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Posts posted by muskymike

  1. Take note on all the guys saying Gbay is not the place to start. We used to own a resort in the same area as GBaygiant, and I fished for 22 years there. I caught 1 musky about 3 lbs. I never targeted them when we had our place now, but I do now and its not the place to start at all.


    Just like everyone else says, you can fish for days, with nothing to show for it, other then sore arms and a sore back. Go to numbers waters and get your feet wet. it will be much more fun and you will appreciate the work that is involved in trying to catch them.


    Good Luck

  2. Gee has no one here ever jerk trolled a Suick? Troll the Suicks fast hold the rod in your hands and every four or five seconds give a big pull. By fast I mean 7 or 8 MPH.


    I have to agree. Trolling Jerkbaits can be very effective. Thats why earlier I suggested a Reefhawg or Sledge. IF you get a hit trolling fast in the prop wash, HOLD ON.

  3. Maybe a depth Raider and a Shallow Raider, a large Spinner and a double blade Bucktail such as a Double Cowgirl or DC-10. Also a Poes Giant Jackpot and a 10" Jake. Never been to LOTW but am dreaming to get up there. Know a few guys that have been and had luck with the aforementioned.

    Hope this helps.


    A reef hawk or sledge will do you good, as you already have the suick and some variation of an ernie.

  4. Came across 2 of them at Kesagami a few years back not too far from the 16' they provide you with up there. My friend and I were like 2 scared girls and basically froze. We had no idea what to do. VERY SCARY to see while on the water.

  5. So screw you Mont-Laurier Quebec I am spending my money in Ontario.

    I will not be buying anything at your restaurants ,your chocolate factory,cheese factory and the Maple products store.Not to mention the wonderful butcher I bought my meat from last summer.

    MTP :Gonefishing:


    well that sounds like a delicious place to go actually. do you mind bringing some of that goodness back to ontario for us to enjoy? :whistling:

  6. See'n how Nancur got his new float and its looking like it needs a little TLC, it once again got me thinking about my Aluminum Boats.


    The floor and seats on his seem a little rough but are manageable and that boat has a TON of potential.


    I have been pondering this for a while now but not sure who even does it.


    Rhino Lining for the floor, seats and walls of my boat.


    Has anyone done this? Know how much it costs? Where in Southern ON to get it done?


    What do you think? I dont want to do carpet or Vinyl as my aluminums take a beating constantly and the carpet/vinyl will be shot sooner then later.

  7. I always read about guys snapping line with PP. I use it exclusively on my musky setups with 80 and 100#, nothing lighter. I use 130# flouro with that as well. I have had backlashes casting "Pounders" Magnum Bull Dawgs, 10" Jakes, Bucktails and so on, I have used it for about 5 years now and it has never failed me. I guess its just the luck of the draw though, but if you are asking for opinions, PP is the best out there I think.

  8. Got mine a few months back at CTC. From what it looks like, they look identical from the ones at PA.


    They work great though and they only took about 10 mins to switch over from the standard old lights. They are worth the money.


    I still disconnect everytime in the water tho, just to be safe.

  9. I got off of a 154 km/h on the ramp in a 100 about 5 years ago on the 400 at finch at 430 in the morn. the officer put the wrong date. THANK GOD. there was no way i was paying that insurance. I learned my lesson tho.


    went to see the justice of peace, took about 4 hours waiting but it was worth every minute.

  10. Alright, so I am seriously considering a Bow Mount Trolling Motor for the 14' Aluminum. I have seen some pics on here of guys with them on but it looks like the front seat is usually taken out or made into a platform.


    Now I dont really wanna screw around and take out the front seat, so I think the Platform is the way to go if need be. I can fashion something up if i need.


    As for my question, For those of you that have them or used to have them on a tinny, how exactly was it installed on the bow. I have 2 Lund WC 14's that are in pretty good condition still and would rather not mess with the bow piece (some screws are fine).


    So I am calling out to all, can you guys post some pics and throw some ideas out?


    Thanks all,



  11. Hey guys,


    I just started making my own Musky Leaders not too long ago and I have some storage issues with them. Some are up to 3 feet long and I am just curious as to how you guys store them.


    For now, I roll them up and put them back in the Seaguar bag that the fluoro came in but I am looking for an easier access more manageable solution. So I pose the question,


    How do you store your over length leaders?


    Thanks in advance,

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