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Posts posted by daisy_girl58

  1. But wouldn't alot of the very upper class benefit from the law and be able to buy more property and then try to ban public fishing??? It would be like salmon fishing, 100 excited fisherman and 2 terrified fish! Then some would start fighting, so there would go the public fishing.....alot more money in building way over priced cottages and private lodges.....Makes ya wonder.....



  2. I find alot of kids these days are rude....


    I play on this multi-player game where there is alot of age 10-15 year olds who play.....I have never seen such a disrespectful bunch of kids, my daughter who is 26 plays on there and she will say, Mom if i ever did that you would have stunted my growth.....


    The point is these kids think you need to just give it to them, and furthermore my Husband has an onsite computer business and he said that he hears kids cussing and screaming at there parents alot....whoaaaaaaaaaa.......China bound when I dug the hole for you @#$%!!!!!


    But there is some great kids out there too, who have morals and values and deeply respect parenting....



    Ok my rant....


  3. :mellow: Ok i am choked up now and I will send these to my son....and his troops as he was just promoted to Staff Sargeant recently....His wife is taking it pretty hard right now and is trying to be tough cause she knows he must do it....But thanx a million.....



  4. And one of them is my son....To the right is a picture of my son and his son, will get details soon when he is going. All the reports say April, but I feel like it will be sooner. His wife and son will be in North Carolina......Finally, looks like Canadians will get the help they need...3200 from Carolinas are being deployed and 2200 from California are being deployed....As soon as I get more details, will update you....It is a shame that our loved ones have to fight for a senseless cause, for that country does not know peace or ever will....



  5. I have been smoke free since 1987! I was the worst kind a chain smoker with deep inhales too....Was up to 3 packs a day when cigarettes were DIRT CHEAP! The price is what would stop me now! Last time I heard it was up to 4-5 dollars a pack.....I say for all you smokers just start a charity fund and instead of buying cigarettes donate it to help someone.....This help me clean my lungs and system out....The herb Kudzu and no flash niacin, add one every 4 days and do it for 90 days....works like a charm and drink lots of water!


    Good Luck!!!


  6. Chili aka beef stew meet


    take beef stew meat and soak it in bourbon or beer overnight

    with a as much hot sauce you want


    Also fix a crock pot of Black Beans, kidney beans, pinto beans


    Next day preparation includes:


    Put water in skillet (enough to cover meat) with 2 tablespoons favorite oil and chili seasoning

    add the meat and cook till pink centers


    Now prepare either diced or whole tomatoes, slow cook in large pot

    add 2 cloves of garlic



    cut thick chunks of bell peppers, cubanelles and whatever hot peppers you like

    along with onions sautee those in butter


    Now add all this together and slow cook for an hour


    Make it as hot as you want, experiment......

    Flat bread goes well with this!


    Have fun eating!



  7. Hope they find him soon....They said on radio he was taking medication.....


    Anyways, it said it was at Roche's Point and my husband has alot of customers there and he said just last week it had finally began to ice over....He said that it may be awhile till you can ice fish there.....No way would we go out there now.....Sure has been strange weather....



  8. :Gonefishing: There is a friend who is closer than a brother and that is Kareem! Think of his smile and all the laughter you shared. How excited both of you got when you caught "O this has got to be the big one". Memories will always be their, cherish them and especially the last days together....I know Kareem and his family appreciate the friendship you guys shared....


    Our Condolences

    Lorissa and husband

  9. Condolences to the families and friends


    This a hypothetical question, but what is the chance that they could ban ice fishing or put so many restrictions that it would take the fun out of it. Plus all I kept hearing was how responsible or how much experience these guys were, ask there families that now.....How sad, I really feel sad for their families....Plus I am curious, do they have wear a seat belt on those snowmobiles? This is an idea, maybe have classes every time you need to renew or get your license just like the video that was posted! Make people do what that guy did, i bet it would cut down on the deaths! One time I got called on the carpet for the way i raised my kids, instead of harping "don't do" I would take them to places like drug and alcohol treatment centers and the big city where there was homeless. Alot of parents scolded me for it, but my kids have never tried that stuff or had a desire.



  10. Some awesome fishing at V-Beach! Hubby used a "Silver/blue Williams Warbler" as a flasher to bring perch in....And caught the biggest Damn Perch I have ever seen! Caught this about noon today, weighed 10 pounds and was 33 inches long.....



    Oh and I thought I would put a plug in for Penny at D C Marina in Keswick...Talk to her today and she is trying really hard to get a permit so she can have a portable bait shop on the ice.....Application is in MNR......She really misses you guys! Doug is still repairing snowmobiles and atv's , give em a call! they would be glad to hear from you




  11. :wub: I was a mere 14 working for my parents, was a short order cook + pumped gas, fixed flat tires.....Made great milkshakes from an ice cream bar, in fact recently the guy who bragged about me passed away, was my Daddy's fishing buddy.....Andy my mom and daddy was always telling guys I was not old enough to date....Life was simple, and yes once a week my dad and I would go fishing.....


    Nice memories....



  12. Hey guys!!!


    How did your day go at Virginia Beach??? Man the ice was nice and thick....We finally got out there after finding bait...Need a good bait shop and a bite to eat, go to Casey's in Port Bolster...Very kind lady there....


    We caught 133 this time so for the year heehee all 2 times we have been out! We have caught 183 perch and but threw most back....Sorry didn't take pics this time.....Same size too 9 inches but alot of smalls too.....HeeHee :P we are going again tomorrow....Business is slow so weez gotta go!



  13. Number 1 rule! Customer is always right! Number 1 rule again....Customer helps support THEIR lifestyle, feeds them, even makes there payments!! It's just not right!


    Today hubby and i went fishing at Virginia Beach, we called Monday to find out if this certain bait place in a shack on the lake, would be open Tuesday...They wasn't going to be open but we will be open Wednesday....We was there this morning and so was another guy waiting for bait....So we left and called this guy and was rudely informed "You ain't gettin no bait from me"........So luckily we called a hut operator from Port Bolster and he said try this lady at "Casey's.....She not only was really friendly but she gave us alot of minnows and let us know she opens at 5 am!!!!


    As for the other place....your loss our gain!



  14. :D We was there last Thursday before the rain, chiseled off the atv road was about 4 inches thick, but lots of water came up.....called yesterday to Daves huts and he said it was all fine with more ice on now.....We are going early in the morning and you can park before Daves shack on street before you get there....It will be near the shack but you will see a few cars on side of road.....Who is bringing the coffee?



  15. Well here goes....This is our first pictures of the perch we caught Thursday at Virginia Beach (Lake Simcoe).....We caught 50 exactly, kept 20 as you see in the sink, the others were the largest....


    May I add we bought a "Sub-Zero" ice hut, it got twisted and broke....Took it back to Canadian Tire, now we are waiting to try the outback from Frabill, wanted a clam but everyone is out.....Are the Frabill's normally noisy? And if so how can we make it not so noisy?


    May you all of you be blessed with the time you spend with friends, loved ones and family......Be thankful for today and look what tomorrow will bring....






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