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Posts posted by daisy_girl58

  1. WoW :wacko:

    You guys rock!

    I have been into music since I was 3 yrs old..

    My daughter currently is doing Rock-a-billy in and around Nashville.

    Before I left the USA, I was doing sultry jazz and blues songs at karaoke and a few Tanya Tucker songs....

    Thru the 80's I was doing alot of songs like Pat Benetar and Blondie....


    Have you ever heard of a back-up guitarist named Glen Trujillo?

    Has played with a few big bands...



  2. Needless to say we were newly weds last year....

    And still are this year, still in the heavy like zone....

    I am looking forward to the Spring Show, hubby said it was the lowest he had ever seen.....Is there another possible place to put it, that would be alot lower price to set up booths.....

    Oh why not come out with a sticker we can wear, to identify each other at the show......


    Lorissa :thumbsup_anim:

  3. To all of you who have made this site possible


    The new format is exceptional, but the one thing that really pleases me, is this...

    You guys go above and beyond to help people, like the auction or just the simple concern of peoples hard times and sickness....even deaths or the families with soldiers serving......

    Anyone who has a complaint or bad mouths this site, well here is what I say to them....

    Exit stage left the drama is over!


    Thanx from a very proud member....

    And special thanx to all members for support for my son in the marines and my husband.....

    A kind hand, a special thought.....an unheard prayer

    is what makes friends!


    Thank you!

    Lorissa/Daisy_girl58 :thumbsup_anim:

  4. I am from the city that originated Bass Pro, which is Springfield, Missouri.

    I went to the one there in Toronto and I was thoroughly disappointed.

    It is not that much comparable to the Missouri location.

    It seems to me a cheap imitation of what built Springfield and the community...



  5. Well I will keep my gear by the back door so I can load up the truck

    and head to great cement pond.....

    Well good news if you are in Alaska they are ice fishing!

    Lets load up and head there if it doesn't freeze!

    Till then I will keep playing Puzzle Pirates....




  6. Born near Yosemite National Park California (ummm native indian)

    Grew up in Missouri

    Married my soulmate moved to Canada exactly

    one year ago today

    Now live near Ravenshoe, Ontario on a snow covered farm!

    FIVE minutes to the big fishing pond (heehee Cooks Bay)




  7. Appreciate all the support, I let my family know, they appreciate it....


    thank you so much, now lets get ready for the ice to come and do a lil ice fishing!

    Oh and i like the name 'DUDETTE' !!! Cute!

    Hey today I landed a really big supplier for our business too...

    Everything is falling into place now!



  8. Are Y O U commiting suicide?

    Take my coffee away, my hubby would go out and buy a coffee factory....When the day was done!

    I am not a pretty sight in the mornings!

    Granted I used to be hooked on espresso, I did wean myself from it....


    But no coffee at all....You are tougher than me!



  9. :D Well my husband has been sick for almost a year.

    Was not able to breathe, laugh, or do any exercise...


    He finally found the right specialist and now is on new medication, this has helped tremendously....

    So maybe now we can get out and enjoy the outdoors do a few activities we like to do.....

    Thanx for your prayers, concern it is well appreciated!

    Plus our computer business is booming, I am so proud of him stepping out on a limb....

    He has found his niche in life and is being blessed for his hard efforts.....



  10. It will be some time till i get to see him but he has 2 more weeks of vacation, so at least we can talk.....So good to have him back in the states!

    Hubby is going to another specialist Monday, he needs relief bad.....

    He is really having a tough time right now......


    Thanx for asking...


  11. Hello to everyone!

    I got the name thing switched, this is Daisy_girl58

    Lorissa is my pen name for when I used to write.....

    How's the fishing going? Any fishing stories to tell?


    I have had to change everything due to new computer

    And now I am trying out Linux too, has a few bugs but is alot better than Gates creation! (Windows

    Hubby's business is finally really taking off


    Hope this finds all the people who have been suffering doing better

    And hope the families of troops are coping best wishes to them


    I love this new LQQK very appealing to the eyes

    Alot easier to navigate too.....


    And of course gotta love those smileys!



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