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Everything posted by allbusiness

  1. yeah, I took out my drain plug and have the front of the boat jack up and on wooden blocks, so it's about 6 feet off the ground at the front, I'll have to checj tomorrow to make sure my drain hole isn't all iced up
  2. Hey guys, Went outside today after work to check on my boat, and saw that the tarp had ripped open at the back and snow got all over my rear casting deck. The snow doesn't worry me but there are big chunks of ice that have frozen into the carpet and I was unable to remove them, I was just wondering if the ice could cause any damage to the carpet or the hull seams behind my casting deck, Or am I just being paranoid? I threw a new tarp over top of it to keep anymore snow from getting in and I heard we were supposed to get some warm weather on friday, so I'm hoping it will melt all the ice that has built up inside of my boat. Any info would be greatly appreciated I don't know a whole lot about storing aluminum boats in the winter time and whether the snow can cause a lot of damage to them? Thanks for the input.
  3. Not sure if this is true, but I was talking to a gas station attendant and they said they are starting to mix in 10% ethanol with gasoline at all gas stations? Has anyone else heard of this? Am I going to have to add that sta-bil stuff to my gasoline if now for my outboard? Also, if I add that sta-bil stuff to my gas for my outboard does it counter-act the adverse effects of running ethanol through my outboard or does it just keep the alchohol from seperating from the gas if it's sitting for too long? Thanks.
  4. Take your test in Guelph, they pass everyone I was doing 60 in a 50 zone and I kept palming the wheel instead of the 10 and 2 thing and I still passed make sure you take it on a friday afternoon too, they'll be in a better mood and maybe a little more leniant than if you do it on a monday morning
  5. Yeah, it may not need the power trim, but I think it was the best 600$ I've ever spent, and I find it is nice to have. I would've regretted not getting it just to save a little money
  6. Well, I just got back from the lake with the wife and having a 100lbs less in the boat made a world of difference, just had to use WOT to get it up onto plane and was then able to cut back to around 3/4 and it stayed on plane just fine. I'm still breaking the motor in so I only had it WOT for about 3-4 minutes at a time then eased back the throttle a little. it would be nice to have a larger motor, but since I'll be fishing by myself 90% of the time, I think the 25 will do just fine, I can't wait to take it out by myself and see how much better it performs. I think I just need to keep an eye on how much weight I put on the boat, as for the hydrofoil I refuse to drill holes into my new motor, unless I can find one that doesn't require drilled holes, I won't be putting one on this year - maybe next year when it isn't so new anymore. anyway, having less weight in the boat improved performance 100% Thanks for all the replys
  7. Thanks for all the posts guys I'll screw around with it a little more today, as for the hydro foil I don't think I could bring myself to drill holes in a brand new motor - maybe in a couple of years when it isn't new I'll throw one of those on. I think it is a little underpowered but like leXXington said it costs next to nothing to run it at WOT, so if I have to have it at WOT to stay on plane, so be it. most of the lakes I fish are fairly small so I'll only have to have it WOT for around 5-10 minutes. I will be by myself most of the time and the other day I had a 200lb passenger so I think by myself I should be able to keep it on plane at around mayber 3/4 throttle (an extra 200lbs is a lot of weight) I will try to distribute the weight a little more evenly but besides my fishing rod, tackle bag, and all the safetly equipment (which is all up front in the storage compartment) I don't think there's a whole lot I can do. I would've liked to upgrade to a bigger motor but the wife won't let me - so I'm stuck with the 25hp Anyways, I'm going out again today - with about 100lbs less in the boat - so I'll post when I come back and see if that made a difference. Thanks again for all the replys and helpful information
  8. With the 40 on the viper do you find you have to have it WOT the keep it on plane? I didn't have any problem getting my boat to plane today but if I cut the throttle back to roughly 3/4 (I don't have a tachometer) the bow would slowly start to rise until it came out of planing. I don't have a lot of experience with outboards so is it normal to have it WOT to keep it on plane? or should I be able to cut the throttle back a little bit and still stay on plane? I was wondering if I didn't have the motor trimmed out properly and if that was causing it to come out of planing when I cut the throttle back?
  9. I'm taking it out tomorrow again so I'll give that a shot, I just took it out today to break the motor in and do a little fishing so I could only have it WOT for about 1 minute out of every 10 minutes. I'm going out with the wife tomorrow too so I shoulo be carrying about 100lbs less than today, so I'll see if that makes a difference.
