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About kitkat

  • Birthday 09/29/1950

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Novar, Ont. Central Ontario
  • Interests
    Fishin, fishin, fishing...get my drift! also photography, acrylic and watercolor painting, canoeing, hiking, camping, atv's ,snowmobliles,anything in the wild outdoors!!!!!

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  1. Hey Brandon, Thanks for the invite, but working for a living sure takes up alot of time. You'll be the first to know if I ever get the opportunity to experience the isles. As I said, it is my dream!!!!!!...........Just saw more pics on your latest posting...Wow!!!!! maybe with your permission I would Love to paint one of those eagles in flight!!! Catch Ya Later! Fisher Girl
  2. Hey Brandon, Thanks Again for sharing such a wonderful part of this country, it's richness in wildlife is second to none. And you captured it so perfectly with your wonderful trained eye. My dream is to visit the QCI's one day, for the fantastic fishing and amazing photographic opportunities. Maybe we could even hook up at your resort...and shoot together. Something to aim for anyway! Keep those fantastic shots coming...they are my highlight of the day Fisher Girl
  3. Thanks Brandon for the info....Boy that's sure is a nice healthy looking 19 pounder...I can't imagine what a 50 pounder would look like. I know they hook up into them and even bigger, up that way!!!!...my biggest Salmon out of the Coldwater River was 17lbs. but not as pretty as yours....Thanks again for sharing your Great shots..the eagles remind me when we were in Tofino and went on a hot springs tour to Clayocut Sound ( I think that's how you spell it) we saw one on shore with a huge salmon. Always a thrill to see your work... Fisher Girl
  4. Sorry...just a repeat...made a mistake Fisher Girl
  5. Hey Brandon, sure looks like you're having fun....are those herring or sardines that Eagle was catching?????...was that salmon you had in the first set of pics, a tyee????? Keep Them Coming Fisher Girl
  6. Oh!!!Brandon...you lucky little Blip!!!!! You are " Living the Dream" my dream that is....All those excellent photo opportunities, the best fishing on earth Wow!!!!! so besides catching Awesome salmon and going on Dream photo shoots...what else do you do up there??????? are you at a Lodge???? I'll be looking forward to more of your posts even more now.....that black bear is a brute and the eagle shot, Wow!!! what can I say!!!!!! just Keep them Coming Man!!!!!! Fisher Girl
  7. Nice mood and atmosphere...very effective with the low light..try entering it in a competition Fisher Girl
  8. kitkat

    Some HDR's

    Hey Deano, Wow that HDR is amazing, now I only have Photoshop Elements...will it have what I need??? I was reading about the process and it sure sounds complicated...I know I have allot to learn!!!!..Love your partridge shot...we have been seeing allot of them ourselves...hard to get a shot of them quick little birds!!!! Thanks for all your help in advance Fisher Girl
  9. Hey Bushart....Love the effects in the trees.....what a wonderful feeling I get from it....nice work...can't wait to see more Fisher Girl
  10. Amazing shot Dan...sure would make a Great painting... Fisher Girl
  11. You are a great Artist..keep up the great work!

  12. Thanks for the feed back everyone...now we'll see if the customers at the resort think they are worth buying...I'm offering them a chance to buy giclees as well so I don't have to keep re-painting them all the time. The ones done on canvas are so real looking now! Cheers Fisher Girl
  13. How do I get photobucket, is it free????...I've chopeed them down to 500 pixels as they requested sometimes I can get 2 other times, no way...very frustrating! Fisher Girl
  14. No problem here bringing in the larger size.....wish I could help Fisher Girl
  15. Gee I wish I knew how some of you guys get more than one shot at a time uploaded...could only get one of my moose shots in on the first new topic...any tips out there, i sure would appreciate them....Thanks Fisher Girl
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