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Posts posted by nautifish

  1. Well i am planning on hitting the show in Missa next saterday and am looking at purchaseing an under water Camera. Now i do not know too much about these units except there Big....lol...


    So i would appreciate any suggestions as to what are the best models out there? and if you do own one how do you like it?


    Thankyou so much.

  2. I have a group of us getting togeather to fish LPB on the 15th of this month & i am a little worried after looking at temps.


    Now i was looking at the temps foe the next five days.....& this is what they are.


    This forecast is for the LPB erea.





    Long Term Forecast Updated: Thursday, February 5, 2009, 15:42 EST



    Cloudy with showers Cloudy periods Sunny Light rain Cloudy with showers Cloudy with showers


    P.O.P. 80% 10% 0% 80% 60% 80%


    High Sat 5°C Sun1°C Mon -3°C Tues4°C Wed 7°C Thurs8°C


    Low Sat -2°C Sun-7°CMon -9°C Tues -3°C Wed 3°C Thurs1°C


    Wind....Sun SW 45 km/h

    Mon W 20 km/h ...

    Tues W 5 km/h....

    Wed SW 30 km/h ......

    ThursSE 25 km/h

    24-Hr Rain 2-4 mm



    Now is this really going to make the ice unstable?

  3. Well my son and his grlfreind are here for a few days visiting so we decided to hit a local pond this afternoon and Do some ice fishing. We fished for alittle over two hrs and no bites but it was a fun afternoon all the same.....


    Now This was my sons grlfreinds 1st time Ever out ice fishing.....and i am still chuckling from the question she asked and my sons ding dings....You will see what i mean after you have watched the video....lol





  4. I am sure they do Bly.....I was bringing up four children as well as running my own business while they were all growing up.


    Full time mom is alot of hard work 24/7


    Enjoy it i sometimes wish i had been home more when they were smaller. Now they are all grown. :( & flown the nest!

  5. Hey, you didn't finally buy that piece of property now did you?

    (Regardless, I'm sure whatever you do you'll succeed at. :) ).


    To answer the question I work at the weather office in Hamilton.



    LOL No solo....Allthough i have still thought about it trust me.....But with the way the economy is right now its probably good i never did pursue it....I am not sure how things are up in that neck of the woods but i'm betting it is not good either. I was shocked when i read what the failure rate is for that kind of busniness.

    Its still listed and has been for what two or three yrs now?

  6. How comes it only guy's answering this question?....lol


    Well for 16 yrs before returning back home to Canada i was Owner & Bosslady of a hair & beauty Salon. (Tivolis) I sold up returned home to canada eight yrs ago now bought a piece of property here on main street. Which i then opened up and ran my own Antique business for four yrs. It got where i was working seven days a week and no time for me to fish....& well lets face it thats no good......lol....So i sold up moved to a beautiful location still here in dover and took on a job as a manager of a womans clothing store. The store was closed up in the fall permanatly after 7 years...... :(


    So last fall i went out and bought something i needed , that i shall be pursueing a new career with this year. I am really looking forward to it too. :D


  7. Haha! You're going to have to get up early to get there before me! :whistling:


    Actually, you're in a much better area than me for that kind of stuff so you could do very well. Good hunting. :canadian:



    lol FB.....Well i am up at 5.30am and out the door by 5.45am when i am out yard saleing through the spring summer & Fall if i am not fishing......Yes i am in a great erea. Have stumbled across many an old tackle box full of old lures and such but too be honest at that time it was not what i was looking for.......How ever this year i shall. :D


    Fishinsled....Yeah its a great plate i love it......

  8. lol.....Actually that is not all my rods & reels....Those are just what was given to me by my uncle yesterday. That was not includeing the amount i allready have which is alot...... :thumbsup_anim:


    Danc LOL @ YOU.......


    My next investment will be some nice wooden rod holder stands.....Currently i have them all in some VERY LARGE CROCKS....and well it just aint doin anything for me.....lol......Gotta have them all displayed nicely.....lol....


    I'll be sure to post pictures once my new fishing room is completed...... :thumbsup_anim:


    As for the book......$5.00 Pfft!!...I sat reading that book for two hrs last night there are lures in there that date back too 1892....Now thats kool.....So i know what i will be looking for at auctions and yard saleing this year..... :D

  9. The pole is probably a crappie rod. You can reach over lilly pads and drop bait anywhere in between them.


    Are you British?


    Some of the language you use suggest that you are.


    By the way, nice fishing stuff for the room! I too laughed at the lube.



    Nope not British.....Canadian born. :canadian: ...I just sound like a limey!....Well actually i get told more i sound like a auzzy.....SO who knows. :whistling: .....lol

  10. Well i am in the process of re-decorateing my den and turning it into my fishing roon....So this morning i left the house around 11.00am and set off to Cambridge. The sun was out was a beautiful morning here in dover. Once i got just the other side of Paris the snow was starting to come down...







    Not too bad but i hate driving in snow.....


    Arrived at my uncle place around 12.45pm........Sat and yakked for a few hrs... 3.30 came real quick so we packed up my van with all my new goodies... ;D.... I was not looking forward to the drive home lemme tell ya the snow was coming down real good and had been all the time i was at my uncles......So once the van was packed full i headed home.....It never ceases to amaze me how many stupid bloody idiots they're are out there. The roads were crap....I was driving like Miss Daisey lol and i don't give a Monkeys..I was not ending up in no ditch...........This is a hill off of Myers.....As you can see none of the cars could get up this hill....



    This poor sod ended up in the playing feild..



    Then as i was leaving out of Cambridge this woman lost control of her Vehicle and ended up in the ditch.



    I stopped to make sure she was okay and she said someone was on they're way....So i slowly proceeded Home.....Once i got to this side of waterford it was beautiful........Sun was peeking through and no bloody awe full snow....Man am i ever glad i don't live in the snow belt erea.....lol


    So once home i opened up my van....



    Starting unloading everything....I don't think i will ever have to buy another fishing rod in my life ......lol


    These are just a few things my uncle gave me i would be here all night if i photographed everything......lol







    I larfed when i found this in one of the tackle boxes...



    I was also given this beautiful book on antique fishing lures.....and it is a beauty book...





    I luv this book...


    I also got a load of fishing nets, tackle boxes, rod holders, fishy stuff to hang in my new fishing room, more lures and hooks and well you name it i probably got it.....lol.....So as much as i really hate driving in winter weather it was worth it....... ;D



    Now i have one question....Can someone please tell me what u use a 16' shoreline stalker pole for? It is an extended telescope rod light action - 5 sec. Never seen one before....It has no eyes or reel this is why i am asking...... ::)








    I am puzzled why it has no eyes on the pole anywhere.

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