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Anton Kanagasuntheri

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About Anton Kanagasuntheri

  • Birthday 10/14/1976

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  • Location
    North York, On

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Almost a Guide

Almost a Guide (5/10)



  1. wow.. congrats.. maybe 10 more springs, she'd be chucking ratlers at the bay for pike
  2. Welcome aboard mate! some of me cousins are in Brizzie, nice place I hear hope to see some of your catch from downunder pretty soon.
  3. Happy Birthday Bly Hope you would have a good one...
  4. Thanks guys... your replys makes it all worh it!!!
  5. Hey Diggyj, thats a nice catch
  6. Hi Addikted2Fishin, All I have to say is... be patient and just keep trying.. trust me.. when that moment arrives.. you will forget how long you have waited
  7. Thanks douG it took me a while to remember exactly what happned on that day! it was a huge rush, as much as I tried to remember how it happned.. i kept drawing blanks, it took 2-3 days for my brain to digest I am glad you enjoyed it, thanks agian
  8. thats a pretty hand you got there!!! ohh and nice pike! lol
  9. Yes, Thanks EC1 for that Pict!! it was nice to see you there
  10. Hi Guys and Gals, After trying for almost 2 years finally I got my fist pike! It all started about 2 springs ago (I think), I was searching the net for Piking techniques and I came about this board. I read the thread from “Snag” about his adventures with urban piking… I was hooked! I became a member of this board that day. I have to be honest, my intentions were to quickly learn the methods, tricks, tips and score some nice pike grounds to start my adventure . BUT, what was a quick pass by through this board lured me deep into it and made me different person. I realized, how hard these anglers in this board tried to hike and scout out their own locations (well most of you anyways) and how passionate they were about fishing. I stayed, and I learned, I read many topics and when ever I had something to contribute I did. So I took on a new spirit, and a new challenge to seek and find my own spots and my own methods while incorporating what this board had to offer me. I am greatly thankful to all the members specially Snag (I am a big fan ). When the day came last week, I gathered my rod, various xraps, husky jerks and some spoons and headed out to the one spot I knew which will produce my first ever Pike. Over the past 2 years, I have scouted many locations and this was my favorite. So I arrived there around 10:30 am. The sun was out but it was somewhat cold, I parked the car and immediately ran to the waterside to check weather it was frozen. It was!! All but some, a small strip size of a tennis court length. I was disappointed , but did not give up, after praying to the gods I started to cast!. After about 20 minutes, I hooked pretty well into a log while I was retrieving!!! I took a deep breath and started to reel in the log (I did not want to loose a $10 Xrap). When I got it almost to the shore, the darn log just slowly moved to the opposite direction!!! I froze… it was a PIKE!! And there in that very moment, I realized, I’ve finally done it! Of course I was alone and scared to death unhooking the monster quickly to release and realizing after releasing that I forgot to take a picture!!! Fear not my friends, since that day I have gone back 4 times and I have caught 3 or more on each trip. Here are some worthy picts. My hands stop shaking after while and I was able to take some good pictures. Finally, I like to thank all the members who have been helpful and encouraged me not to give up. And a special thanks to Snag P.S. No pike or fingers were harmed! lol
  11. OFC being down finally gave me the opertunity to take my Chritstmas Tree down!!!! wife was happy not sure whether becasue of the Christmas Tree been taken down or because OFC going down!!!!!
  12. The next cash grab up the Gov's sleeve is " if you flush your toilet, you need a operators license" don't kid people.. this could happen!!!!!! Q. Is there a grandfather clause or age exemption? A. No, there is no grandfather clause or age exemption – this law applies to all operators, regardless of age. Q. I have a outhouse. Do I need an Operator Card? A. If you have an auxiliary flusher fitted to your outhouse, then you need the Card. This applies even while you are under sail. Q. I am homeless, do I need one? A. Yes, unless its being used for sustenance reasons. Q. I operate a toilet for work purposes. Do I need the Card? A. No. A toliet Operator Card is only required by operators of a personal nature. It is common however for many commercial establishments (such as restuarents, and lodges) to ask their staff to obtain their Toilet Operator Card. Q. What if I don’t live in Canada, but i use a toilet there? A. Non-residents only need to obtain a Operator Card if they are flushing in Canada for more than 45 consecutive days or if the toilet they are operating is registered or licensed in Canada (this includes hotel rooms). Flushing Education Cards or equivalent certifications are recognized in Canada. Proper identification should be kept on board at all times to provide proof of residency.
  13. Yey!!!! I love this site... makes my 9-5 week days move faster
  14. wow cool video! you should take a look at the "Annual Rattlesnake Round-up" in Texes you won't find any "chinese cheff's" here...
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