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Posts posted by GoneFishin

  1. The bow mount is so much more convenient, and making a mounting plate is easy.

    Just buy a 1/4" thick piece of aluminum, fit it the the bow of your boat, drill some holes along the side and use some rivets to hold it on. Then just mark out the position and mounting holes for you motor drill them out and slap your motor on.

    As for the deck, I made an easily removable one for my boat. (It lays on top of my middle and front bench.) I was going to use cardboard as a template but that was a pain in the :asshat:. I just took some measurements, cut it down until it fit, and left some over hang in the carpet so it goes up the side of the boat and nothing can fall down the sides underneath the deck.

  2. My step father just bought a used 98 gmc. We took it for a drive and twice now the tires have locked right up skidding to a halt then eventually "brake" free.

    Before this started I took it for a drive and got it up to 140 to test it and after letting off the gas it shook like crazy. Made us realize something was wrong.

    Now today it had locked up twice while going 50km/h without touching the brakes.

    When I first got in it today it didn't want to roll in reverse. I kept hitting the gas but it felt almost as if the truck tires were chocked. I let off the gas a couple times, played with the brakes then it was all fine. We took it for a drive and tried pumping the brakes going slow, fast, everything we could think of with no issues. We were thinking that since it was supposed to of had a new brake job and e-cable done yesterday that maybe the new pads were rubbing. We were almost home then all of a sudden the back tires locked right up and we had skid about 30 feet and came to a stop. It happened to him earlier in the day also and both times the brakes were never touched. We tried pulling over and they stayed locked then all of a sudden you could hear it "break" free.

    He's going to take it back in tomorrow to get fixed and thinks it's the brakes. Could this be a problem with the drive train? If not what could cause the brakes to lock up without being applied?

  3. Great that they stepped up. :thumbsup_anim:


    But did they offer any suggestions as to why they broke in the first place? :dunno:


    I use my tip-ups a lot usually. So after moving them around and storing them as much as I do, I tend to not be as careful as I should be with them. It's a problem that could easily be blamed on user error, but wasn't!

  4. Well I had a problem with my flags on my HT enterprises thermal tip-ups breaking on me.

    I've used most tip ups on the market and these were by far the best. I wasn't impressed with having to replace my tip up after they broke so I decided to yet again try another brand this year.. Wasn't pleased..

    So I sent an email to HT enterprises explaining that I like their product but couldn't justify buying new tip up every year and didn't want to have to resort to finding parts to replace them my self.

    They emailed me back and told me they were sorry to hear I had a problem with the flags breaking and they would send some out for me asap.

    Well it's still ice season and I just received 3 flags shipped free of charge and hassle!! :clapping:




    It not a very big deal but I can now get my two broken tip ups back in action, have a back up plus an extra flag.

    It's always nice when thing go the way you want them too. Thank you HT Enterprises. :thumbsup_anim:

  5. Coolest reply ever :D




    I'll second that,


    irishfield you are a legend!

    Can't beat a reply like that. I've got a lot of respect for you Wayne.

    Not because you drive a plane, but because you would go out of your way for some one else. Not that it's the first time that has happened or the last. It's people like you that makes this an awesome community to join. Just though I would share that as I take your advise as if it were law. :worthy:


    Keep at'er n.a.w, I'm looking for some crappie through the ice this year also.

  6. Well since ice is absent and weather is nice what better to do today than go check how the steelies are doing....and they sure were ready to play....6/9 today my best day so far since I started this new to me type of fishing a month or so ago...lots of bites and all were nice clean fresh silver fish....I know they are not whitefish from Lake Simcoe but for now it'll have to do....few shots bellow for your viewing pleasure....lots of power and energy in those fish few good acrobats did 7-8 jumps each...fun fun and more fun ...ha ha ha My first day fighting with icebergs and shore ice...definately trickier and more challenging than without but doable. One fish had a nasty and fresh lamprey wound on its side .....














    Ice Fisherman


    That's what it's about. Get out there when every one has forgotten about it and have the time of your life. Just bring good gloves, it gets cold landing all those fish this time of year :clapping:. Glad to hear someone is taking advantage of this weather, GJ.

  7. ~~~~Yeah my back ache also, last year I was so stiff I tried to straighten my back, pushed back, and snapped the bolts holding the seat back. Was able to fix it no biggie, but I taking it out and getting a folding lawn chair, bou not the bucket style, they hurt my back also.


