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Everything posted by Fishnwire

  1. I never intended to provoke a discussion with my signature, and know full well a lot of OFNers have no sympathy for any form of labour disbute, so I have no intention of attempting to defend my position...but since you asked; The strike in Sudbury will almost certainly last until the new year and possibly much longer. I can't speak for the miners, but as a tradesman, I was already being compensated at a lower rate than the average in the industry, and have no intention of going back to work for less than what I was already making. You can forgot about me taking concessions, period. I can work in a safer (above ground) environment for the same or better compensation than I'll make in that pit of darkness and danger. Recession or not, skilled tradesmen are in demand and if they don't want to pay me market value...I'll do my thing for someone who appreciates what skilled labor is worth. That said, I love it underground and just want to go back to earning. Sorry to go on and on, thanks for the interest.
  2. Thank you for your help. However, no keyboard icon is displayed in that area of my screen. Also, as I've said a couple of times, the problem is intermitant...the keyboard will be working fine and then half way through composing something, I'll experience the problem. I'm pretty sure it's an accidental key-stroke, and not a setting made through a tool-bar.
  3. We tend to remember fish a little bigger than they really were. Pictures don't lie or exagerate the way our "photographic" memories do. I have another picture of me holding the same pike as in my current avator that looks like I'm holding a hammer-handle by comparison. Unless there is measuring tape in the background, a picture is not much better than a fish tale.
  4. This seems to be pertanent infomation. Right on track. I'll try this...the guy seems to have experienced the exact same problem as me. Marko is awesome...he must blast top-water smallies everyday, because that is the very definition of coolness.
  5. "time line"? I'm looking at the bottom right of the screen but don't see what you're refering to. Please explain.
  6. The thing is that I will be in the middle of typing something and I will notice it is happening. When I start I'm OK, but at some point I must hit a single key which enables the french stuff. I wish I knew what I'm doing to make it switch over, because I would do the opposite to reverse it. I'm not a good typer, and frequently hit keys that I don't mean to...but the settings are fine, because the french charaters only appear after I've spent some time with the keyboard working perfectly. I have a feeling it's a function key, or possible an "Alt" or "Ctrl" thing. Regardless, seeing as it's an on-again, off-again thing...it makes no sense that the settings are involved. No?
  7. Taxes are high in Ontario...but you get what you pay for. Roads, schools, hospitals, law enforcement, parks and rec, etc...someone has to pay for that stuff and we all enjoy the benefits of living in the greatest place on earth. Sure taxes could be lowered. We could also live in a country where the children of low-income families have no option other than starving to death, or dying of the flu.
  8. That sounds like advice for "quiters". Pretty funny though, no doubt about it. I don't think I have what it takes to ever get away from my top-water addiction...good luck to those that attempt to get this monkey off their backs.
  9. Never heard that one before...pretty funny! I'm gonna steal that one.
  10. OK ...I've got Windows Vista (Don't bother telling me...it came free with my new computer and I was given no other option) and for some reason, a lot of the time when I go to use key strokes like the question mark or quotation marks, I get french characters intead...the "e" with the little hat on it, or whatever else french Bull I don't need. (My grandmother was totally french...I'm don't mean to say anything against the french language or french speaking people) Obviously I'm hitting a function key or some other stupid thing I'm un-aware of...but I know of no other way to fix it than to exit whatever program I'm using and re-start it. I'm gonna lose it. Somebody please tell me what I'm doing to make this happen, and what I can do to rectify it. Otherwise, I'll have no choice but to claw my own face off the next time this happens. Sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum...this is the only one I come to.
  11. I'm an electrician and wouldn't consider picking up and putting my life here in Canada on hold for the same as I could make near my friends and family. That's just me though. When I was younger, I might have considered it. I'm aware meat cutting is a marketable skill, but are you telling me they can't find a qualified butcher between here and Bermuda? Seems a little fishy to me. You may want to ask youreself why this company needs to come all the way to Canada to attract someone willing to do the job. I'm considering applying for a one year contract in Korea with Atomic Energy of Canada as a high voltage Technologist...but I would make about $80000 tax free dollars in less than nine months. Any less than that and I'd stay home. Good luck with whatever you decide. Always remember that working is almost always better than not working.
