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Everything posted by drunksmurf

  1. I'll say it's an even 10 pounds. Not because it is 23", rather 'cause you don't look any more than 5 feet tall. Who you trying to fool, that's a double digit bass...
  2. I used to have a Tesoro metal detector in my younger days... You'll have that little unit paid off in weeks just with loose change alone and I'd suggest buying a higher quality unit if you're really into it. In the past I've found countless rings, charms, musket balls, old coins, enough Hotwheels to start an auction house, and surely over a hundred pounds of loose coin, etc etc... I'd suggest finding a local club that goes on organized digs and certainly try one of the Canadian treasure hunting websites if you haven't already. One of my favourite venues used to be abandoned farms and homesteads. Amazing the stuff you'd find there. And they're all over the place with just a little searching around. Do your best to ask permission and not trespass. Have fun doing it and fill yer holes back in! DS
  3. Perhaps it wouldn't work in the end but should these actions just continue on unaddressed? Just thought I'd bring this up in anticipation of what others thought can be done to rectify this unfortunate situation... there's more than one way to skin a cat, what actions do you think should be taken in terms of education? DS
  4. Someone in that "musky" thread raised a perfect question. Why not make it mandatory to take a simple test or fill out a questionnaire that you'd have to read and sign before purchasing your license? After spending last week working on a job on the Rideau canal system, I witnessed no less than a dozen infractions happening in broad daylight from multiple set lines per person to bucketing OOS fish, to letting fish SPOIL! Something should be done in regards to educating the average joe (and some seasoned idiots) and it has nothing to do with race, colour or creed. We should stop yammering on about it and having threads locked due to stupid remarks, and bring it to the attention of the proper people. I don't post much but after reading the closed musky thread from last night I had to add one glaring omission in the thread. Throwing a 4" Red Devil into a body of water (Ottawa) which currently has no open season on any sport fish besides crappie is a crime! No IFs, ANDs, or BUTs... this is a classic example of a person not properly educated in simple fishing regulations. Pike and walleye only open this coming weekend, not yesterday like the rest of Div 18. DS
  5. Did you go visit Markus while you were there?
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