    I got the new clam folding chair with rod and tackle storage built in. When I sat in it I was thinking man this is uncomfortable, maybe I can bend it back a bit lol... It looks to be a back pack also but unless your built like a semi its not going to fit your shoulders.. No place to fit my tackle trays or round tip up.

    Looks to me like clam slapped their name on a cheap product they found. I will be looking a lot closer at clam produds before phurchasing again..

  8. You can trim it, just pick a good spot (for looks). Or what I usually do is rip it out, trim the bottom off and plant the tops back into you tank at desired length. I plant my clippings that I want more of in my small breader tank.


    Are you new to planted aquariums? If that is your first one then you might want to reconsider your plants. They will all eventually grow out of controll and need constant maintaining if given proper lighting. Given your set up those are good plants for your tank. Since you covered them across the bottom though I'm thinking you might be interested in carpeting plants like baby tears, but then you will have to consider co2, a change of filter, possibly upgrading your lighting system and, a good substrate.


    If your around Oshawa sometime soon I have some phantom tetras and about a dozen white cloud tetras you can have.

  9. I would request money from the guy just because he thought he could pull a fast one and NOT repair the truck. If you really want to be a prick, call the cops and he will be nailed with faling to remain at the scene of an accident. Almost positive that is 6 points. That will really make him learn his lesson and I bet he wont drive away again.


    Lol, well he's not being very cooperative and strongly believes he did nothing wrong in terms of leaving the scene and coming back over a day later.. "He has no money for me" but I did manage to get his policy number and name and keep the cops out of it, barely I might add.....

    I'm not sure what my insurance company is doing because it sounded like they wanted to make a report with the police. (I love Novex insurance through OFAH, awesome customer service) and he just left a message on my phone at 12am telling me he has a question for me. I'm not sure what kind of question he has for me at this time at night lol.. But I'm not getting angry over speaking to this yahoo any more and I'm just going to let the insurance deal with it.


    So I think for the most part(unless they out right offer to pay right then and their) if something like this ever happens to you just report it, don't think twice, you don't deserve to be the one jerked around..


    Now lets hope every thing goes smoothly from here but I was told as long as his insurance company knows he was at fault then I'm fully covered. He all ready admitted to hitting my driver side door so case closed I would say..

    Thanks for all the advise guys! I really appreciate it and learned a couple things :worthy:


    Ohh and ps, I'm pretty sure it wasn't my neighbor, it was hard enough getting his name out of him though so I'm not even sure who he is or how it happened..

  10. This is why I was trying to figure out what to do. I have got a hold of the guy who hit me. He acted like he didn't know much about it, couldn't remember putting his number under my wiper for about 2 minute while he went on about how I had the wrong number, he was confirming with me where his car hit my truck and lied about when he left his number on my vehicle (said he came back that night) He acted like he did nothing wrong and told me he doesn't have any money for me and that I can phone my insurance company and give them his number( he didn't give me a name) I asked him why he didn't leave his number right away and he said I've got his number, that's the only way I was able to contact him and that this going to become an argument and said good bye and hung up...



    GRRRRRRrrrr, I didn't want to get insurance involved but I have been told my insurance won't be affected. So tomorrow morning I will be contacting my insurance company to give them a phone number without a name... Will they even except that? Or do I need to phone the dam cops and let them straighten this crap out?


    At this point I would settle for running my truck into the side of their car.... but nothing less...

  11. Sigh........Just do it !!! If it was me, i'd be over there in a flash.I woulda been over there the same bloody day.Old car or new car, he hit your vehicule and left.He or his insurance owes you a repair .

    Simple, end of story. Good nite.mellow.gif


    Yah well if I do knock on her door and she tell's me she has no idea what I'm talking about then things won't go to smoothly. I just did a reverse search on the phone number... It's not her phone number by the looks of things. It's a lady who owns a pet care business in b-ville. I do see a dog walker every morning while getting into my truck. Hopefully it gets sorted out tomorrow, but looks like it could still be a hit and run...


    Your neighbor owes you the money for the repair. Whether you get it repaired or not is up to you. If this had gone to court, the court would have given you a monetary reward. What you do with the money is your business.


    That's good to know Dan, I could use the money more then a shiny new door.

  12. Did you even believe this as you pecked away ? ? ?


    WHY leave a note when you hit your neighbour's car....why not just go over to his house and knock on the door and fess up to your mistake... :whistling: ....this person tried to get away with this until probably someone talked some sense into him/her.


