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About Matt15

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  1. You could use liquid tight. Its a flexible conduit. It comes in two sizes 1/2 and 3/4 and can be found an home depot.
  2. The photo in my avatar is my dad actually and yeah I'm almost done my first year in the GBC program.
  3. Yea I thought you looked familar, you were talking with one of my teachers Vince Masella.
  4. Rattletrap2, Were you at the cmx show a few weeks ago, I think I rember seeing you there?
  5. Yeah the water levels are up compared to previous years in that lake. And the narrows launch is aldo in good shape.
  6. The one i usually go to is called lazee acres. The fishing there is pretty good for the most part, even though last year it wasnt the greatest.
  7. Was also out yesterday didnt manage to catch any pike i think the water temp was still abit to cold for them to bit, but it was still a great day to be out on the water, i wish I wore sunscreen though im feeling the burn today lol. What size were the tiger muskie?
  8. Thnaks gone_fishin, Its good to know that the narrows are ice free. I still might give it a shot on friday and hopefully the warm weather this week opened up the lake abit more to get a bit of fishing in
  9. Yea usually it is but lake dalyrmpal is in zone 17 and the yhave pike open all year around.
  10. Yeah I was because the camp grounds arent open yet. I just hope that the water levels aren't to low over there.
  11. I was thinking of going fishing friday for pike on lake dalyrmpal but I was wondering if anyone has any info on the water condition and if the ice is gone? Thnaks, Matt
  12. Lake Dalyrmpal is also in zone 17 and has a lot of pike in it.
  13. I was wondering the same about lake dalyrmpal
  14. Nice video and great fish
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