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About keswickman

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  1. Hi, the samsung galaxy tab A does have a built in GPS. Also has a slot for an SD card to expand memory for large apps. The app I use for offline maps is called Osmand and I use the free version on both my tablet and phone. Download from google play. This size of tablet is great for navronics also for fishing charts. Again once downloaded ( have to purchase) you can use offline. So no data plan no cost. The only issue with continuous use is battery life. Get an a 12 volt charger for use in the boat and you are good to go. Can also use charger in car for navigation. Osmand also has a voice nav option. Good luck.
  2. This site http://www.angelfire.com/blues2/bcaron/campsite.html has a description of the campsites. I have never camped on the Massasauga park sites but motored by when fishing the area below Moon falls. Must try one of these years. I prefer the isolation of the river camping above the falls.
  3. Another way would be to rig an electric actuator of the type at Princess auto. These range in stroke from 4 to 12 inches, can handle over 100 pounds, work off 12 volts and are in the $100+ range. I looked at doing that for my 40 mariner but opted for a bow mount motor instead as my need to run in a shallow position was very limited.
  4. I broke my rod tip a couple weeks ago. Went to Lebaron to buy rod tip repair kit. The kit had size in metric and I had measured in inches. Asked the clerk if he could convert he said no and went behind counter and brought out plastic bin full of tips and guides and said try one. I had the old broken tip with me and found one which fit the rod end. The asked how much he said 2 bucks. Went cashier and she was waiting for customer to come back with a a replacement item clerk saw me waiting came over and asked if I had a tooney. Gave him one and he said ok thanks and I left. Great service and price. Went home mixed some 5 minute expoy and fixed rod.
  5. If don't plan on doing ant portaging the best idea would be a 12 or 14 aluminum cartopper. I have an old 14 cartopper and a 17 aluminum canoe. I use an outrigger on the canoe when using motor or carrying heavy camping load.
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