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Everything posted by white007

  1. It was a big blue day, awsome wheather, well not 4 fishin but i was a nice change than our usual rainy fishin day. 2 friends and I went up to bancroft for the pike opener, every year its tradition. And this year was magical the day started out really slow, water is still really cold 54-toppin at 58C very little vegetaion in most of our usually areas. We had given our most proven lure to our friend comin out fishin for really like his first time. He landed a 2-2'2 pound pike finally. My other buddy got snagged on the bottom of the lake on something, we dont know but we spent a good amount of time trying to get the lure unsnagged. when we did my buddy with the first pike gave out one of those oh crap i am snagged on tree again because well most to the day he was. But he was able to reel line up to the boat more than usual then we seen this huge fish at the top of the water and i scambeled to assemble the net. The huge pike than relized it was cought and took my buddy for the ride of his life, it must of went around the boat atleast 3 times and under it like 2wice i thought he was going to lose it 4 sure but we netted the beauty. 36' pike, it weighed 15 pounds it we first thought it was a muskie we have never seen a pike that big. He went on to get a couple of more smallies as did i and a out of season bass. Every thing was released 4 the next person to experience that fight. My buddy Mistadrone will probs have the Pic coming up soon. talk to u all later
  2. Zone 15 Haliburton and Bancroft all bass are not open to fish until 4 sat in June u should do some homework man there spawnin the only thing open are walley and pike
  3. Hey guys and gals a couple of buds and I head up to Baptise lake every year 4 the pike openner, last year was really slow with us only boating one 3 pounder. The year before we cought numbers but just smallies. That same year late season i got a 4 and a 5 pounder in 2 casts. Now i do not kid u when i say this lake use to be my favourite lake ever i use to be able to boat 45 fish easy all catch and release from pike bass muskie, now it seems the lake is dead. Does any one know anything? Ka but to my question i fish pike once a year so does anyone have a good pike lake they would like to share 4 the day. thanks OFC community shaun white 007
  4. When buying your first boat i would suggest something used, there are alot of good deals out there u just have to do your homework, the economy is not the greatest and people will always get rid of there boat first. Not only that, as much as u think u might no boats whenfinally get yours there are so many expenses and things that go wrong that there is nothing wrong with experience before u get that baby u want
  5. I believe the abu garcia C3 is the best all around reel
  6. thanks 4 all of your repleys
  7. hi guys every year i go out and buy 10-20 dollar pair of polorizes and yes they are broken in the same. Now i dont expect more than a year out of them but is there a difference between a pair 4 20- and than a pair 4 like say 60. Also does anyone no what are the best colours 4 the weather conditions 4 example at dusk where yellow tinted. If anyone has any input it would help on my purchase this year thanks in advance shaun
  8. hey guys and gals got out to the toronto island pike opener for a bit today, it was quite the interesting day weather wise. As usual i had no luck there. would love to see any pics or hear some news if any one else had a good day.
  9. thanks for all your guys replies, and the main species i am fishing for is the guy u got in your hands glen. great pic
  10. Hey guys and gals i was wondering if anyone knows the maximum horsepower on a motor i can use without losing trolling abilitys. I am buying a used boat this year and i dont want to have to buy a kicker 9.9 just to troll with. If anyone can help i thank u very much in advance shaun
  11. Hey guys, going to do some late night muskie fishing for the first time next week and just asking anyone with experince about what i should need in a headlamp, which brands to stay away from, best bargin for your buck type or dead. Thanks to anyone who responds in advance white007
  12. Hey great catch on the huge pike, i have been down there with my brother the last three weeks in a row and have only come up with foul hooking a couple of shad lol, i had one follow by a pike first week into pike opener but that was about it. The last couple of weeks have been hard to fish with all of the pollen from trees floating on top of the water, has the pollen pasts. I try to fish hard from halens point to the centre island fairy but no luck so far. Hopefully i will have one soon.
  13. Hey guys i was at Halans point on monday night, pretty much 6-9 pm, i only got one follow with the mepps 3 chertuse, and that was about it. It was a really crappie day for the matter that not only did i not catch anything but my spinngy reel pretty much fell apart, But spirits can only go up so if anyone is ever looking to go down to the island i am always interested. later guys
  14. I dont claim to be an expert fisherman, ok i actually dont know very much at all. But when i walk in to bass pro there is a wall of line to choose from now i dont want to get into species specifics but what is the difference between line we all had when we 10 that just looks like dental floss from mono, and braid. One thing that always confuses me to is that when a reel says it excels at 14lb line, what is 14lb line in mono and in bread, does someone now a trick or equation to convert your regular line into mono and bread. any feed back is once again much appreciated sincerly white007
  15. Thank you for all the time and effort you have put in, to answer my question and any other angler's for that matter. Good luck on the lake this year. sincerley white007
  16. Looking to perchase my first muskie reel but i dont know which to get the abu garcia C3 5501 or the C3 6501 any feed back on either reel would be much appreciated. Thank u muskie people in advance for any help u give sincerly white007
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