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Everything posted by albany_guide

  1. Like what? Give every unemployed person a hug and tell them it will be alright? Tell me what you would have done about the recession without spending any money.
  2. What's your solution? Tell our foreign creditors, "sorry, I know we borrowed that money to keep our economy from sinking into the abyss, but you'll just have to accept that we won't be paying you back"? Not going to fly. Here's a life lesson you had best understand: There is no such thing as a free lunch. People love to complain. If the government had done nothing, people would have been complaining. The government goes out and borrows money and then (oh the horror!) makes plans to pay it back, people complain. You better get used to it. We'll be paying this bill of for some time.
  3. Did you think the 80 billion dollars the federal and provincial governments collectively borrowed to 'stabilize' our economy would magically pay itself back? Tax increases and higher interest rates are a given. For those proposing to fight the HST, how exactly do you propose we pay that money back? Get used to it! Tax increases are in the future. Bet on it! I see the tax free sales of principal residences being next on the chopping block. Welcome to the new normal.
  4. Well....as predicted GM has filed for chapter 11 protection. Let's crunch some numbers... $50 billion from US in bailout money $10 billion from Canada All for a company that could be bought OUTRIGHT for 500 million if every outstanding share was purchased. So, for our 10 billion, Canada assumes a 12% stake in this glorious company. Ahh yes.......it has been repaid alright. A 10 billion dollar loan has been 'repaid' with a 12% stake in a 500 million dollar company, equaling 60 million dollars, or a measly 0.006% 'repayment'. That money is gone forever, Outlaw. How does that crow taste?
  5. They are loads of fun. What exactly is in that second picture? Can't quite make it out.
  6. Well that is just an indication of ignorance right there. I have taught in elementary, secondary, and am currently teaching at a college. How about you? Any teaching experience or are you just talking out of your arse? Just one example....try setting up multiple bulletin boards in a classroom every week using students work...since manufactured products are now frowned upon. See how long that takes. Having taught a number of grades all the way through the system, including post secondary, I can tell you that preparing an effective lesson, evaluating student progress, maintianing a bright, visual classroom conducive to learning, and other demands of the profession for elementary teachers are not less time consuming than secondary. People assume they know what it takes to be a teacher since they went through the education system. That's like me saying I know what it's like to be a bank manager since I'm a customer of the bank. Experiencing the product of a profession does not indicate an understanding of what that profession entails. People need to educate themselves and quit assuming they know what it's like to do someone else's job.
  7. God bless your little girl and your family! I will be praying for a full recovery.
  8. Do you realize that a wolf that was 5 feet at the shoulder would easily stand eye to eye with a 6 foot man. There is no way you ever saw a wolf that was 5 feet at the shoulder. Impossible!
  9. Check your own facts outlaw. To say it was 'repaid' is putting it loosely. It was repaid by issuing more bonds. If I borrow $20 from you and then 'pay' you back by borrowing the $20 from someone else, is that showing you that I am managing my funds well? At what point does that end? It is a flawed business model, which is exactly why they're back asking for more. If they are so fiscally responsible, explain how the big three are collectively burning billions of dollars a month.
  10. You are absolutely delusional if you think that money will ever be repayed
  11. I agree that the short term consequences would be ugly. I don't want to diminish that. I am not insensitive to the amount of people who will be out of work when the big three fail. Here is the reality though. If the big three were to fail either a new car company would emerge or one of the foreign companies would buy a number of the factories and continue production. Not everyone will lose their jobs indefinitely. There is still demand, just not enough to sustain the big three as we know them. The most responsible thing to do is to let them fail and then give some money to help a new car company start up that is not so poorly run. We should not be rewarding this type of mismanagement and short sightedness. Think of it this way. If the government had continued to bail out the east coast fishery, they would still today be a poorly managed and unsustainable 'industry' that was in need of perpetual cash infusions every few years. Did it hurt when the fishery collapsed? Of course! Are they better off for it today? Definitely! They are now a 'have' province since they have refocused their production base towards other industries, namely energy. We will do the same here in Ontario. We'll emerge from this much stronger in a few years if the government does the right thing. If not, the big three will continue to slither back to the government 'teet' looking for more cash to burn.
