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Posts posted by nautifish

  1. A couple of shots i took around my home this afternoon.


    Nothing to spectacular but i just love seeing so much colour every where this time of year.







    & of course i had to add a black & white as it is my favorite. :thumbsup_anim:



  2. LOL...i think they are equally beautiful, both have nice moorland too. We say OOOOOOHHHHAAARRRGH.....you say AYE UP LASS :P



    Noo you got that wrong right there....




    we say Aye up and av u got a pund. ;)

  3. off season... we all flew down, flights were 450 including tax round trip.

    3 of the 4 guys caught the biggest fish of thier life ( I would of but I fell asleep!)



    Jamie drop me a pm.......I'd like to know what roughly the total cost of the trip is. I think i would probably drive though i love to drive and its a good excuse to put in some sight seeing also. :D

  4. Thanks for the welcome guys! Lol nanook...petrol is that stuff they were charging me twice as much for as they do here :thumbsup_anim: Nauti.....i was living in Devon in England...great seafishing!



    Ahhhh Devon , Absolutley beautiful part of the country, allmost as beautiful as Yorkshire but not quite. :P ...lol ;)

  5. Four days three nights.


    From Harrogate north of england drove down TO DOVER OFF AT CALAIS france Detoured to belguim, germany France then into spain. Our final destination was San Pere pescadore southern spain. Beautiful drive especially through the south of france. Was in a motor home at the time. The only thing i did not like about the whole trip was at the camp sites the toilets were BLOODY HORRIBLE.......You walk in to a cubicle the walls and floors are all tiled. They're is a bar on each wall on either side of you and a bloody hole in the ground.


    Nothing to sit on you just grab the bars and squat.........EUWWWWW!!..... :asshat:

  6. I think fireworks and those bloody sparklers should be both banned. I think that fireworks should only be allowed to be used in places where it is controlled by professionals & on such days as canada day, victoria day what ever. Here in dover they put on a fire work display on canada day at the end of the peir . The peir is roped off and there are professional ,fireman and ambulance all present incase something should go wrong. They do not allow any of the public on the peir at this time and i think thats how all events should be.


    They are Explosives plain and simple. I beleive that fire works are now banned in the UK The public can no longer buy them. Guy fawks was allways a crazy night over there for the Emergency crews and hospitals. It was ridiculous ever yr children and adults getting hands blown off severe burns u name it.


    A few years ago here in dover a very young grl was holding a sparkler she was six yrs old and was being watched by her grandfather .


    A hot amber from the sparkler caught on Her dress and her dress was in flames with in seconds. She had 2nd & 3rd degree burns all over her body was in the hospital for months in London, has had many skin graphs and other corrective sugery and this was from one simple sparkler. One of the local bars here on town did a couple of fund raisers for the family which i think was great.


    I like to go watch fire works also but only at such places or event as they do here on the peir in dover. I have never had any interest to buy fire works and bring them home to let off in my back garden.


    So yes they should be banned totally banned for use by the public & only used by professional in a controlled & safe enviroment.

  7. Well managed to get out for 45 minutes this evening. Was really hoping to get into a even bigger carp this evening. Weather is just crappy water was choppy too.


    Sopost to be a better day tommorow so hopefully i will beat my PB from last night.


    Happy carping everyone. ;)

  8. work saterday was hoping to get away for two days. But i just got news tonight my dad has had two strokes so will be staying home. He was sopost to be flying in with my mom from the UK in three weeks for my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary.


    What ever your doing have a great weekend and enjoy being with your loved ones.



  9. I've never been a carp fan nauti, but congrats to you on getting yerself your PB :thumbsup_anim:


    You seem to put alot of time on the water lookin for those critters, so you certainly deserve to be rewarded with another biggun.



    Well lew they really are alot of fun to catch these fish. I probably spent 35 to 40 minutes in total with this fish last night. I had an absolute blast, when they get to this size they really can put up on hell of a scrap.


    Maybe you should give it a shot lew even if its just once. You might change your mind. :thumbsup_anim:


    & thanx hun. ;)


    F3 & MATTK Thankyou. ;)



    Beans thankyou..........Maybe i should try and get Photoz to come take a trip down to my neck of the woods and fish for some carp. :thumbsup_anim:

  10. Congrats on the PB once again! Wow that was quick :D. How good can it get when you hook this big girl after dropping your rig for 5 minutes!! :thumbsup_anim:


    Just a tip I've learned from fellow carpers, when lifting these big fish out of the water in the net, instead of bringing them up using the net handle, point the net handle towards the sky and lift up. Use your knees to lift instead of your back. I think this way it will be much easier on the net-person and the net.


    MJL has offered to give me free carp weights if i french kiss a carp the next time we go out ... hmm ... it isn't so bad after all eh? :clapping:



    Okay i would never french kiss a carp but i don't mind the quick little peck .....lol....There is a limit you know and tonsil tickling a carp is one of them... ;) ...lol


    As for the net victor yes i know but if and when you see the video you will see why it bent. Now the part that extends will not slide in and out as easily anymore on the Handle. I need a bigger one anyway so i am not sweating it.


    Hopefully i will be out again this evening see if i can get even bigger.......We have a spot here in dover where they come into spawn and they come in real thick. When you watch them from off shore you would allmost think they were sharks....lol......I have seen some monsters in there and i mean really big so i know he or she is out there........ :D



    Moosebunk okay thats just wrong......lol :P

  11. Sooo, what happened afterwards? Did Mr. Carp turn into a handsome prince and you rode away together on his stalion?!


    That pick of you kissing the carp... Now I've seen everything! Priceless!


    Still, a nice catch. Congrats dudette!






    LOL HD....


    No no handsome prince appeared after the Kiss.......ohh well.....lol



    and thanx DUDE......LOL ;)


    Nauti. :D

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