  12. My problem is that even if I know top-waters are not the most productive presentation, I'll still elect to throw 'em. Lately I'd rather experience one or two surface smashers than to tie into a dozen different bass below the surface. There are times when I know that other presentations have a better chance of catching fish, but refuse to put down my top-water rod. I swear to God putting down that top-water rod is like trying to put down a crack-pipe...despite what's best for me...I just don't care. Oh God...just gimme one more heart-pounding surface blast...just one more...I NEED IT! Don't hold back on me...if I don't get what I need then send me to re-hab. PLEASE JUST HIT THAT POPPER!!!!!! I'm dying here. I`m begging! Doesn`t that sound like your typical addict?
  13. All I wanna do is throw top-waters for smallies. Even if my partner in the boat is producing fish, and I can't raise one on my poppers, I'm just can't seem to stop thowin' 'em. That rush you get when a big bass breaks surface simply does not compare to the feeling of a fish taking bait below surface. I'd rather see a single fish break water on a top-water than land 5 equivalent fish from the deep. I'm addicted. I`m ruined for subsurface fishing. I need help.
  14. Most of us has, at some point, piloted a vehicle in an unsafe manner. Everyone of us has held the throttle on a quad, sled, dirtbike or watercraft all the way down to "see what this baby can do." Can anyone honestly say they've never acted on a need for speed? Nobody here has ever tried to pull a wheelie on their quads, or seeked to get a little "air-time" on their sleds? C'mon. Be honest. Of course, the more you play with fire, the better the chance of getting burned, but those of us who've never had a wreck can attribute that to luck as well as making the right choices, because like I say, most of us have pushed the boundries of safe recreational vehicle operation at some point in our lives. I don't hammer down on my quad on a regular basis, but I do know exactly what the machine's top speed is, because I've been there.
  15. Check this idiot out... http://www.rockethumor.com/media/4484/Jet-...nds-Picnic.html Not a big power boat, but still worth a look.
  16. I had a simular day of fishing last Monday. By the end of the day, my left thumb looked like sandpaper from lip-locking so many big bass. There's nothing like catching one ofter another of the size of fish that might make a guy's whole year. Another good thing is when the big ones are in feeding frenzy mode, you can go all day and not hook into anything less than 16 inches...the littles ones lay low or end up as food I guess. I'm going back to that very spot tomorrow for five days straight. It's all about the soft plastic and top waters, baby. I can't wait. Thanks for sharing the vid. Good stuff.
  17. He'll pay a fine (which he can easily afford) probably keep the boat and never spend a day in jail. Remember the golden rule...who ever has the gold makes the rules.
  18. Like I said, I don't hunt myself, but I couldn't agree more about the pickeral/partridge dinner. Mmmmmm! While my father-in-law is hunting for birds on the trails I go and scare up a couple of walleye. It's our version of "surf and turf". It's good cold the next day too.
  19. All good advice guys. I`m going to camp tomorrow and will try out some of what I`ve heard here. Thanks. I have one other question. A poster mentioned using top-water for bass as a method for reducing pike strikes. I have a "buddy" who claims that his go to method for pike IS topwater. It wouldn`t be the first time he`s said something a little shady in an effort to "one-up" me. I was telling him about some nice smallies I`d gotten off surface and he basically said, "Top-water smallies are boring, I go for top-water pike. THAT's fishing, not your little bass." Like I said, he's a "buddy" of mine.
