Alright, so here it is.
For the second time in my life I found myself fishing pickerel on the Ottawa River (definitely the most powerful and beautiful Canadian river I've fished) with two good friends of mine...we caught numerous pickerel, most were over the slot (15" until june 15 if my memory isn't too polluted ) but those within the legal limit were most delilcious...
Fast forward a week or so, tonight I'm reading about pickerel/walleye which led me to the wiki pages relating to both fish (walleye and pickerel) (according to wikipedia) pickerel is a species of fish within the genus of esox fish (northern pike and pickerel), but walleye, according to the wiki article, "also known as the colored pike, yellow pike or pickerel (esp. in English-speaking Canada" are not actually related to the species pickerel nor - excuse my language - what the frig is the difference between pickerel and walleye?
Reading through that "walleye" article will also lead to this sentence: "The walleye is sometimes also called the yellow walleye to distinguish it from the Blue walleye, which is now extinct." Alright, if the 'blue walleye" is different from the 'blue pickerel' I'll believe it...but that same weekend on the Ottawa yielded my first two 'blue pickerel', absolutely beautiful fish, and genuinely distinct from the other pickerel i've caught in my life....
arg.... right now if i could shrug my shoulders and show a most confused face through the internet i would...alas i can't, so just answer the damn questions!