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Posts posted by muskymike

  1. Odd this topic just came up.


    I just renewed my Cell plan with Rogers for ANOTHER 3 years. BUT....before I did, my plan, which I was going over in Minutes both Local and Long Distance and Text.


    Well, I ended up talking to Customer Relations (not Customer Service) and I threatened to take my business elsewhere.


    I was paying about $48/month for a pretty crappy plan.


    I now pay $62 tax in, including all service fees, additional fees, emergency fees, personal fees, talking fees, hidden fees, and whatever other fee's there are (seemed like 50).


    Here is the Bonus. When I threatened to leave, I got offered 1000 yes (one thousand) long distance minutes for $5/month. so for the next three years I have 1000 min/month LD, Unlimited Incoming, Unlimited Eve/Weekends from 6 PM, Unlimited Text (both in and out) voicemail and all that stuff.


    The 1000 LD mins was a great Bonus though. Especially for $5

  2. So I decided to purchase another reel yesterday, I picked up the Shimano Tekota 600LC for my St. Croix 8' Glass rod.


    After I purchased it (at JB's) Steve asked if i wanted it spooled. "How much?" I say. He looks at his chart and says $22. I couldnt be more surprised. A 300 yard spool of 80 or 100# PP is almost $80. I got backing, the line and it was spooled for me for $29 plus tax. yes i know the numbers dont jive, but he told me $22 and it cost $29 oh well.


    I was amazed at the price difference.


    Once again, Good On Ya JB's. Now Steve, where is my hat???

  3. Hopefully I will have some Pics. Can they be mounted with the seat facing the water though? Or do they have to be mounted in the boat? Also, is that a metal reinforcing plate you have on the old boat? That may be a really good idea if it is that.


    I am heading out to Ottawa for work in a few weeks, I need to hit one of you Easterners up for a trip in your neck of the woods. I would love to do some Musky fishing on one of the Rivers.

  4. I think I have made my mind up with the help of Forrest, Roy and Mike the Pike, a pair of S-10 Salty's will be on my boat by Saturday as I am heading up for a week. I will call around for pricing tomorrow. :D


    Thanks for the help Forrest and thanks for the pics Mike

  5. Hey guys,

    I know this has come up on here a lot, but I cant seem to find the thread. So I am just going to ask again.


    I am going to put some rod holders on my aluminum boat and was just wondering what everyone recommends. Its for a side mount, not top mount.



  6. Version 3 is nice and fast.


    Only problem I have is that all but one of my add-on's are not compatible with version 3.0.


    Don't know if I am going to keep 3 or go back to 2.




    Hey Tom, about 98% of Add-ons are compatible. You probably just need to go to the developers website.


    What add on is it? I know this was the case for Minimize to tray.

  7. Not being a computer geek :whistling: Can it be explained to me why this is better than the current IE that is on my machine?


    If I install or download this new version, what will it do to my current applications etc.






    Hey John, there are so many reasons why it is a lot better then IE. the Pop up blocker is much better, the anti phishing is more thorough, literally thousands of add-ons that let you customize the look and feel of it. Once Ver 3.0+ comes out you will see a lot more extensions come about. Tabbed browsing is a lot easier and more customizable, and it doesnt have the errors that IE does (it doenst crash consistently)


    Try the add-on's go FireFox Add-ons


    You will definitely like it, just give it a chance, you will not want to go back to IE once you start using it.


    I hope this helps

  8. Sinkers advice is on the money. I was up there 2 weeks ago and didnt see too many weeds, mid summer tho they should be flourishing.


    Good luck up there.


    Sinker, I should meet up with you one time up there and we could head out together if you are up for it.

  9. Maybe im missing something here but?


    Most trades are dependent on manufacturing........


    So not sure what your point is?


    I think what he is saying is, manufacturing will all be offshore. No longer here predominantly.


    As for me, I work for a very large homebuilder in the GTA as an Senior Estimator. I am happy with the company as we are across the country now and across the States. Previously I was an Estimator for an ICI firm in Burlington, a small family run business which I didnt see the potential for the bottom line.


    I have a college education and I am planning on going back to get my degree in Civil Engineering hopefully.

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