  20. I was wondering what percentage of OFNers also hunt. I would consider you a hunter if you go hunting at least once every fall. Small game, migrotory water fowl, moose, bear, deer, whatever. I personally do not hunt. I'm a little too squemish to deal with certain unpleasant aspects of the harvest, and don't have the "killer instinct". That said, I have no problem with others hunting. I think its part of people's heritage and would fight to protect other's right to continue to do so...that is NOT what this is about. It's about personal choice...I assume I'm in the minority, but was just wondering by how much. Up north here in Sudbury, most people who I`m aquanted with who know I`m into fishing and own a camp, will ask me in the fall when and where I`m going hunting. When I tell them I don`t hunt, they`re often surprised...it`s like the two normally go together...fishing AND hunting. I don`t think hunting is as popular down south (hunting for a parking space at the Square 1 doesn`t count) as it is up here, but I could be wrong. Here`s hoping your weather is better than mine today.
  21. Can you expand upon the "wait until you set the hook" thing? Is that even possible?...did I mention the cardiac episode I nearly have when the fish breaks water or boils? Are you talking about a few seconds, or a fraction of a second? I'll try my best but the instinct to drive it home is pretty strong. When I'm popping a bait there's sometimes a little slack in the line, should I just wait for the tension after a strike? Thanks for your help. What can you tell me about getting a rise out of deeper water (10-20 feet) bass. Is it worth trying?
  22. That would be a good idea. I have to admit that I don't often read the reports...I'm in Sudbury and most are for waters I'm unfamiliar with, and will in all likelyhood, never fish. If other posters took the time to wade through the reports, singling out the ones that are most readable, I might start checking more of them out...including ones that didn't make the cut.
  23. No, this thread is not new, but still worth discussing. Of course you can get a serviceable rod and rel combo for under $100. I have 5 of the Abu Garcia combos that Crappy Tire had on sale last year for about $50...I use them all the time. I like them just fine. I also have a couple of Loomis rods a a decent Fenwick that I bought when I was younger. I have to admit I really enjoy using those rods, but with other financial priorities, I couldn't justify (to my wife anyway) spending that kind of money these days if I had to replace them. As always comes up in similar threads, a lot of guys, myself included, would much rather spend top dollar on things like line, hooks, swivels, jigs, leaders and lead...terminal tackle shouldn't be scrimped on IMO. Other thing to consider is just how "into it" you are. For example, I like music, but lack the audio sophistication to really tell the difference between a $1000 home system, and a $10000 home system. They both sound pretty good to me! Whereas a professional sound engineer would require a top of the line sound system to fully enjoy listening to his favourite music, I'd be just as happy rockin' out to my tunes on my $80 computer speakers.
  24. I just recently became somewhat addicted to the top water bite for smallmouth bass. In years past I only occasionally went to them, had limited success and didn't have much confidence in them. You know how it is with those presentations that you just have no confidence in? You don't go to them when maybe you should, and you don't throw them long as long as maybe you should. That's how I was with top waters. This year I've banged a few beauties on a couple of different top-water baits. It's becoming my prefered method. When they smash that thing on surface, it makes me almost have a cardiac. Awesome! I had an 18 incher miss it once, come back and hit it so hard it cleared two feet of water. Geez I wish I was doing it right now! I've been liking this Rapala Skitter Walk and weightless Texas-rigged power lizards. Mainly I've been getting them in fairly shallow water, usually on top of visable structure...timber or big boulders. What other features and situations should I be trying them on? I've heard of guys raising them out of 15 feet of water or more, is this true? I've had better luck when the water is still, is there any point using them on the chop? How much dead time do you like?...periods when you just let the bait sit motionless on the surface? Any top water wisdom would be welcome. Thanks.
  25. Dan, you seem like a pretty decent guy, I've seen you around the boards and I don't have anything against you. I just have to wonder what the point of your "get over it" reply was. If you think about, you can see it adds nothing to the conversation and can only serve to breed hostility. The title of the thread was self evident...I know that if I'm not interested in a thread's content, I won't open it, and I certainly won't reply to it. Maybe I'm being a little over-sensitive. I've just been seeing more and more of that on this board (not by you specifically, Dan) and I kind of wonder what people's motivation is...and I wish the weather was better so I could go fishing.
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