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Posts posted by Cookslav

  1. Cause we'll pay it...


    Sucks but its true.

    Its a total farse, and we can complain all we like, but at the end of the day the only people who could stop the insanity are profiting from the increased prices as well(AKA...our government)


    So aside from it "possibly" becoming and election issue next time around there is no incentive for them to act, and zero chance anything will be done.


    The only way its going to come down is if we carp enough over the next few years to make it a top election issue, but....

    Then again how often do politicians keep their word anyway?


    Depresing but true...


  2. And as for the league cleaning itself up, back in the day when you could punch a guy out for being a pest, or taking liberties, it was a lot cleaner than it is now. Is it cleaner now because there is less fighting... hardly, there is more stick work, more cheap shots and less respect than ever




    Now instead of stepping up and settleing the score face to face you have guys taking Cheap shots trying to get even with another player

    "Under the Radar" and avoiding the the fight.

    Problem there is...

    A fight is mutual, and it leaves 2 guys with a sore face & fists...thats about it.

    But with A quick jab of the stick, a stomp of the skate, a hit from behind or what have you people get seriously hurt.

  3. Simons a goon...plain and simple, and he got what he deserved IMO

    Lucky he didn't get more given his track record.


    The league acted accordingly by setting a precedent IMO.

    I personally like the fighting...that’s right, I'll be honest.

    Nothing wrong with 2 guys dropping the gloves when they have a dispute on the ice.

    its settled, and its dealt with up front in your face, no bertuzzi cheap shot broken necks, no Chris Simon 2 handers to the face, no Samuelson knee jobs, and no Tie Domi Elbows....


    2 guy solo solving a dispute.

    The Stick play, the cheap shots...that stuff is cowardice Garbage.

    Hockey has always had fights, and always will....and I hope it continues

    Why you ask?


    Cause The emotional overdrive of the game is what turns my crank...

    The split second decision, the slamming into the boards, the frustration, the pain, the guts & the glory...that’s what I love about the game.

    If 2 guys who want to drop the gloves in the heat of the moment to settle the score, and rally the team, the crowd, and the sports life blood...so be it


    But to stomp on a guys leg when he's down while he's in a helpless position, an not expecting it...that’s Garbage.

    That’s cowardice, and its the crap that spoils this great sport.

    Throw him out IMO.


    Penalize the cowards, and the dirty crap so severely it stops, but leave the passion in the game.

    Let them Fight, let them hit, let them muck it up, and let them be emotional...but remove the Garbage


    I still say Minor Hockey has got it right.

    Introduce a "intent to injure" penalty.

    The cost is simple....

    You injure a player in Malice, you sit every game the Injured player does, then serve a suspension of 25% of the remaining season once that injured player returns, a 2nd offence is 50%, and third offence is a Life ban on the game.

    If that was in play the Players would think twice about this stupid crap.

    And guys like Bertuzzi would be retired.


    But don't put a fight between 2 willing sportsman on the same page as what Simon did.

    Fighting in Sports may be wrong to some, but my guess is those same people don't get Boxing either.

    Like it or leave it thats the Score IMO

  4. Its funny that most people say go in with as much of a down payment as possible....its totally true, and I don't disagree, but I am quick to point out that having to take a higher interest rate, on a "No down payment Mortgage"

    is still better then renting by about 100% IMO


    Its always better to be earning equity back into your own pocket then paying a land lord...even if it is a slow climb.

    I bought my first house for $118,000 on a no down payment mortgage, and paid an 8.5% interest Rate when the posted rate was about 6%


    I took out a line of Credit at 9% interest, and renovated the house top to bottom...

    put in a new Gas Fireplace, high efficiency furnace, Central air, New roof, upgraded the electrical panel to 120amp service with breakers(was fuses) Put in a dishwasher, all new High efficiency windows, all new ceramic & Laminate floors, New Toilets, and Bathroom vanity, an awning off the deck, and basically painted the cupboards and styled the place up a bit.

    I did it all myself with the help of my Brothers, and Father over the past 5 years.


    3 years into my term the rates dropped to 4% so I broke the mortgage, and paid a $3000 penalty to do so.

    I put the penalty and the balance of my line of credit off onto the new mortgage at 4%.


    That consolidated my debt, but dropped my biweekly payments $200!!!

