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About qaz

  • Birthday 02/09/1966

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    London, ON

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  1. I can second the good feelings about the goby's they are showing up in the stomachs of lots of fish, from Walleye to some of the trout and Salmon. They seem also be favorite of Bass.. Enjoy..the "gifts".
  2. OH yet man have a good one.. and Merry Xmas too. If you can ever shake the cameras and director come out and we can enjoy a peaceful of fishing..
  3. I'm with you...I love a good pike over a open fire on a cookie sheet greased with REAL butter and spiced with salt and pepper.
  4. My wife is happy to confuse that she married a "bear shirter" and says " I'll can control him,, but pull the lease too tight and you'll get turned on' She lets me have free run so to speak, but has no fear that I will go a stray. Hey don't know for sure she means but she don't try to stop me from behind me. She tells me she doesn't what me to change..she like me the way I am.
  5. I got this one the end of November a little before the Lake Erie shore froze up now at the mill creek in Kingsville. I caught her with a big worm and some bling...
  6. Maybe this will help...the pores and the Jaw scales tell you what it is...Just like the Great white and the Salmon shark, you have to look at the size and shape of the anal fins and the shape and size of the teeth. Oh also if it hits you from below and drives you fourteen feet in the air while shaking it's head back and forth it's a White. Salmon Sharks make high speed horizonally slashing runs.. Of course it's time for you one way or the other if they do manage to get any part of you back. CLICK THE PIC FOR A LARGER VIEW....
  7. Well Karen and I are heading down today, I just hope the ice in not piled up along the shore..I think the little creek will keep it clear, but you never know. We're fishing at night so will what to see it in the day light first. I'll try and get pics of the trip.
  8. THanks for the info guys(and gals). I am slow getting back to the replies because I am at work driving in the States. I am talking about Burbot. They live in cold water and taste great after you skin them, which removes the skin ribs, guts and belly. I am not talking about finger trims AKA Bowfin. Which like warm swampy water.. Burbot are more active in the winter and spawn some time about mid-winter. I mean I've seen a burbot that was grabbed close to the tail by a pike of equal size turn around and eat the pike.
  9. OK I got a new mother-in-law that likes cat fish, and i was telling her about lings and she wants to try them. She live in the Lemington/Kingsville area of Lake Erie.. I can catch Lings right off the beach or the creek mouths in the area. Can She eat them or will it be a to the hospital or worse? I mean getting a mother-in-law out of the way is maybe every guys dream, but feeding her toxic fish is not the way to do it. P.S. I skin my lings so that I am left with a skinless, rib less "fish roast" on a spine, never cut the belly. So in short are they non-eatible or is it time.
  10. Yup, I works with All black bass, and pan fish. The birds can only have the eggs out of the water for a short time( Don't ask me I don't know the time limits), but protective slime around the eggs help. I know a local pond were the guy that owns the ponds on it are bagging people not to put back Jumbo perch they catch.. He wants to keep it a bass only pond... he's not having much luck Since the ponds just 20 to 100 yards from him are FULL of perch..
  11. A quick peek at the Wedding... http://s237.photobucket.com/albums/ff237/t...g-Scrapblog.pbw
  12. Too late...it's done...All three rings...The engagement ring....The wedding ring and the suffeRING.
  13. Well here she is training to be a good wife by tying flies for her husband. http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff237/t.../Picture027.jpg
  14. Hey at least she fishies too. Also to top that off she says that jumping a red eye flight to Calgary and bumming around the bow and area for a week sound like a great trip. As long as I carry the heavy backpack(tent and camping gear) we can just crash on the river bank at night. We have even talked about drifting the bow starting in Banff, and camping along the way. Anyone want to tag along...
  15. Thanks for the heads up guys... two days, seven hours, and 5 Minutes till:
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