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About jiggz

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  1. its early august right now, anyone out there for salmon fishing? can't wait to start hitting the port hope area for salmon..... please let me know if you have already gone or is going! thanks.
  2. best place closest to Ottawa in Ontario is Port Hope. - washroom's, cleaning station, rainbow restaurant, lots of places to fish, huge parking lot - you can park 5 feet from the creek & fish all day, all the above mentioned places are like walking distance (20seconds to 2 minutes, depending where you fish). - Tim Horton's / shopping / kfc, restaurants are all close by with the car. Steelhead is happening right now!!! You can fish south of the train tracks until end of April. Then after you can fish the whole river. What to use? - trout or salmon roe, on #8/10 hook & float, 4-6pound 18" leader line (flourocarbon), 8lb main line...
  3. was wondering if anyone will be fishing for steelhead in the ontario tribs in the next while, from ganaraska to credit river? like to know what the conditions are like lately.. can't wait to make a trip!! thanks
  4. just need info when does the season for salmon (trout,choho,chinook...etc..) start for fishing ? i like to fish on land, places like port hope. I will be traveling about 4-5 hours to get there. Thank you.
  5. im all talking in general terms here:: - new member doesnt mean , this member does not have experience in tuning/rebuilding engines as such.. or else i wouldn't post a reply - in all cases in my reply, i mentioned if you dont know, you dont have experience with this, I meant dont this alone, get "help", read or get someone that has experience - as such small engines, carbs are all the same in general - i did not ask specific questions, such a HP, what year snowblower, etc etc.. if its too new, might be under warranty, bring it back, if its not under warranty etc., and willing to post something here, this is the kind of general HELP you might receive - tools for carbs in basic, are a screw driver, wrench and maybe 1 socket, you dont use any other tool // i tune these size engines with just listening.. no crazy tools required // tollerances are critical of course in all engines.. adjust point is already set at the current state, suggested adjustment interval was little by little.. - anyway these was all "general" points without getting too specific - all IMHO as well with any other posts - your post is appreciated too
  6. rebuildng a powerhead wouldnt effect the lower unit, separate units! But when you do get the powerhead rebuilt, might as well get the impeller / seals checks (pressure tested) for your lower unit.
  7. yes marshmallow (you can get this anywhere, small ones) instead of salmon egg. Sometime they sell at fishng stores, coloured versions , called glo-mello something like that. its good at night time & murky water conditions.
  8. over time, jets may get clogged, because of gummed up fuel or small tiny debris. before a carb rebuild (last case schenario) i would:: - add some fuel stabilizier, run it. - addjust the high speed jet (its the screw under the carb bowl), you can most likely turn it with hand (counter-clockwise, it richens the mixture, ie. opening) (very-very lil at a time) when the blower is at full throttle ..you can see if the caughing goes away... i would think it is running lean and caughing. you can hear the difference, and tune it as needed. If you never done this before, either read up on it a little or get someone else to help you. at last, order carb rebuild kit & rebuild it.. not that difficult, but again read up on it!
  9. try marshmallows, works good!
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