  10. When I trim it up at WOT I still stay on plane fine but I figure (and I was told) that I would be able to stay up on plane at 3/4 throttle and I was wondering if I'm not using the trim correctly to keep it on plane? I weight roughly 170lbs my passenger weighs about 200 lbs and my tackle back weighs about 50lbs so I maybe had about 450lbs on the boat
  11. Yeah it is underpowered, but should it not stay up on plane without me having it wide open all the time? it takes about 7-10 seconds ? to get it onto plane WOT
  12. Hey Guys, I recently took my new boat out for the first time today to break in the motor and do a little fishing. Now I've never been out on a fishing boat before and have never operated a power boat with an outboard on it. It's the Angler V151 legend with a 25 hp 4/s with power trim on it. I found to get it up onto plane I had to trim the motor down towards the boat to get the bow down and have the motor at WOT. Now when I was talking to the dealer he said to give it enough gas to get onto plane trim it out and then cut back on the throttle and it will stay on plane. He also told me I should be able to keep it up on plane at half throttle I found when I was out today anything less than WOT and the boat would slowly come off of plane, I was wondering if I'm not using the power trim correctly? am I trimming it out too much or not enough? Or am I just going to have to keep it at WOT to stay on plane? again I have close to no experience with outboards or power trim so I'm wondering if I'm not doing something correctly? I'm going to take it out tomorrow again, so any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  13. 7 bucks each is a great deal I pay 13$ plus tax for one I think I'm getting ripped off. Where is LB? Is it close to guelph/kitchener?
  14. Welder/fitter Sweet job, sometimes challenging but it's nice doing something different everyday, and I find I always learn a thing or two after every job - Pay is great especially when you put in 55-60 hour weeks (but sucks because I have no time to fish) If you don't mind getting dirty, sweating all day in a hot shop, getting burned or injured, then it's a great trade to get into (If you have some common sense) oh yeah, for a dream job I would would want to be a cop, so I could harass people and abuse my authority. allbusiness
  15. If you want pike conestoga lake is a much better choice, the fishing above the dam I find is a lot better and not as much pressure - I drive over macton bridge every day (not now because there is construction) and there is always a ton of people fishing there. And like buddy said all the run off into that river is pretty disgusting, I can't believe they even stock it with brown trout, I've never seen any caught and it's a wonder if they even survive in there. But if you are going for brown trout then hit up right below the dam, again, a lot of people fish there so it gets a fair bit of pressure. Mennonites are pretty laid back people who love to fish and work, if they want to keep their limit, then it's in their right to.
  16. I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure Guelph Lake is non-powered boats only Check the GRCA website it whould say there
  17. Nope, He has my motor sitting at the dealership, Just needs a transom to mount it to. that's all the rigging it needs, On the dual console versions they transport them with the windshield off and the dealer would put that on too. Also other things they would rig up at the dealership are custom covers, and bimini tops.
  18. Brother, I ordered my boat end of march - still haven't gotten it - that's almost 2 1/2 months. dealer told me it's coming in this monday and it won't take long for him to rig it up, so I'm hoping mid next week, I'm not holding my breath though, and when I call him to ask I'm expecting him to say: "yeah... it's due to come in in another week you'll get it soon" He told me theres been a lot of hold ups with legend - they get the hull shipped to them from smokercraft and they do their thing to it - Mercury motors are made in california (I think) and are shipped to Vancouver then transported here. I guess it's not really his fault that the manufacturers are falling behind on their orders, so I guess I just have to be patient. Not like it really matters, I've been so swamped at work I wouldn't have been able to take it out anyways (But it would be nice just to look at it sitting in my driveway)
  19. Nice looking boat, I was so close to buying that boat this year - put down a deposit (the dealer only said it would take about a month to get the boat) and at the last minute I decided to upragde to v151 angler (still haven't got it yet - I'll posts pics when I do) Is that a 2007 or a 2008? I thought that the 2008's were painted black and the driver seat was mounted directly to the floor? anyway, congrats on the new boat
  20. I found the shipping cost to be way too high at cabela's and BPS, AND they charge you 13% sales tax? I may be wrong but I thought if you only had to pay pst/gst if you bought something in Ontario, outside of ontario you shouldn't have to pay any tax at all. I find it hard to believe cabela's is going to take all that tax they collect from ontario customers and hand it over to the ontario government. IMO you can't beat Ebay when it come to fishing gear, lures, line, reels, you name it - you can find it a whole lot cheaper on ebay, with the most reasonable shipping rates (most of the time). Just make sure they ship it USPS and not UPS (You have to pay a ridiculous brokerage fee with UPS) with USPS you don't have to pay any duty/brokerage fee at all. AND on Ebay you pay no tax.
  21. I heard gas prices are expected to rise up to 4$/litre over the next 5-6 years, which is possible, I think they are paying close to that over in europe. It's likely too that the bank of canada will raise interest rates back up to 10 - 14% to help stop all the inflation, (which would hopefully lower the price of fuel) Could you imagine if your mortgage renewed at 11% instead of 5% AND you were paying 4$/litre for gas? I might pull a John Denver and bury gas tanks in the back yard and start hording gas.
  22. I have thought about that and I would not consider buying an aluminum boat with a hull thickness any less than .100"
  23. Hey everyone, I'm looking into buying my first aluminum fishing boat, I've only had experience on the water before with larger sailboats and have never been on an aluminum boat before. I was wondering how much does the width of the boat affect the stability v.s the length of the boat? e.g: would a 15' boat with an 80" beam be more stable on rough water than a 17' boat with a 70" beam? also what is the smallest size boat you would recommend for georgian bay/st. clair/simcoe? again I don't have a lot of experience with aluminum boats so any feedback/opinons would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Allbusiness.
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