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Posts posted by Cookslav

  1. Geeze....

    Thats ruff for sure.


    Did they offer to do a pre-opp blood work test?

    Just curious, as our Vet tests for this situation....its appearently common

    So we paid this fee for all our pets, so its on file with their office

    The blood work is generaly $70-$100 so....

    Unfortunatly many Vets skip this step and don't even ask the ownner being some people veiw it as exsessive.


    I've not known any one who had it happen to their cats, although I do know a PERSON who its happened to.

    They were fine after the fact, but it was scarey for sure.

    The Reaction caused swelling that cause pressure on the optic nerve...I'm no doctor but thats the explanation I remember?

    Once the swelling went down the sight returned, and now they were a pretty little braclet(medic alert)


    My wife is also Alergic to it...

    We found out the hard way, when she had her wisdom teeth taken out.

    She wouldn't wake up...had to keep her on the oxygen, but it could have been worse


    I agree with Crappie....

    They are cute and cuddly but they can be pretty resiliant.


    Sounds like your little furball has used atleast 2 of 9 lives :)

  2. Didn't want to Hijack the other Yak thread so I started this one....


    I've been thinking about getting a Kayak for the last 2 years, and could use some advice to help me narrow down

    what I should be looking at.


    I'm a total nubee to this by the way...

    I'm well experienced at Canoe, electric, tiller, and console navigation....even have limited sailing experience, but when it comes to

    Yaks I'm clueless

    My main use would be in the big lake(huron) for fitness, fun...and maybe some fishing as I have a trailer on the water.

    Not aware of any "great" spots on the big water(inbetween Point clark and Goderiche)

    but I suppose I could spend some time look'n around ;)

    I could think of worse ways to sepnd my time :rolleyes:



    What kind of Features, models, weights would Ya'll recomend?

    Pro's cons, suggestions...


    Just curious.

  3. Dam...


    I hate hearing about this dam desease....we can put a man on the moon, and even clone and entire creature from the makeings of one single cell, yet we still can't seem to stop one single cell from growing.

    Its incredibly frustrating to me, and it pains me to hear these things....especially when involves children.

    Many prayers sent.

  4. Remind me to never PM you a fishing spot Stoty !

    LOL... :clapping:


    As long as the folks who PM'd you feel the same way Im sure its all good :whistling:

    They may be some of the more well known lakes but....

    They did "PM" you right?


    No biggy I s'pose :Gonefishing:



    Ya beer in Plastic bottle options are Steelback, ummm SteelBack, and ummm oh Ya Steelback LOL!!!

    The Nut brown Ale is Nice though...I was not a fan of the strong it was like Schlitz, AKA Paint thinner, and the Silver was like American beer, or like John Cleese says "making Love in a canoe"


    Its F-ing close to water (no offense to the m'ericans)


  5. I forgot to ask about the wild animals around the Happy Isle Lake area.

    Should we be on the lookout for bears, wolves, etc?

    Should we hang out food from tree's?


    2 questions I can answer....

    Number one....yes!!!

    Absolutely, and take lots of pic...we love to see them! :thumbsup_anim:


    Number Two....If your on the island I say No, if your on the mainland I say Yes, unless you want a coon, squirrel, skunk, or what ever else into your food, and ripping holes in your gear.


    Bears are plenty in the Park, and not overly shy, but if you can be bear "smart" you'll be fine.

    Common sence goes a long way ;)

  6. Ya...4 day trip and your going through Opeongo you NEED the Water Taxi LOL...


    You'd pretty much loose a 90% of your day in and out by the time you get across the portage, and into happy Isle lake, assuming the slowest in your party is decently experienced in the art of canoeing :whistling:


    Being you'll be ther in July I assume...if at all possible stay on the west side of the island.

    Its a decent site, and will give you some relief from the bugs, and if there is a nice cross breeze you'll pretty much be bug free.

    Plus you'll not need to worry about any critters getting into your packs.


    But that will be a Prime site, and Happy Isle can be busy...


    The north shore has a nice "point" site as well that would be a second choice, if the islands 3 sites are taken.



    There are MANY Small mouth lakes in the South West gate area...

    But be fore warned...bugs in July can drive you nuts LOL!


    Thats why I usualy trip in EARLY May for trout....Bass fishing can be awesome though, I really should go back in the summer some time :Gonefishing:

    There are some residant experts round here not yet to chime in...sit tight, I'm sure you'll get even more advice.

