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Posts posted by Maverick

  1. I bought the Nikon D7100 with the 18-55 kit lens on boxing day of last year. I also added a Tamron 70-300 Di VC lens and a Nikon that other site-S 35mm f1.8G lens. I purchased the camera kit from Henrys and the lenses at Future Shop and Amazon.


    The main thing is to do your research. I researched my decision for over a month and by the time I decided my wife was so happy that getting the extra lenses wasn't too big of a deal lol.


    Read reviews. There are a ton of great review sites that review based on the specs and not on the brand. There are also a lot of Cannon and Nikon fans out there and they'll steer you towards one or the other. When you choose your camera you need to realise that you are choosing the lens line, both Cannon and Nikon have similar lenses at similar price points. For me it was between the Cannon 70D and the Nikon D7100. Both had excellet reviews, the Cannon had touchscreen, the Nikon had buttons. I have fat fingers, went with the buttons. It was a tough decision but I don't think I would have been disappointed either way.


    http://www.dpreview.com/ is an excellent review site, you can compare cameras side by side. I would start there.

    http://www.kenrockwell.com/index.htm is another review site I found useful.


    I wouldn't stay away from box stores, I wouldn't expect them to know much either. Narrow your choices down and go in and hold them to see how they feel in your hand. Then find the place that has the best price and purchase it there. It's not necessary to purchase a camera at a camera store. In my case, Henry's was $150 cheaper than the next place.


    Also, don't discount the kit lenses, they provide excellent bang for their buck. They are great to start with and then you can pick up lenses as you learn what you need.


    Good luck!

  2. My great grandfather lost his leg in WWI and my grandfather enlisted into the Navy at the age 16 in WWII. He never did say much about his time in the Navy but that was not uncommon. Watching the ceremonies in Normandy makes you realize how lucky we are to have the freedom we have. My thanks to all the Veterans and those still serving, you will never be forgotten.

  3. The skitters here will drive you out of your mind. During the day they are manageable but come 8pm you better be wearing full head to toe clothing with a ski mask. They are thick but I have yet to see a blackfly yet though. I use Watkins cream and it works ok, after 8 you are screwed. The only place I've seen them worse is up in the middle of the arctic.


    Does anybody know if those propane jobbies work? I'm borderline desperate. I am being pestered by a skitter right freakin' now :wallbash:

  4. The Independent is a large grocery store on the corner of 11/17 and Trout Lake Rd. You can't miss it. It has a butcher shop in the store, you can ask for different cuts than what is out. I picked up a brisket there and the guy brought it out from the back and I was able to ask for exactly the portion I wanted. If you are looking for an actual butcher shop Don's in Sturgeon Falls, 30 mins west of North Bay, is very good as others have said.

  5. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid or 2, 4-D is what you want. It's what was in all the herbicides that kill broadleaf plants. Not for use in Ontario or Quebec for lawn and garden applications. You either need to know a farmer or go state side. I have a personal vendetta against dandelions but now live on the water and have a baby in the house so 2, 4-D is out of the question. Heavily seed is my only option.

  6. The nets are not selective..


    Actually they are, they let smaller fish swim through and like Nipfisher said, target the larger, 18"+, fish.


    A buddy of mine in Quebec was telling me that next winter they are closing the ice fishing season in one of the lakes that he fishes. Won't be long before we are doing that here.


    In my opinion, two things need to happen. They need to decrease the amount of ice huts and operators on the lake and they need to decrease the quota that the commercial fishers have.

  7. Thanks for all the replies. I found a guy on kijiji selling musky lures so I went over to see what he had. The guy had a hundreds of baits, they were all labelled and he gave me great a price. Here is what I picked up, some of the colour schemes might not work but that can be changed.




    Starting from the left going down the rows there's


    9" Grandma

    10" Slammer

    Big Fork Lures Jointed 8" River Rat

    Jointed 8" Believer

    9" Suick

    9" Sledge

    7" Sledge

    Stidham Z180

    ? Not sure what the one top right is....anyone?

    Gries Tackle Topkick Super Spin

    Windels Musky Chugger

    Hellraiser Tackle Rattlin' Woodtick


    Along with the 2 spinnerbaits and one bucktail. He wasn't selling many of his bucktails so I will have to pick up a couple. I had wanted to get some of Handlebarz anyways. I think this assortment of different types should get me started and I didn't break the bank. I tried to pick what people suggested, then I thought some looked cool as well. It'll be fun to see if that pink Woodtick works, I am doubting it but it looks cool. He didn't have any Jakes but the Grandma and Slammer looked similar and he didn't have a Topraider to sell be the Topkick looked along the same lines. He had a jailbird Believer but he wouldn't part with it.


    Does anyone know the name of the top right corner lure and what it's action is? Any comments on that assortment?


    Thanks for all the info so far, would be totally lost without it.

  8. The gas company really isn't trying to pull a fast one on us.


    No why would they? They've already got us all bent over.


    My first question would be why was the meter not read at some point throughout the winter? I used to have my meter read every second month when I had natural gas.

  9. i can't stop these people from calling my house.. :dunno:

    ..had to change my answering machine to "I DO NOT NEED WINDOWS, DOORS OR MY DUCTS CLEANED, anyone else feel free to leave a message!"


    Man, the duct cleaners were calling constantly. First I was polite and said no thanks. Then I started telling them that I heat with electric baseboards and have no ducts. They still called, so I let them speak with the boss...




    Yup the dog, after Duke howled at them a few times, they stopped calling.


    In response to your post, try to find a phone number where you can talk to an actual person. If not, it wasn't meant to be.

  10. That's terrible.


    I worked for a company which had an employee killed by a grizzly a year prior. We routinely surveyed remote locations on foot and these locations almost always had grizzlies around. You definitely have to be aware when you are in those situations.

  11. Man, thanks to everyone who has replied. There's so much to learn and only 5 weeks to learn it, haha.


    I think this year I will do a full inventory and sell off the ones that I do not use.


    Let me know what you plan on selling, I will probably be interested :thumbsup_anim:



    Funny how you catch the unexpected sometimes. Caught my PB pike, 33lbs, fishing for walleye with a jig and grub tipped with a minnow.

  12. Thanks for all the replies guys. So I'm guessing you don't match the hatch with musky because I don't think I've seen anything local that looks like the jailbird colour.


    cast or troll.?


    I usually fish for bass so I like casting but whatever works best. I've only fished for them 3 times and haven't caught one yet so I'm not ruling out any method.


    Couple more questions, what pound test line should I be spooling on my reel? What type, strength, length of leaders should I be looking at?

  13. I am new to musky fishing and I am looking to put together a musky box. I only have an orange buck tail and a black and orange bull dawg. I will be mostly fishing Cache Bay and the west side of Nipissing, might venture to Trout Lake or Nosbonsing.


    My question is, if you could only take 10 lures, what would they be and in what colour?

  14. Well sell lot's of them but I have yet to talk with a fellow customer to ask why. In my mind if you want to keep stuff dry you but either a normal Plano container or the water proof version's Plano makes. Unless you have dry storage in the boat and always put away baits wet I guess the holy containers might help…Bass jig's like to rust so might be good for them. But if it's foggy out everything may become wet on the inside…I'll find out why…one day lool


    Ya, I was just wondering because, like you said, if there's any moisture in the air or if it is raining then the whole box becomes wet.

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