    I then maintained my original payment level(putting that $200 biweekly directly on the principle)

    For the past 2 years and paid my mortgage down significantly....


    I just sold that same house for $221,000 5 years later, and walked into my new home with a $130,000 down payment.


    Like I said...

    Your WAY better off getting into the Market then you are paying some one else’s mortgage.

    There are very few investments someone can make that will pay off better then Real estate right now.


    That’s my 2 cents :thumbsup_anim:

  5. Kyle,


    I'm no Mortgage Specialist but I can tell you I've been getting the run around from TD these last few months as well....

    I just sold my home, and bought a new one closing on the 28th of this month.

    Hard ball is the only way to play those Jerks.

    Get rates, and terms from every institution in town and then some....then play them against each other.

    Use your RRSPS, and accounts as leverage as well.

    Or better yet...

    Higher a broker to do that for you...it costs you NOTHING!!!!

    (the banks pay them)


    As for TD Canada Trust...If I had the time, and could get a better rate I would go ANYWERE else!

    But that is a personal/personnel service "thing" that’s got me pissy with them. :angry:


    My advice which may or may not apply...

    DO NOT LOCK IN for more then a year right now unless you can swindle 5% or less...you'll kick your self later.

    The banks just lowered prime in an attempt to halt the Canadian dollars climb, and it didn't even slow it down.

    The dollar is expected to climb again over the next year as high as $1.10/US, after a slight post Christmas slump.

    (Trust me friend that rate is going down over the Spring/Summer. )


    The banks are well prepared to drop the rates further to slow it down as it rises.

    You have 90 days to lock a rate and of course if the rates drop, you can re-lock a lower rate.


    On the flip side...and I am wrong

    The penalty for breaking your mortgage 6 months into a 12 month term is pretty minimal....

    If you locked in at 5% for a year, and the rates started to climb, you can break the mortgage, pay a couple grand on the top of the new mortgage, and lock in at a safe rate your comfy with and not feel any major pinch.


    I was lucky enough to get 5.005% rate for a one year fixed term as of this past Wednesday....not a bad rate considering the posted rate is 7.59% for 5 years closed.

    A few percent may not sound like much but that 2% discount lowers my payments by $200 bi-weekly so now I just apply that extra $200bi-weekly to the principle....and whammo! I just cut years off the mortgage balance.

    So I plan to watch the rates like a hawk this year, and then lock in the lowest rate I can between October and November 2008 for my next term....hopefully those rates will be low enough I will feel comfortable to lock in for 10 years and be done with paying a mortgage :thumbsup_anim:


    Some good news for home owners came this summer as well.

    The CHMC just changed their policy this past summer lowering their exclusion rate to 20% from 25% which is nice but for most first time buyers that doesn't help much considering the Average down payment people can afford is 5%

    And the CHMC fee is 3.75%(last time I checked)


    Good luck bud,

  6. Laphroaig, or Isle of Jura


    Both are nice and affordable(although not mainstream) single Malts.

    But if I were you....I'd find out if he likes a Peaty scotch or malty scotch guy.

    If he's a connoisseur he's have a distinct type he likes.


    Scotches tend to lean to one side or the other.

    (A Peaty scotch has an almost anise like quality, with a mouth feel that slightly numbing, while a Malty scotch is generally lighter in flavour with a sweeter finish)


    Laphroaig is heavily weighted to the peaty side, while Isle of Jura is definitely a Malty Scotch.

  7. Interesting for sure....

    Not sure I could make any deductions from it other then the number of anglers is decreaseing significantly year on year = more fish fer me!

    And Trout were officialy made the number 2 catch second to walleye for the first time ever.


    That and we in Ontario Keep 22.2% of what we catch.


    You could wrap your mind around these statistics for weeks LOL...if your bored and inclinded to crunch numbers for fun like me LOL!

  8. We should just give up now and die.... :rolleyes: ....not


    They will never pass a Tax on Children here IMO....The first candidate to suggest that will be committing political suicide.


    A little Common sence could fix this (atleast for Canada)

    There is a lot of room here in Canada, our REAL problem is we build our homes, and businesses on top of prime farmland because everyone wants to live in the "Mega citys"

    The simple way to fix this...

    Stop Urban Spawl = saved Farmland = lots of food for us


    The other Common sence remedy....