  12. ...right! So other automobile companies saw the need to change years ago (think Toyota and Honda) while the big three continued pumping out gas guzzling pieces of crap. So because they lacked the foresight, we should now come to their rescue with taxpayer money? Even if the money was being used to create newer plants that produce more fuel efficient cars, the demand is STILL not there to support the companies as they are. The big 3 build 17 million new cars a year in the US. Current demand calls for 10 million. That 7 million discrepancy is not solely because their cars are gas guzzlers. They are building TOO MANY CARS!!! Period!!!!!!! Let's be real, any money given to the big three will be used to survive for a few more feeble months. They are bleeding BILLIONS a quarter. The big three as we know them are FINISHED! No amount of money can be handed out to make people in North America buy an additional 10 million cars annually. It's not going to happen!
  13. At the end of the day it is still a supply and demand question. I still want someone to answer my simple question: If we give them taxpayer money to continue to produce more cars than we are buying, WHO WILL EVENTUALLY BUY ALL THESE CARS? THAT is the question that needs to be answered. It is a simple question, but VERY important for the long-term sustainability of the industry. It should be clear that a handout is not the answer. The big three will still fail!
  14. Let's try to make some sense of the proposed bailout. The bottom line is that the big three are making cars that no one wants to buy. I'm going to use some simple numbers here for illustration sake. Let's say the big three are producing 100,000 cars a year, but right now the demand is only for 50,000. As a result, the companies are bleeding cash to try to stay afloat. So, the idea is we will bail them out with additional funds so they can continue to produce 100,000 cars a year and no one will lose their job. Question: At what point will people begin buying all these excess cars? There is no way out of it. Supply will continue to out-pace demand. Bail out or not, the big three will eventually fail.
  15. I was guiding out of Miminiska Lake, part of the Albany system. Amazing spot! If I remember correctly, it was probably around mid June Agreed. Sturgeon is actually great tasting fish. Very firm, light tasting meat.
  16. ...patience my friend....
  17. I was inspired by the thread about the pike with crayfish in its stomach to post a couple pictures from a few years ago. While I was in school I used to work as a fishing guide on the Albany during my summers. There was a small First Nation community 20km down river and some members would come up to occasionally net sturgeon, which they would bring back to their community to eat. I would used to help them empty their nets and clean their fish. A large pike was once caught in one of these nets, where it unfortunately died. It was the only pike I ever saw get caught in a sturgeon net. Anyways, here is a picture of the fish, as well as what was in its stomach (the fillet knife is there for size reference). As a side note, the fish was eaten. As a second side note, please don`t hijack this thread and turn it into a 'should they be allowed to net fish' debate. I'm just sharing a cool pic...that's all! Enjoy!
  18. I just rigged up one of my reels with fireline. I have been using berkley vanish as a leader, tied directly to the line. I have had the vanish break every time I set the hook. I tried a bunch of things....loosening drag, trying different knots (I usually use palomar) and it still breaks EVERY time. It has broken at the hook, as well as at the connection between the lines. Is it the line or is it me?
  19. By 'wide gap' do you mean offset worm hooks?
  20. I have two questions for the experienced anglers on this board. I tried senkos for the first time this weekend. I tried wacky rigging them, but was not happy with their action. What type and size of hook do people use when wacky rigging? I know the ends should wiggle when it free falls, drawing strikes. Mine just basically sank like a stick. What gives? The other question I have is about tube jigs. Do people find they get more strikes from bass by dragging them across the bottom or by hopping them? Thanks ahead of time for the responses. I love this forum!
  21. Hey everyone I just recently got into carp fishing. Man is it ever fun. I have had some good luck fishing with corn nibblets in a river near Owen Sound. Just wondering if there are any other carpers in the area that want to get together. I don't really know many spots and would like to learn from some more experienced anglers. Cheers
  22. Ouch...that hurts. I was there once. Had it happen while working as a guide. Remote location....had to use the string method. It hurt like heck. If you have a choice, use the hospital method.
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