    Yes! This is why I am not just going to just forget about it! They do know where I live, I've phoned them 4 times now with no answer and I haven't left a message yet because, the writing was so small and hard to read, that it's a possibility I might be calling the wrong number......... Looks like I might be knocking on their door tomorrow.

  13. Just want to clarify...


    -You live on this street yourself (not visiting gf or anything right ) and they're your neighbours ?


    -You parked in front of or at the end of their driveway, blocking it ?



    If yes to both, maybe let it slide and hopefully this is where it will end. If you did indeed block their drive and do it again in the future, I would think your next ride will receive the same treatment eventually tbh. ymmv


    There'a also no fault so they shouldn't be penalized if you go through the collision reporting centre. My wife scraped a neighbour's car (they parked too tight to our drive) and basically was no harm, no foul after it was reported. We're very good neighbours fwiw.



    Yah to clear it up. I live across the street and my truck is parked directly across from their drive way on the other side of the street. Which it has been for the last 2 months or so..

  14. Ahh let it slide.....

    Good neighbors are hard to come buy. You like them right and the truck is an older model which you just want to keep around for a year ??? Go talk to your neighbor over a couple cold ones. He may surprise you....


    Honestly though, the only reason I'm asking this is because I'm sure if his bill didn't cost him much he wouldn't have said a thing. His car was not present for 2 nights, and now it is there with the back bumper scratched to hell (probably not worth him fixing though) If it had of been fixed I would have had no way of proving who ran into me. If he put the note on my window when I got into it or at least that night, then I probably would have apologized for the inconvenience of having my truck across from his drive way. Now I don't even feel like an apology from him is good enough any more as I have been quite angry over it being a hit and run in my neighborhood.


    I think I'm going to give the wreckers a call tomorrow and see how much it is to replace the door. After that I will call them and play it by ear.

  15. Well I am involved in a sort of hit and run. My truck was parked on the road and someone (clearly the person living in front of where I park) backed into the driver side door. No one left a number or anything and there was only one car parked in their drive way for the last 2 nights with no visible damage. Today I came out to my truck and find a small peice of paper with a number saying call me. Now there car is parked in there drive way once again and I feel as if they were trying to cover it up but realized they couldn't. Now I can under stand an accident is an accident and I feel bad because my truck was parked at the end of there drive way. On the other hand they presumably tried to leave and stick me with the bill at my loss, and could be charged, although I have not made a report.


    I'm going to give them a call soon but I'm not sure what to do. My truck isn't worth me putting a new door on really and is just getting me through the winter, I guess what I'm saying is would it be illegal to work out a deal with them, or should I just have an estimate done and make a report to save my self from any further complications?.

  16. Learn to tie the correct knot :)


    I thought the knot strength would be poor but that wasn't the case after using the proper knot.


    I didn't have a problem with line twist, it just tangles very easy, but what can you expect from a line of such thin diameter..

  17. The only down side is trying to set it up on a windy day. I saw one blowing to Buffalo one day as a guy was trying to set it up on Long Pt. Bay :wallbash:


    Anchor first, but I'm sure you figured that out. It's a pain but manageable. Usually better then standing out in that wind lol..


    Gagnon's has some awesome sales coming up on the mustang suits and bibs for people wanting to bear the cold. Plus you can't go wrong with a floater on the ice. They have so much ice fishing stuff in there right now, I can't wait until the lakes freeze over!

  18. The first gobie I ever caught was snagged in it's side. It was over 10 years ago when they had just been introduced to the BOQ. Every one around put up such a big fuss over the 3 inch long fish (maybe smaller) because no one had seen one before, and we had heard about the gobie being an invasive species. Every one insisted we kill it. We were camping at pickerel park and took the gobie up to the park office and they froze it and were sending it away to the ministry to be studied as the ministry had requested. They said to kill all invasive species, they are not worried about how you catch them imo.

    It was a pretty exciting catch at the time...

  19. I always wear mine by habbit while driving. Never seem to remember when I'm in the passanger seat..


    if you don't like it don't read it.


    just because you don't find it interesting doesn't mean you have to crap on it. alot of emergency services and law enforcement people share

    the site too. they might want to share some experiences and raise some safety issues. you think everyone is interested in plane parts? don't see any of us going after you.


    you know the geeks that couldn't make the football team said sports were dumb.


    He was clearly just stating the fact that it's a fishing forum and every one seems more interested in other things lately. Irish is usually the first guy to help you out with a non fishing related question...

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