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Posts posted by Cookslav

  1. Like seeing the pics...and I like seing the background as well.

    But I fully understand why some back grounds are blacked out...If I felt you could tell my spots I might do the same(if it was a smaller sensitive area)


    But really...

    I'm WAY more interested in the report.

    Whats working, techniques...whats new etc.


    There are some on the board here that are great for this...full detailed report with Pics to boot!!!

    Thats the good stuff there ;)


    Thats the kind of thing I like to see, but hey...

    By all means post your pics, brag, be informitive...maybe do both, or do what you do.

    If I'm not into it...I won't Reply.

  2. No doubt...put in your time, and stray the beaten path.

    They have a bass derby every year on the grand...wouldn't be doing that if their were no fish right?


    The Grands a funny river down this way..,heavy spring currents and the silty bottom make for a new river every year.

    Seems the banks, weedbeds, depths, holes, Trees ect...can be completely different year to year.


    So don't discount your spots...just cause there were no fish this time.

    Go back and find the holding waters next season.

    When its hot them bass will be under anything that casts shade, or right in a torrent. If its muddy(by muddy I mean muddier then usual)you have to drop on their heads...get in there right in the wood with some heavy line.


    Good luck, and keep at it.

  3. Were ever the fish be....


    9x outta 10 im on the rivers in my float boat, but I hit some small inland lakes as well in the float boat or canoe.

    But then again I hit the big water lakes a few times in a rental boat now and then...and of course fish the Shore for steelhead in the fall, and also spring sometimes.


    No real favorite....I prefer the trips I catch fish :P

  4. Make this Raspberry Chipotle sauce


    1 tablespoon olive oil

    1/2 cup small diced onion

    2 teaspoons minced garlic

    2 teaspoons chipotle chiles in adobo, chopped

    2 pints fresh raspberries, rinsed

    1 cup Rasperry Jam

    1/2 cup raspberry vinegar

    1 bunch chopped cilantro

    3/4 cup granulated sugar

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1/2 cup red wine


    and if you can find it....but its hard to find

    3 Table spoons of ground Pepperberry(its an Australian spice)

    Marinate the roast in half the mix overnight.

    Cook your roast to your likeing, and baste the Roast again with the rest of the sauce with 15 minutes left to caramalize the Glaze a bit.


    Serve with a side of rich red wine beef jus or veal demi...but lots of vino is a must!


    Absolutley yummm....

  5. Man...

    looks like a great year for you...to bad about the summer that never came.

    But then again you made out like a bandit with 62 days on the water!!!!

    I just showed that to my wife....she can't say much about my measly 5 trips This year :)



    I think the Stat collecting is a cool idea...I might give that a shot next season just for kicks

  6. Canada is a nice place to live, but it's time we started to get tough on criminals.........VERY VERY tough !!



    Could not agree any more...

    I'm So sick of the light sentences, young offenders act, and general Soft hand approach...

    If tougher sentences are not a deterent then at the Very least it keeps the dogs off the street longer.


    Besides...if tougher sentences are not a deterent then what is?

    We can't keep moving forward the way we are now....

  7. Never stressed...I get out there for the sole puropse of enjoying my surroundings and releiving the stress of my daily routine.

    And honestly 99% of the time I'm happy just to get out on the water, or bank.

    Catching something is a bonus :)


    I'd be lying if I said I never got frustrated though...

    However I only get frustrated If I'm the only sucker not catching LOL...

  8. Nice job!


    Looks like it was a bit blustery out there eh?

    Were abouts did you guys put in?


    Im guessing thats a Clown color Rapala...deep diver?

    (Sticking outta the first pics yap)

    Just curious?

    A few weeks back Bigswede and I got a few on Clown X-Raps

  9. I'd wish you luck but I doubt you'll need it...put in the time you'll find 'em is what I was told...and it was bang on.


    Found them to be high in the water and the hits came at low light...water was cooold(froze up around us at sun down LOL....)



  10. Been cooking for 15 years now in Kitchener and Toronto

    Currently (and for the last 7 years) I'm the Executive Chef For a local Hotel here in K-Town.

    Great Job actually...Creative control, fast paced, good crew, decent benefits & pay.


    I'll prolly stick around here till I either save up enough dough to open my own resort north of here, or find a decent paying gig on the water somewere :lol:

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