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Everything posted by Fish_for_fun

  1. FYI. NOT BUSTED. Get your facts straight before bad mouthing a reputable marina and association. Good afternoon all. We are the host marina for the particular area angler’s association bass derby the fellow is speaking of. He spoke to the marina owner yesterday and the fellow was advised of the Transport rules. Obviously he did not agree with the interpretation of the regulations that the owner relayed to him. Perhaps he should have asked the MNR before posting and tarnishing a small town derby. I have double checked the regulations as I have just spoken to the the local Ontario MNR fisheries person in Parry Sound (Steve). I wanted to verify the regulations regarding live release in relation to the bass derby. He assures me the that as long as the entered fish is within the angler’s daily limited it does not need to be in a live well. There are regulations when transportation of the fish over land, but the derby stipulates the fish must be caught on local area of Georgian Bay and no inland bodies of water. The event has been running for more that 30 years. The anglers’ association takes precautions with handling of the fish for weigh in. The fish is placed in a large holding net in the water to be sure will survive prior to release. If it will not survive the fish is cleaned and eaten. According to the MNR the derby entrant only need to be sure he/she is not over his/her daily limit. On Georgian Bay that is 3 smallmouth bass if sport fisherman or 1 if having a conservation licence. following the rules He should have contacted us prior to this post so we could have nipped in the bud.-Save you all the aggravation of weighing in. Have a great day! ?.
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