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Posts posted by KawarthaAngler

  1. Oddly enough, I was going to suggest selerno lake....




    That's funny. My fathers neighbor says he likes the lake. Obviously then we did something wrong.


    We weren't on the lake 5 minutes and asked a family sitting on a dock where they had 2 little kids fishing .... your typical nice young family scene on the dock ... and asked if they had any fishing suggestions since it was our first time on the lake and the guy said "not much fish in this lake". LOL


    I'm thinking we fished it like we fish the Trent Severn lakes which was a mistake. That is too much focus in shallower water and crankbaits along the top or along the sides of the weedbeds.

  2. The problem is that most won't share one of those fragile smaller lakes that are in the Haliburtons. The best bet is to identify which lakes have walleye and then go and explore. You might have to go a little further than an hour from Peterborough.


    Yup. That is what I told my father as well. We tried Selerno because his neighbor spoke highly of it. We may have simply had a bad day.


    We were fishing drop-offs along shortlines where the weeds ended it went quickly to approx 20ft. Not a single bite, not even bass. Then we worked around some rock shoals that where just sticking out of the water and had transitions to weeds and drop-offs ... again nothing. We finished off at one small section that had some shallow lilly pads and I have one large mouth smack my surface frog ... approx 2lb'r ... saw it swim away. :(

  3. This is the perfect thread for me as I was going to post the same question as the OP !!


    I'm on Upper Buckhorn as well and my father wants to do some walleye fishing. He was hoping to find a lake an hour or so north of Peterborough/Buckhorn that may give us some fun results for a day trip. We have found the Tri-Lakes/Lower Buckhorn area to simply have too much pressure and lousy walleye results.

    We went to Selerno Lake (south west corner of Haliburton Highlands) on the weekend but got skunk'd. Hoping we may get a couple good suggestions of a lake that has a fairly good boat launch.



  4. All of those lakes should be OK if you find the right spots. That's the hard part. I can go out fishing for Crappie and get nothing but a friend of mine who is a big Crappie fisherman can go out the same day and come back with a nice haul.

  5. My brother put me onto to this concept. He is an avid motorcycle rider and his raingear for his bike puts all fishing raingear to shame. And the best part is its way way cheaper in price. Go to a bike shop and check out there rain gear. Anything made for fishing is over priced and we all agree with that.


    That's a great tip!

  6. I feel that more CO's and more OPP checking the water should be happening on a more regular basis. Not just for selfish people hurting the fisheries but also drinking and driving. I believe drinking and driving numbers are low but people selfishly abusing the fisheries is frustrating and disappointing. :angry:


    I think suspending fishing license and boating license won't stop them as they are obviously risk takers and will still go out. But heavier fines and having their names (and better yet photos) put in the media press releases would certainly be a deterrent.


    Take away the privacy and anonymity of their action with being made public would be a large deterrent for most. :clapping:

  7. Use two o rings..cross them over and stick the hook where they cross...the hook will also sit perpendicular to the worm, not parallel like it does with one ring.


    How would the 2 o ring method be done? Is there a pic or something we can see? Sounds interesting. Thanks.

  8. Went to Mark's the other day and the ones on sale I mentioned earlier in the thread were all gone and they didn't have much left on the shelves of other brands. It's the time of year. They would be phasing out their spring/summer clothing now for winter. They did have the Helly Hensen (HH) brand and it looked like very nice rain gear at a fair price.


    Went to Canadian Tire and the one near my location had SQUAT when it came to rain gear. But I got lucky. They had just a few pairs of rain pants (I already have a jacket) on an end display and it was just what I was looking for. Rain paints that have zipper pockets and a pouch to store the pants in (which allow me to pack them in the little pouch and store them on the boat very easily). The brand name is Woods and they were $50.

  9. I have found it to be quite difficult to cast a weightless wacky worm setup on a bait caster because of the backlash. The reel needs to be set pretty loose to get any casting distance on such a light lure and backlash was too common for me. All my rods are bait casters, but I have one spinning reel setup and that is for wacky worm (which I usually have setup weightless because the lakes where I fish aren't very deep (less than 20ft)).

  10. Mark's has the Windriver rain pants on sale for $25 at the moment. But I think it expires in a day or two!


    But even when not on sale, they are only $35 and the nice Helly Hansen rain pants are $45 @ Mark's. They are nice and well reviewed (both Mark's site and Amazon.ca)


    They have matching jackets.

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