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Everything posted by GNODDY

  1. Ya that finder is probably as old as I am. to JustinHoffman I think eventually I am going to run a 20 but for now i've got a 15 johnson in the basement with electric start if she won't get up on plane fast enough I'll try one of those hydrofoils and hopefully that works. It was tough enough for me to convince the wife to let me sell my old tinny in order to buy another one of the same size.
  2. Already thinkin the same thing Wayne. The only thing I'd be worried about is that wind once in a while at Picton
  3. Well I put a deposit on this bad boy today. I'm pumped it has a live well, storage, bilge its the same size as my old tinny but now I have floors and can also attach a trolling motor alot easier on the bow. I am freakin excited I have a 15 SS which I am hoping will push it enough to get it on plane but we'll see. If not I guess I'll have to look at a 20 HP. Cheers Geoff
  4. (i was afraid of reeling in lines with ice ... coz' I was once told not to put water on reel ... especially float reel) 4. what is the difference between float reel and fly reel? it seems to me that they can do the same job but fly reel is way cheaper I dunno about the other float guys on this board but I have never hesitated to drop my reel in the water. I have never had a problem with it. In regards to questions about the fly reel against float reel. The fly reel tends to have a drag system and also doesnt free spool like a Float reel does. Once you get your float reel working and oiled right you should be able to give it a good spin and it should spin for a long time. Like a guy I know says if your float reel is working good you should be able to light a smoke spin the reel and by the time your done your smoke it should still be spinning. I don't know if mine has ever really spun that long but its kind of funny to hear him say that. Geoff
  5. It is the 140 Pro. I would put a 15 on it because I have one how was yours with the 20 do you think that if it had a 15 it would still go alright
  6. Ya he said 1500 but he also saidhe doesn't want to store it for the winter. Its been there for a while since the summer
  7. Its a 14 footer Princrafet 1990. Carpets in good condition no scrathes or dents on the hull I didnt get the beam size or the Model #. I have been watching this boat for a while and it hasn't been selling because it's a short shaft boat and you would need at least a 20 to get er going good and a short shaft 20 is hard to come by sometimes. He told me 1500 but I think even if I walk in there with a 1000 cash and slap it on the table with my trailer hooked to my van he might take it. Its been there since summer.
  8. Hi Folks, I can get this princecraft for probably 1300.00 Do you think its worth it> I already have a motor and trailer just need the boat. It has a floor, live well, rod holders on either side. I dunno whatya think.
  9. Hey Waterwolf, if you like Quinte you should go out with Lloyd for Chinooks and Bows. Your arms will be tired for a few days after. Geoff
  10. Ok its a Samsung LN-T4042H TV and a Samsung HT-X-40 Home Theatre system. The Tv sound works but I can't get any sound out of the home theatre. I have a Digital Audio cable coming off my Expressvu into my Home theatre and a S cable going from my Expressvu to my TV. Also the only way to get picture on the TV is to have a co ax from the expressvu to the tv. The light on my Expressvu digital spot is red but the Home theatre is not I dunno its very hard to explain this on a Computer
  11. I have a new home theatre and LCD Tv. For some reason I cannot get my home theatre to play the sound If there are any guros out there I would really appreciate the help. Geoff
  12. See I told you guys they were cheap.
  13. its Gone someone jumped on it
  14. Give me a call 905-579-6704 If its busy just try back the wife might be chattin as usual
  15. I think the manns are 6 or 7 bucks as well don't quote me on it but Give Sam a Call he'll let you know. And he has a lot of colours instock well at least he did today. When I was there a guy bought like 8 of them
  16. No Worries Fishindevil I believe his reefs are 6.99 each which is a pretty good bargain.
  17. Howdy Folks, Stopped by Sam's shop today and he has some really good deals on Reef Runners and Manns, and also 10% off all cranks I beleive. If you need any for the get together you have to drive right by him. Cheers Geoff
  18. Come on Guys someone must need a boat for Sunday
  19. Hi Folks, I booked a trip to Quinte with U&me guide service for Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately something has come up and I cannot use Sunday. I have already put a deposit down of 100 bucks for Sunday so those of you who don't have a boat Sunday or want a little more room it will cost you 200 bucks but its well worth it believe me if you look at my avatar thats a picture from last year when we got a double header on his boat. Fishhunter is a top notch Captain and I know a few people on this board can vouch for him. If you are interested shoot me a PM. Cheers Geoff
  20. I think all of you have way to much time on your hands. Its almost like discussing politics there are to many views. I have one though I was just fishing on the Miramichi river on the weekend and similar to the chinook or coho these fish do not feed when running tribs. They do however hit whatever you are using roe and flys out of instinct and I vouched for Dave he's a great guy and great sportsmen. Cheers and get over yourselves Gnoddy
  21. Ya thats what I figured
  22. Hey guys thinkin of selling my 9.9 whats it worth do you think
  23. I didnt managed to get the fat boy tires but they are a bit wider. A friend of mine as a beautiful trailer by Triton for his Jetski. This trailer is patented if you can believe it. It has golf cart size trailer tires and the thing rides like a champ
  24. Thanks for all the responses guys. I would have went with 12" but unfortunately I couldn't get them under the wells. That is why I went with the 5.70x8's a Little bigger and a lil wider is better than the 4.7x8's that were on there that were also starting to crack. Geoff
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