in the Bass derby last weekend and we observed some really strange activity on the river too. We were fishing below Glenn Morris when we heard something moving in the bush it sounded like someone spooked a moose and it charged through the trees! Knowing there are no moose in the area we were curious as to what it could be then it started again we looked towards the shore and could see trees shaking it looked like something was trying to climb one of the trees figuring it must be a black bear. We asked another couple in a canoe if they saw it they said they saw something brown/tan on the shore run into the bush but it was too low to the ground to be a dear. It didn't seem to run far but appeared to take cover in a tree the tree was shaking pretty good so it must of had some weight to it. Could it have been a cougar? Whatever it was it scared the crap out of us and the other people in the area.
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