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About RyanJohnson

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  1. Check out the link for full results, it was a great day but tough bite for most. http://www.timeonthewater.org/BBMsimcoe_open_2008.html
  2. Nice Fish Steve, you really do have that lake diald. Isn't that my boat??? lol!!! That was certainly a fun afternoon, only 12 fish. You had me beat but couldent seal the deal, my 2 back to back at the end to tie it up was clutch. Now leave them alone till tourney day.
  3. OK, I need to Jump In Now, I sell cleaning supplies for a living, my company manufactures a Enzyme Based Odour Digester. Now the Enzyms are specialy formulated to digest organic matter ie, urine, vomit, food, blood ect. Knok Out is a ok product but is not a enzyme based product and is designed to counteract odours not digest them. So 2-3 applications will have the odour 100% gone and the stain will be gone as well, everything gets eaten by the enzymes. Dont call the professionals, they buy from us!! Go to your local Swish Clean it Centre www.swishclean.com and ask for Aromx 35 odour digestor
  4. The Ice Conditions between Innisfil Beach and Long Shoal are not good for us Long Shoal people, the farthest I have made it is the 9th line, if you look out from the 9th you will see a group of huts, im out there. Thats as far as I know of anyone going. I was on 5 inches 2 weeks ago and with this cold weather should harden things up. The fishing was good late Jan off Innisfil beach and since the perch seemed to move in to 80 fow, thats when I decided to head closer to long shoal off the 9th to 87 fow, the fishing has been good when we could get out there freggin warm front, then when it got cold again mother nature dumped 18 inches of snow on top to insulate it. So the conditions havent gotten much better. Keep your fingers crossed for lots of cold weather.
  5. Ive been scared to look, my hut is one of those off in the distance. Bring on the cold, so I can go check up on it. The fishing has been great any day I can get out there, when your only sitting on 5 inches and it gets warm and the lake looks grey, stay away!! I will be back when its Black!!! Wow that even rhymed
  6. I was in 84', seems to be lots of activity down there, but few takers. Hope to get some cold weather to harden up that ice some more, so we can get out in the Big Lake
  7. Jst got back in from my morning trip, lots of people, but slow fishing. Marked a lot of fish, with only 1 taker at 930am nice little whitie, gonna taste goosd in the pan tonight. Got her one the old school jigging stick and hand bomb technique, its the only way to roll. Any one else who got out there today please post results.
  8. If your out in Innisfill area, stop by the Red Roof Hut, thats mine, you cant miss it. Put her out Today where I was expecting to find 6 in of ice to find 4 in. Was a little concerned, due to the 8" of blocks we had to put under her to stop it from sinking. But if she gets cold tonight, all that water should freez and were looking at least 10 inches. It was a slow morning but got red hot mid afternoon with 2 nice Lakers and 1 lost fish, probably a whitie. Heading out first thing tomorrow, good luck to all heading out.
  9. I moved to Barrie, to go to college and never left. I got a great Job close to home, to work in Barrie and make a City wage is a blessing. It has a small town mentality, but its a City. Its perfectly situated for myself being right on Simcoe though its close enough to the Muskoka's and a short trip up the 400 to the GTA. The last year I moved to Innisfil, where I have some land, and 2 mins to the Boat launch and 2 min to the Fish Hut. Its Perfect, who said anything about 9 lb lakers and 6 lb smallies, more like 25 lb lakers (ive caught one) and 7-9 lb smallies ( ive caught a 7.5, and a friend has a 9.5 mounted, .2 off the Canadian Recort) I will be here for a while!!
  10. 85 FOW, wow Did you get any fish at least? I am hoping to get into 60-70 fow tomorrow
  11. I saw some sleds out on the big lake last night, any word on the ice conditions. There was a few out fishing today, any luck? Im gonna head out tomorrow drill some holes, and try for some whities.
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