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Everything posted by l2p

  1. both carp are monsters!
  2. to be honest with you i thought it was way to brittle to be human hair, maybe cause what ever was downthere has been there long enough. but the color seemed like it would be.... actual hair. brownish/blonde. it has been sitting there in the back of my head. what are the chances that i would hook into so much "furry stuff" i dont like saying hair lol. mind you this is in the middle of a boat lane inside a marina so im almost certain that someone would have noticed by now. but still its better to be sure, who would i contact to report something like this, 222 tips?
  3. Btw does anyone know why in most if not all my fish today had some sort of skin irritation and in some cases were actually flesh wounds? not like cuts more like really bad bruising.
  4. i WAS 99.9% sure that a mermaid was playing around with me today while fishin for pike, heres the breakdown. **was fishing a sandbank that i always thought was debris free so i was being careless with the retrieve. reeling..... hit.. nvm just a snag.... managed to get it free so i reeled in to see if it was weeds. to my surprise it was a huge lump of hair(instantly i remembered about shwa a couple weeks back) but put that thought in the back of my mind. cast out again as i was still sure there was no snags there. reeling...... hit, this time it ran straight for the deeper water just ajacent to the bank and managed to shake me off... hoping to entice a second strike i cast again. reeling.. jerk jerk... reeling..... snag.. then it started moving slowly towards me then faster and faster.. i managed to keep the line tight for a lil while then slack.... $#@$! reeling in, thinkin man that was big pike. then i noticed a big ass scale on my hook. at that point i was trippin out and didnt even stop and think that it could have been a carp i just didnt want to be near that spot so i moved far far away. never did find out wether it was a mermaid or not, maybe a merman? who cares im sober now. anyways picss(sorry for bad pics, fishin by myself using phone for cam.) hammer handles bigger brutes pic was taken by some random. \ soo guesses on this scale? im thinkin a drum, carp scales look different. (thats a quarter, kinda looks like a nickle.)
  5. beauty fish!
  6. it depends on the trib your fishing. sometimes the steelhead are not aloud that far up(dams) but witnessed one case where a buddy of mine actually hooked a brookie in a pool full of steelhead.
  7. nice fish, and yes in most cases brookies can only be found on the head waters of the creeks. from what ive noticed most lake run browns lack the orange dots and halos that most resies have.
  8. fixed pic* my contribution.
  9. actually im not 17 and i didnt end up selling my pin. your right tho, i dont post much. Its cause i gave up on arguing with tools like you. anyways back to "trolling"
  10. not fishing related but i thought it was hilarious.
  11. why are you still talking?
  12. Way to stand your ground, the educated few.
  13. nice brookie. youd be surprised how much "brookie waters" are within a half hour drive from toronto. keep the pics comin!
  14. nice fish
  15. Post your favorite opener pic from this year. Wasnt my biggest fish but this one hit during a hard rain we got saturday afternoon along with the thunder and lightning. Soon as i tamed her the clouds opened up and the sun shined through just for this pic. *Btw if anyone wants to hook up this week and doesnt mind pickin me up from scarb pm me i can throw down for some gas.* l2p
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