    If Canada is becoming overpopulated (which I don't beleive we are)

    Cut the Imigration rate, and let us grow our own little Canadians


    Its a crazy common sence revolution!

    Vote Cookslav for Prime Minister in the next election!!!

    (I promise better fishing for everyone) :thumbsup_anim:

  9. Oh and its worth mentioning that generally in the hotel world...after fumigating the rooms the Mattress, box frame, curtains, and any furniture including the pillows(anything made of cloth, and fabric, and sometimes depending on the fabric....even the carpet)

    are removed.


    They fumigate first to avoid a spread while transfering the old furniture out of the room....the eggs can resist the poisons and hatch anyway...so they minimize the chance of spread, and remove the problem.


    So you can imagine how costly a bedbug problem could be if you took it home...

    Any well run Hotel should take bed bugs VERY seriously.

  10. Sheets, and pillow cases are changed after each guest leaves...thats the norm(I would hope)

    Its just the comforters that are usualy cleaned monthly....


    Bed bugs is an intersting one...luckily I've had the privilage of never seeing, or haveing one reported were I work.

    But I thought it was worth mentioning your NEVER safe regardless of were you stay.


    They travel in your luggage 9x out of 10, and they can be tranfered from hotel to hotel....

    So no matter how nice, big or small the hotel is....it all depends on who stayed in your room before you unfortunatly


    But the real scarey part....in order to have them exterminated you need to fumigate the room and generally 4 rooms over on each side and accross the hall and over 4 rooms in each direction(thats as far as they will travel individually) then re-apply the same treatment ANYWERE they show up.


    So if you take them home with you....

    You need to fumigate your entire home, and I'm not sure but I can't see insurance covering that, and proving were you "initially" picked them up for financial compensation is a bit sticky...


    One word of advice....

    before you settle into your room, check behind the head board, and look at the head of the mattress...bed bugs are quite visible to the naked eye, and they like to lay eggs in that spot...not sure why they like that spot in particular, but they do.

    If you see any bugs, or small black spots the size of half a grain of rice....thats the eggs, get out right away before you unpack.

    if the Mattress header is clean, your good to go.

  11. I can say with certainty not all hotels are this way, but I can say this is actually the norm....very very common.

    As some of you know I work in hotel Managment, and I can tell you its an issue well known to the industry.


    The logistics of washing the cups is simple...Dish soap & Sanitizer.

    Its catching your staff cutting corners that’s tough.

    We enforce this at our hotel with spot checks, and a zero tolerance termination policy....you get caught your fired

    But with 300+ rooms being cleaned a day you can't watch every one, every day so all you can do is hope they are doing their job, and keep checking.


    The comforter is a sad truth in the industry....No one, and I can say with 100% certainty that NO MAJOR hotel cleans the comforter after every guest leaves.

    Its sad but true...


    To wash a comforter every day...the comforters would simply fall apart in a month.

    And can you imagine the Laundry facility you would need to wash 300+ comforters in a day, not to mention the labor, energy, and chemical costs.

    Its just not practical... allthough it is definatly an unpleasant thought.


    The Royal York, Delta Chelsea, King Eddy, Banff Springs, etc....do not wash their comforters each day

    You can head south and stay at a Sunspree, Superclub, or a Weston resort, and not one of them will wash the comforter before you arrive.

    In fact your chances of getting a washed Comforter are 10x better if you stay at a small 100 or less room hotel.

    (easier to wash 100 then 300+)


    Most comforters are changed once a month in a GOOD run hotel, While most rotate on 6 month cleaning blitz's....yuck



    Just thought I'd share that :)

  12. they released two beetle species that have kept them pretty much in check


    Ya...and they eat your lawn as well LOL!

    Purple loosestrife is out of control down here along the Grand(K-Town)

    You don't even need to get out of your car to see it....

    Just drive over the bridge at highway 8 by sports world next summer, and have a gander at our beautifull purple shore line.


    Not to jack this thread, but....

    Here in K-town depending on the area you live, if you don't spray for white grub your lawn is toast.

    Thats thanks to the European Chafer beetle one of those beetles that was introduced to control...you guessed it the Purple loosestrife.


    I think I could learn to like the purple demon....

    its better then paying for chemical treaments, or paying 3 times that amount for organic treatments. :rolleyes:

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