I left a portable fishfinder on the bank while fishing at mountberg conservation area Friday afternoon and was wondering if anyone has found it, any help is much appriciated.
nice piggies man! nice meeting u on the grand, i've seen u guys on the niagara too, its too bad it was blown this weekend, was planning on gettin out too.
I bought the vanish once and never used it again, its just a pain to deal with. ive been sticking with the maxima, hasn't let me down, i like to used the triline big game high lb test for my pike set ups as well
hey, ive camped bruce for a while but never really fished it, ive seen some guy headed towards the grotto and bay area once though with some heavy gear in hand, any idea's what he was fishin for? whities maybe?
lots of snakes for sure
I see them all the time while camping up at bruce penisula. About two years ago when we were hiking on a trail that hadn't been hiked all day about two hours from camp and we had the dog with us. Anyway he was infront with his snout to the ground and ran right into one and got bit in the nose. We had to run him back on our shoulders and we ended up just giving him some allergy medicine and that took care of him. His face swelled right up though, he looked pretty funny. Lots of snakes up there
Caught one in the lower niagara river this past fall while fishing for steelies, only 8lb but still a good experience, felt like a big snag at first. Heard theres some monsters in the upper part of the river though