    Barbra, Nemo, Doug...come to mind


    If your not Set on Happy Isle gimme a PM

  7. Best Show ever!


    Have not missed a single episode....

    And yet I am still so confused LOL!!!!


    They are still yet to explain the real "others"

    The ones who can walk silently through the forest, and the black some creature...its crazy cool!

  8. My Brothers out there...went to Grande Prarie(were Kyle is) As a 2nd year Welding apprentice for almost double what he was getting per hour in Ontario.

    Only 3 months laters jumped ship to another contractor for $3 more/hour plus a company phone.

    4 months later the same company sent him to Calgary...and added another $2/hour to his pay along with a company truck, and they slotted him into this past fall season of School.


    He's gonna be licenced shortly, and has a tough decision to make....stay, or come home licensed.

    His origional plan was to go out there, pay off some debts, come home with his license, get married, start a family.


    Now he's questioning the leaving part.

    Jobs in Ontario are not plenty, and not as rewarding...

    Family and freinds are here, but the moneys there...tough decision for sure.

  9. its a great place to catch lots of 20 and under 20 inch pike but the bass fishing is better than the pike if you like quality over quantity


    That "can" be true, but there are some real bruiser Pike in there as well..you just gotta sort through the hammerhandles to get 'em.

    Try a bigger bait, I like (large offset spinner in strait white), and maybe work out a bit deeper on the weed beds, you may get lucky with something bigger.


    Nice healthy Bass population fer sure,, and lots of heavy weed to work plastics.

    I know Pickeral are in there, And I keep hearing the Pickeral are gaining some share of the water but I've been hearing that for atleast the last 6-7 years :rolleyes:

    We'll see this summer I s'pose if I get a chance to get out.


    Trout fishing below the dam IMO is great....starting 2 miles down the river were your not squeezed shoulder to shoulder.

    I'm yet to break 18 inches though :wallbash:


    I've seen some real beauties 20+ in some of the holes, and Know a guy through another guy....But I've seen the pics of a beautifull 24 inch hen

    Keep in mind its a single Barbless hook/No Kill Zone.


    Last couple years I've been working the lower section of the zone cause I tend to see less people...smaller trout it seems are plentifull Getting over 12 inches is a chor LOL!

    But their in there...got my 18 incher in the lower.


    Im not a huge Ice fisherman, don't mind it though....Can't say the closure bothers me.

    I'll just enjoy the surplus in the spring :thumbsup_anim:

  10. Many...many people here including myself have expericned the phenoninom of positivily identifying and releaseing a fish we know we have caught before...sometime multiple times.


    I know 100% that I once caught the same bass 3 times on a weeks holidays...

    First day(a Saturday) I hooked her deep on a leetch, so I let her go, but not before I noticed the bad scar on her back(snapping turtle I'm sure)


    I caught her again the following evening on a skitterpop in the same spot, I could tell by the size, the scar, and my hook was still in her gullet.


    The following Thursday I nailed her yet again on an offset spinner...same scar, same spot and my hook was there as well except this time it seemed badly corroded, so I gave it a nip with the need nose pliers and it crumbled and popped out.


    My offical "scientific findings"

    Fish survive when released well...and Bass can be reeeeely dumb LOL!


    I'd bet the proffesionals would agree...especialy some guides perhaps?

  11. Yup....

    It drives me nuts, but its better for my health to let it go.

    There is no happy news when it comes to Gas.

    We all know they gauge us at the pumps, and they say the oils dwindling, and production is down and :blahblah1: yadda Yadda.....then post record profits, just like the insurance companies.

    Considering Canada has the second 2 largest deposits of oil that has barely been begun to be tapped these last 10 years

    I just don't beleive there is a shortage right now.

    Will we run out eventually....yes so sure go ahead raise it a bit, conserve(but triple the cost????)

    Is production slowed down....yes but its because OPEC decided they need more money(which is annoying)


    All I can say is I Can't wait to see affordable electrics that can tow LOL....

    I wish there was a way to stick it to them but at the end of the day, even if we ran out, those sots at OPEC will already have been made billionaires 10 time over.


    Bah...there goes my blood pressure again :P

  12. Learn the art of coasting. See that stop sign, up ahead? Ok take yer foot of the gas, and jes coast all the way there. Get acquainted with the far right lane on multi-lane expressways, and try and keep yer speed at 100 km. Barely crawl when takin' off from a stop. Oh, and keep the tires a tad overinflated.


    Don't forget to Ride as close as possible to the back of the next vehicle infront of you to take advantage of their draft.

    (Transports are particularily good for that)


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